
BTC - Update - H&S reverse

Bitcoin short trend update

Wish you evening is wonderful and warm

In anticipation of the previous article, we were skeptical that the Bitcoin scenario could fail and turn back to its downtrend, and it was great Bitcoin broke out of the deadline at $ 8868 on the Bittrex platform to create a new trend.

In the short term, Bitcoin prices are returning to the uptrend in a reverse H & S pattern, while BTC will continue to sideway in the range of 8200 - 8700, then BO and then enter the potential price range as close to will be 10,000 - 10,600 and we will TP in this area, then wait for new signal at uptrend.

As in previous analyzes, Bitcoin is still in a downward trend, despite strong resistance at $ 12,000, but support at $ 1900 and $ 3500 have not yet been tested. We will update the latest news later


#SeeTheFuTure Team


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