hello everyone
time for some bearish bitcoin theories
with bitcoin etfs becoming more available i believe btc will be coming down.
high yeild dividend etfs combined with high yield staking option availability means more people own inflated portfolios from margin traders- as this is the only way to yield anything from a non productive asset.
however this comes at the cost of taking dividends and yields out of the market cap- where else would it come from.
the 30-50-100% yeilds are heavily unsustainable and we will see large scale pump and dumps as money moves in and out of the "coin ecosystem" to obtain the dividend yield from the ETF, rather than staking it and actually providing liquidity for a period of time
but we can use this to our advantage aswell.
here are some good times to consider lining up with:
BTCY- ETHY- 35%- 50% dividends/yr respective
(covered call based yield etfs)