
Now Like I Was Saying Total Moon Bro!

BradySWilliams 업데이트됨   
Ya, like any other so much news impels me to say fill in the blank...

The world could straight up end and somehow people would insist it's good for price and how now the world will see just how valuable said coin is... (Snore)

Maybe it is just me but even if you were right it might be worth surviving to know if you are correct in your thesis. I can't or really won't get into the details of comments I have read/heard this week however; never hurts to consider true value outside of price. You know like food, shelter, security and above all breathing.

Look I don't know everything but I know this I will take a haircut if it means family's safety. I will take hyperinflation before I gave up my life but I will defiantly choose to live in peace to have another day to assess risk and say "no thank you" to a maxis of any kind telling me why my money should help prove their case. Some argument that exploits something serious doesn't have greater value than my life, my families or my freedom.

So with that said "cha-ching" ya'll enjoy your digital raffle tickets I am frying larger fish. 💲🐟
Oh and why Bybit? Not a reason at all just wanted to look at a different chart that was clean and someone that apparently has a bigger noggin than me thinks is the great place to trade. Ok, having tried to see things their way I am still set in my ways.

No Advice to give just thoughts that I can't shake after the last 6 years in the world of "CRYPTO"

Things 🤷‍♂️ #Fixed IDK Protect Your Neck!


I am The CoinSLayer
Gee Bitcoin I am soooo surprised!!


Close enough thank you! Now life goes on!


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