
BTC Market Cycle Reset Idea #4 Ugly Once Again

So what I have done here is replicated the MARKET CYCLE chart most of us should have seen by now. www.thegoldandoilguy.../Stages-for-AAPL.png

Per my last published idea, Institutional money wants no part of spending all they money on BTC at highs we have seen. They like where we bought in below $2K and will fight like rabid animals to get that price. Will this happen? I have no idea, but it's naive to think it's not possible. MOST of the existing BTC is not in the market place, it is being held for 2021 to become the bankers of the new paradigm upon the death of FIAT money, which I do believe is in process now. Centralizers such as banks and government don't want BTC to survive, but one the FED coin gets released (yes it IS coming) and dumps like a junk coin always does, the people will get a say and all the good natured people that held their BTC for this time to come will be part of bringing the PEOPLE back into power once again.

Just a thought, flame it or support it, I don't care just THINK about your future and not just tomorrow or next year.

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