
Top 30 coins comparison per usd and predictions based on Eth/Btc

Top 30 coins comparing coin per usd and predictions based on Eth/Btc trend. It appears for the past 2 times when Eth/Btc ratio trend change to positive that the majority of the top 30 altcoins increase in value for about 4 weeks. Btc/Usd graph is a light blue area representing water. So if you bought and held Btc during the whole time you would be at the surface of the water. So you could compare whether or not you would have been better holding Btc or an altcoin depending if you were above or underwater.


이 정보와 게시물은 TradingView에서 제공하거나 보증하는 금융, 투자, 거래 또는 기타 유형의 조언이나 권고 사항을 의미하거나 구성하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 이용 약관을 참고하세요.