The short answer: it doesn't matter.

As you can see, we're at the floor of the 200 week moving average. We've also deviated from the 50 week (1 year) severely and proportional to the previous cycles' bottoms.

Do I care that the bottom is in? Yes, but nowhere near as much as I care about catching the lows of the range. BTC declined 70%+ from last ATH and I start buying heavily (although I DCA a tiny amount every day)

The fundamentals haven't changed, just the market conditions.

Either way, for the sake of analysis alone, we document present sentiment. Most believe this is/has been a bear market rally and don't see over 28K for another 6+ months. Many are calling for lower lows sub 17k, some even down to 10K and below.

Whether you're a "moon boy" thinking this will hit 100K any month now, or a bear wanting to short this to zero, anything in between or even if you're a degen leverage trader that loves to lose money and suffer.

NO ONE KNOWS THE PRICE OF TOMORROW, we only can guess probabilities of target ranges in the future based on today combined with past


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