
BTC Update! Continued sideways action but bulls trying

Sorry for lack of updates but not a whole lot to discuss. We've basically been stuck between this low $4,000's and high $3,600's for a month now. The bulls are seemingly trying to inch their way back up towards our key levels of resistance at $4189, $4239, and $4415 but it is quite the boring and slow crawl. A few days of fakeouts here and there with quick pumps or dumps but nothing too significant in my opinion.
I'll admit I did get a bit bored the last few days and scaled in LTC for a trade while it was pulling back some and currently hold the position in slightly positive territory. If daily chart starts to roll over and lose its uptrend, I'll be happy to stop out. A few alts have popped here and there I have seen which is great.
But overall for BTC its just been a lot of slow and mostly sideways action. Biggest supports are $3858, $3659, $3538, $3338, and our low down at $3129. Some alts certainly look like they have bottomed. BTC however still has not changed its weekly chart to bullish by establishing higher highs. Markets can bore you to death at times so keep an eye on things as eventually the bulls will be back in town.

Just My 2 Sats!

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