Bitcoin short opportunity

Hi everyone!

Please note that if you are interested to read my explanation on bitcoin, why I estimate that we are currently is a bearish cycle momentum, to continue the reading here below. If you are not, note that I am very bullish on the Crypto Case Utility and that those short trades I have recently be performing and sharing with you guys, is only momentum trending.

As you might have seen on my recent shared ideas, bitcoin has followed a bearish sentiment, due to macro-economical factors mainly due to the CPI and inflationary numbers shared along the year(s). Surge in Covid cases globally speaking affecting not only local but worldwide economical situations. Centrals Banks printing money and adding stimulus into the markets. Fed's not able to keep inflation low or undercontrol as they well 'claimed'. Rise and future probability rise in Interest Rates, which makes it more difficult for people to borrow money or at least borrow to be able to invest, rather than used it on consumer goods. All those factors have a momentum negative impact on the Crypto Space, however, this will in my opinion result very negatively for the actual fiat currencies. The economy has always been in a deep debt cycle, I don't even think we have yet recovered from the crisis in 2008, this is in my opinion why Interest Rates were that low for nearly a decade. I am not even further underlining the fact that Covid/Russian/Ukrain Crisis has also added additional debt pressures on the economy. Which makes it difficult to elaborate a plan and create a strategy where we evaluate to repay all that debt. This means we shall ensure no further economical nor further environmental issues appear, which we can't make sure obviously. We also have low expected GDP forecast which probably will a significant impact on consumer prices going further and making live even more expensive.

All this shows that we will have to change our way to value and use money, swift towards different and broader cost efficiency measures. Adopt new ways to use money, make it more not only accessible but also restrict the certain use of money on products not designed to be paid in that particular asset or value. Crypto has in my opinion that possiblity, to adjust and help the economy have a more broader and efficient way to use the different asset in accordance to for example diversification purchasing of different goods, scarse or lux goods.

I am very bullish again, on a lot of Asset, such as Crypto but also on the different commodity's. Which scarcity in my opinion will only increase in the coming years/decades.

Give it a like, comment and share my idea, this will help me continue, researching and sharing my ideas with you guys.

It was a pleasure to share this idea with all of you. This is my personal opinion and shall not be seen as advice.

Have a nice day!

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