
Biosearch: -37.8% EBITDA, +53.8% extract sales

Biosearch is clearly improving its fundamental results but investors may not like that drop on EBITDA. That is why we could expect Biosearch go towards 0.50 Fib level at 0.876 and bounce back to 1.07 level, with the risk of losing 10% once the stock is bought at 0.876. So short the firm in the next 15 days, and long until you feel comfortable. It may also be a long-term investment due to the several patents the company is asking for.
First semester ebitda was up +92,8% YoY and the company has boosted its profit to 1.04 million euros during the first half of this year, which means multiplying by six (+ 501.7%) that achieved in the same period of 2019. There has been an increase in demand for immune-enhancing products from the range of extracts. This firm could be a new safe haven in the Spanish continuous market.


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