FOREXCOM:AUDUSD   호주 달러 / 미국 달러
Hello Traders!

Here I break down S.O.P and M.O.P

Sunday Opening Price & Midnight Opening Price.

Bullish Conditions Weekly Range

- Buy below S.O.P
- Anticipate the Low of the week to form on Mon, Tue, or Wed.
- By Wednesday price should not return to S.O.P

Bearish Conditions Weekly Range

- Sell above S.O.P
- Anticipate the high of the week to form on Mon, Tue, or Wed.
- By Wednesday price should not return to S.O.P

Bullish Conditions Intraday

- Buy below M.O.P
- Anticipate the Low of the day to form in London Open
- By 12 PM NY EST price should not return to M.O.P

Bearish Condition Intraday

-Sell above M.O.P
- Anticipate the High of the day to form in London Open
- By 12 Pm NY EST price should not return to M.O.P

Study. Safe Trading. Merry Christmas


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