
H0w LoW cAn thIS 0Ld H03 G0?

how low can she go.... man old low scoop was .70s but now we could easily see scoop ops at .41 or .51 is where my buy orders b at like .43 to .55.

this old ho3 could go low but get her why you can. this is a prime target for all things "walled Garden" ADA will kyc heavy at least "at the borders" or wherever you try to move liquidity n or off of the Cardano or ADA blockchain. (side note: the founder of ADA was originally on the founding ETHERUM team and fell out with them for many reasons the chief rumor being decentralized and Know Your User or KYC privacy boundary disagreements) As the new Stable coins backed or sanctioned by governments like the USA who control fiat gateways etc start to become the defacto "stable Coins" ADA is the perfect integration tool for to work with third world banking etc?also see the MIT fedi backed ALGO for another name on this short list for government use or way into crypto via $/fiat gateways into n out of crypto

so tired cant see and rambling so thats it for me ya all n sorry for not more content esp deeper dives. thanks to all those read n even the ones who dont. Later all fellow life forms_HGM out


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