Risk Managemententer your account size and risk percentage and automatatically caluclate risk onb your account
Global Liquidity Indicator in USDThis indicator aggregates the total central bank balance sheets and M2 money supply for the USA, Canada, China, European Union, Japan, and the UK, converting all values to USD and normalizing them to trillions for easy visualization. It plots three lines: Total Balance Sheet, Total M2, and Combined Total, providing a comprehensive view of global liquidity trends.
Key Features:
Dynamic Coloring: Customize line colors based on direction—green for upward trends, red for downward (or any colors you choose), with independent on/off toggles for each line.
Real-Time Currency Conversion: Uses live forex rates (e.g., USD/CNY, USD/EUR) for accurate USD conversions.
Üç Beyaz Asker ve Üç Siyah Karga FormasyonlarıThis code is a custom indicator written for use on the TradingView platform. The code is designed to detect "Three White Soldiers" and "Three Black Crows" formations and scan stocks where these formations occur. It also displays the stocks where these formations occur in a table.
Working Logic
The code searches for Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows formations in the specified stocks and time period.
It detects the stocks where the formations occur and displays these stocks in a table.
The table is positioned in the upper right corner of the chart and lists the stocks where the formations occur.
Usage Scenario
The user selects the stock group and time period they want to scan.
The code searches for formations in the selected stocks and displays the results it finds in a table.
The user can determine trading strategies according to the results in the table.
The code can be easily customized for different stocks and time periods.
New formations or scanning criteria can be added.
This code is a useful tool especially for traders who do technical analysis and allows automatic detection of certain formations.
HMA Hidden Signals (1H Optimized)HMA və Repainting
HMA-nın təbiəti: HMA, WMA (Weighted Moving Average) hesablamalarına əsaslanır və nəzəri olaraq "repainting" etmir, çünki o, cari çubuğun bağlanmasını gözləyir və keçmiş məlumatlara əsaslanaraq hesablanır. Yəni, bir çubuk bağlandıqdan sonra HMA dəyəri dəyişmir — bu, onu "non-repainting" edir.
Sənin skriptin: Skriptdə ta.crossover və ta.crossunder funksiyaları istifadə olunur ki, bunlar da cari və əvvəlki HMA dəyərlərini müqayisə edir (hma və prevHma). Bu funksiyalar da keçmişdəki dəyərləri dəyişdirmir, sadəcə mövcud məlumatlara əsaslanaraq siqnal yaradır.
Həcm Filtri
Skriptdə həcm filtiri (volumeConfirmed = volume > volumeMa * 1.2) də var. Bu da real vaxtda hesablanan SMA (Simple Moving Average) istifadə edir və keçmiş çubukların dəyərlərini dəyişdirmir. Həcm də cari çubuğun bağlanmasına əsaslanır, ona görə də burada da "repainting" problemi yoxdur.
Bu skript "non-repainting"dir. Çünki:
HMA dəyərləri çubuk bağlandıqdan sonra dəyişmir.
Siqnallar (crossover və crossunder) yalnız cari və əvvəlki çubukların sabit dəyərlərinə əsaslanır.
Həcm filtiri də keçmişdəki məlumatları yenidən çəkmir.
Əlavə Qeyd
Əgər sən "non-repainting" olmasını təmin etmək üçün əlavə yoxlama istəyirsənsə, skripti test edə bilərsən: Tarixi məlumatlarda siqnalların yerindən oynayıb-oynamadığına bax. Amma kodun strukturuna görə, bu indikator yenidən çəkilməməlidir. Başqa sualın varsa, soruş!
Customizable 3-Candle Range BreakoutFeatures:
Customizable Candle Range (range_length):
The user can input the number of candles (range_length) used to calculate the highest high and lowest low for the range. This is done using the function.
Customizable Timeframe (custom_timeframe):
The user can specify a custom timeframe for the range calculation using the input.timeframe function. The script will only consider the range based on the specified custom timeframe.
Range Box Visualization:
I’ve removed the shaded fill and replaced it with just the range lines (upper and lower levels) which form a "box" on the chart. The lines are created with and are updated dynamically as new bars are plotted.
Signal Generation:
Buy Signal: Triggered when the price breaks above the upper boundary of the range.
Sell Signal: Triggered when the price breaks below the lower boundary of the range.
Alerts are set up for both buy and sell signals with alertcondition(). You can set up notifications in TradingView when these signals occur.
How It Works:
The script first calculates the highest high and lowest low over the last range_length candles.
It then monitors the price to see if it breaks above or below the range.
The range box is plotted using, and a breakout signal is triggered when the price crosses these levels.
You can customize the range_length and custom_timeframe through the script’s settings.
Range Length (range_length):
You can change the number of candles used to calculate the highest high and lowest low of the range. For example, setting range_length = 5 will use the last 5 candles.
Custom Timeframe (custom_timeframe):
You can choose a custom timeframe, such as "5", "15", "60", "D" (for daily), etc., depending on your analysis needs.
Example of Usage:
Breakout Signal: If you are on a 5-minute chart, you can set the custom_timeframe to "15" (15-minute) to define the range based on 15-minute candles, even though you're viewing the 5-minute chart.
Candle Range: Adjust range_length to the number of candles you want to track for the range calculation (e.g., 3 for a 3-candle range).
Supertrend with Percentage HysteresisThis Pine Script indicator is designed to generate buy and sell signals based on the Supertrend indicator, with an added layer of hysteresis to filter out small, insignificant price fluctuations. It provides visual cues through background coloring and buy/sell arrows.
Key Features:
Supertrend Calculation:
The script calculates the Supertrend indicator using the Average True Range (ATR).
Users can customize the ATR period and multiplier through input parameters.
It offers the option to choose between two ATR calculation methods.
Percentage-Based Hysteresis:
To prevent signals from flipping back and forth due to minor price changes, the script incorporates a percentage-based hysteresis.
Users can adjust the hysteresis percentage through the "Hysteresis Percentage" input.
This feature ensures that a signal change only occurs when the price moves beyond a certain percentage threshold, effectively filtering out noise.
Buy and Sell Signal Generation:
Buy signals are generated when the Supertrend indicates an uptrend and the price crosses above a calculated hysteresis level.
Sell signals are generated when the Supertrend indicates a downtrend and the price crosses below a calculated hysteresis level.
The script stores the previous trend, so signals are only generated when the trend changes.
Visual Cues:
Buy/Sell Arrows: Green upward-pointing triangles are plotted below the chart for buy signals, and red downward-pointing triangles are plotted above the chart for sell signals.
Background Coloring: The background below the chart is colored green during buy signals, and the background above the chart is colored red during sell signals.
The Supertrend lines themselves are not plotted, leaving a cleaner chart.
The script includes alert conditions for buy and sell signals, allowing users to receive notifications when signals are generated.
Input Parameters:
ATR Period: The period used to calculate the Average True Range (ATR).
ATR Multiplier: The multiplier applied to the ATR.
Change ATR Calculation Method?: A boolean option to switch between different ATR calculation methods.
Hysteresis Percentage: The percentage threshold that the price must move beyond to trigger a signal change.
How It Works:
Supertrend Calculation: The script first calculates the Supertrend indicator based on the user-defined parameters.
Hysteresis Levels: It then calculates the hysteresis levels based on the Supertrend lines and the hysteresis percentage.
Signal Generation: The script monitors the Supertrend direction and price movements. When the price crosses a hysteresis level in the opposite direction of the current trend, a signal is generated.
Visual and Alert Outputs: The script plots arrows, colors the background, and triggers alerts based on the generated signals.
Use Cases:
This indicator is useful for traders who want to identify potential trend reversals while minimizing the impact of short-term price fluctuations.
It can be used in various markets and timeframes, and the input parameters can be adjusted to suit different trading styles.
Important Notes:
Like any indicator, the Supertrend with Percentage Hysteresis is not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with other forms of technical analysis.
Experiment with the input parameters to find the optimal settings for your trading strategy.
This script does not plot the supertrend lines, only the buy/sell signals, and the background coloring.
HHHL Long Strategy with 61.8% Entryhigh win rate and high RR, my code only do long, and only take higher high and higher low for that
TA Monks - EntriesEntry tool for users who depend on setting entry, stop and profit target based on a candle from the M1, M5 or M15 chart. Created following the Photon FX entry models, this tool allows for automatic lot size calculation and it's easy to set up per forex pair/gold.
All the user must do is set their account balance, risk percentage, target reward, asset pair and the rest is automatically set on the charts with the tool.
- Activate a level that once hit, set stop loss at a particular level, default is at the break even
- Set entry type as either STOP or LIMIT
a) On Stop, the tool will activate the trade once price goes above the entry line (formed by the candle size + entry buffer set per pair)
b) On Limit, the same activation level as in STOP is required for the tool to activate the trade but it allows the user to enter Limit at a lower level based on the percentage of the entry candle (default is 0.5, which means 50%). In this mode, The user waits for the liquidity candle to be gained and the enter at a lower price of the range within such candle, increasing the R with the risk of missing the trade.
- On the right bottom corner, you will have certain key informations about the trade, such as time opened, time closed, MFE (maximum forward excursion - how many pips price went in favor of the trade), MAE (maximum adversary excursion - how many pips price went past the selected candle's size without buffer), LC (Liquidity candle size), XBf (extra Buffer - only appears when activated in the menu)
- Extra Buffer setting allow user to add extra buffer for the entry and extra buffer for the Stop Loss that has been set per asset pair. Note that the entry buffer only works with the STOP entry mode and if you want to change the entry level on LIMIT, you must use the limit entry percentage setting.
- If you trade an asset pair that is not supported by the tool, simply copy the code and ask an LLM to update it with the necessary pair. You dont need to know how to code, just let the AI do the hard work for you (preferably, you know the basics and you can ask the AI to read the script and update just the right snippets).
Feel free to adjust and adapt the code to your needs. Let me know if you made any cool changes that I might benefit from as well.
TA Monks Sessions + NewsColor candles based on UTC+0 market sessions
Show inside bars
Show forex factory news on the chart as vertical lines for future news, red dots for past news and toggle visibility of weekly and daily news on the chart
Display current session on top left
Sessioni di tradingTracker di sessione e analizzatore di volatilità
Questo indicatore è progettato per tenere traccia delle tre principali sessioni di mercato: Asia, Europa e America . Evidenzia in modo chiaro i periodi di ciascuna sessione direttamente sul grafico, aiutandoti a identificare i momenti di maggiore attività e volatilità.
Caratteristiche principali:
✅ Sessioni di mercato : Evidenzia le sessioni di Asia, Europa e America.
✅ Pips per candela : Calcola la variazione di ogni candela in pips, utile per monitorare la forza dei movimenti.
✅ Volatilità per sessione : Misura l'escursione totale in pips di ogni sessione, per individuare le ore più volatili.
✅ Adatto a tutti i timeframe : Funziona su qualsiasi timeframe, ma è particolarmente utile su M5, M15 e H1 .
Ideale per : day trader, scalper e chiunque voglia sfruttare la volatilità delle sessioni di mercato per migliorare il proprio trading.
Peter Lynch Value by TradingWiseЭтот скрипт вычисляет справедливую цену Peter Lynch (PLP) на основе коэффициента P/E и прибыли на акцию (EPS). Если справедливая цена выше текущей цены базового актива (БА), актив считается недооцененным (покупка). Если справедливая цена ниже текущей цены БА, актив считается переоцененным (продажа). Результаты отображаются на графике и в таблице.
Momentum Robot - StructureThis free indicator is a companion to the Momentum Robot instrument grader.
Structure puts the fundamentals of momentum trading all in one indicator.
This indicator is intended to be used in momentum trading which makes realistic price targets clear for profit taking. Primarily to be used on the 1m and 10sec. It can actually be used on any timeframe for any style of trading. Below are the details of everything you are seeing in the indicator.
The exponential moving averages included are the 9 ema, 20 ema and the 200 ema. These are the standard ema’s used in momentum trading. Once price has moved above each of these, it is in a good place to expect more upside.
Volume Weighted Average Price is also included (white) to show the average price based on volume. Once price is above this level, it is considered bullish.
Peak Lines and Breakout targets:
Shown with orange lines, these are the breakout targets where price has had a last rejection. The idea is, when price begins to make a move back to this line, there is a high probability that it will break through this level.
.50 cent lines:
In conjunction with the Peak Lines and Breakout Targets, the .50 cent lines (in gray) give a realistic expectation of where price will gravitate towards. So if the breakout line is .20 cents below a dollar level, there is a high probability that when price breaks the breakout line that it will move to the dollar level. A great spot for profit taking for long traders!
To be used in conjunction with the Volume and MACD indicators.
Enjoy this free indicator. This indicator is extracted from the full version of the Momentum Grader.
Multi Kernel Regression [ChartPrime]"NAMAZOV ELSAD"
This indicator leverages multiple kernel regression methods to smooth price movements and identify market direction. It is optimized to provide precise "Up" and "Down" signals for potential buy and sell opportunities.
Kernel Selection: Choose from 17 different kernels, including Triangular, Gaussian, Laplace, and more.
Signal Precision: Accurate "Up" and "Down" signals filtered by a minimum signal threshold for enhanced reliability.
Line Chart Compatibility: Option to hide indicator lines in "line" charts while keeping signals visible via a dedicated parameter.
Customization: Extensive options for bandwidth, deviations, colors, and line styles.
Repaint Flexibility: Switch between repaint and non-repaint modes.
Usage Recommendation:
Ideal for trend-following and pinpointing entry/exit points. For a cleaner view on "line" charts, enable the Hide Lines in Line Chart option. Adjust the Min Signal Threshold to fine-tune signal sensitivity based on your trading strategy.
Price Projector [MacAlgo] Description:
The “Price Projector ” is a Pine Script indicator designed to project possible future price movements based on historical price action. It allows you to select specific historical periods (up to two different reference dates) from which it extracts price change patterns and then applies a user-defined growth factor to create forward projections on your chart.
Key Features:
Dual Projection Capability: Define two distinct reference dates and periods to generate two separate projections.
Customizable Growth Factor: Apply a percentage-based drift or growth rate to your projections.
Adjustable Projection Length: Control how many bars into the future the script will visualize the projected price path.
Connector Lines: Optionally display lines connecting the historical reference points to the current chart position for easy visualization.
Debug Mode: Provides detailed information in a table for troubleshooting and transparency of internal calculations.
How it Works:
1. Reference Date & Data Collection
For each of the two projections, you select a reference date (e.g., 2022-01-01) and a period (number of bars).
Once the script reaches that reference date in the chart’s historical data, it begins storing the daily (or bar-based) price change percentages over the specified period.
2. Price Change Array
These price changes (ratios) are stored in arrays. For instance, if today’s close is 1% higher than yesterday’s, that ratio is recorded as 1.01.
3. Growth Factor Application
When projecting forward, the script replays the collected price change patterns starting from the current close and adjusts each step by a user-defined growth factor (percentage drift).
4. Drawing the Projection
The script creates a series of points (up to the chosen projection length) that represent the possible future price path.
It then draws polylines on the chart to visualize these forward projections.
5. Visualization & Debugging
Optional connector lines can be displayed to illustrate where the script started referencing data.
A debug table (when enabled) shows the validity of each projection, the number of data points collected, and other diagnostic details.
Customization Options:
1. Reference Dates & Periods
Projection 1 Reference Date, Projection 2 Reference Date
Period (bars) for each reference date
2. Growth Factor:
Growth Factor (%) for each projection to simulate additional drift over time
3. Projection Display:
Show Projection 1, Show Projection 2 toggle switches
Projection 1 Color, Projection 2 Color for line styling
Projection Length (bars) to specify how far out the script projects
Line Width to adjust the thickness of the projection lines
Show Connector Lines to connect historical reference points to current price
Debug Mode for displaying extra diagnostic information
Visual Components:
Projection Polylines: Colored lines showing the projected future price path for each reference date.
Connector Lines (Optional): Lines from the historical reference points to the current chart location, aiding in visualization of the historical data range used.
Debug Table (Optional): Displays internal state information such as validity checks, the size of data arrays, and reference bar indices.
Warning Table: Appears if the script fails to find the user-defined reference date in the available data, alerting you to input issues.
How to Use:
1. Add the Script: In TradingView, open the Pine Editor or the Indicators dialog, then add this script to your chart.
2. Configure Inputs:
Set “Projection 1 Reference Date” (and optionally “Projection 2 Reference Date”).
Specify how many bars (Period) you want to analyze for each reference date.
Adjust the “Growth Factor (%)” if you wish to introduce a drift in the projection.
Toggle display options and colors under “Display Settings.”
3. Observe Historical Data: The script will begin collecting price change data once it reaches the defined reference dates in the historical chart.
4. View Projections: As new bars print, the script will calculate and eventually render forward projections when you reach the end of your available chart data or are viewing live bars.
5. Enable Debug Mode (Optional): Check the “Debug Mode” box to see detailed information that can help verify the logic and data collection process.
Important Notes:
The projections are purely a replay of historical percentage changes, optionally scaled by a growth factor. They do not guarantee future performance or price levels.
If the script does not find your specified reference date within the visible or loaded chart data, it will display an error message.
Because it relies on historical data, the script’s behavior and drawn lines can change when chart data updates, or if the data for the reference period is missing.
This indicator is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any securities or assets. Always conduct your own analysis and/or consult a qualified financial professional before making investment decisions. Use at your own risk.
Bybit Cross Margin Liquidation LevelsJust shows the liquidation levels.
Has NOT been fully tested so use with caution!
Nifty 50 NSD 1Its a combination of spread chart. Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.Its a combination of spread chart.
Intra-Hour OHLCThis indicator (primarily on the 5min and lower timeframe) marks out the Open, High, and Low of the hour at the :45 mark of every hour and then the close of the hour.
Buy or Sell at any level at your discretion.
Global Liquidity Index with Time OffsetGlobal Liquidity Index with Time Offset.
Including the following;
Federal Reserve System
TGA (Treasury General Account
RRP (Reverse Repurchase Agreements
ECB (European Central Bank
PBC (People's Bank of China
BOJ (Bank of Japan
"Other Central Banks
USM2 (USA Money Supply
EUM2 (Europe Money Supply
CNM2 (China Money Supply
JPM2 (Japan Money Supply
Other Countries M2
Cumulative Price Change AlertCumulative Price Change Alert
Version: 1.0
Author: QCodeTrader 🚀
Overview 🔍
The Cumulative Price Change Alert indicator analyzes the percentage change between the current and previous open prices and sums these changes over a user-defined number of bars. It then generates visual buy and sell signals using arrows and labels on the chart, helping traders spot cumulative price momentum and potential trading opportunities.
Key Features ⚙️
Customizable Timeframe 🕒:
Use a custom timeframe or default to the chart's timeframe for price data.
User-Defined Summation 🔢:
Specify the number of bars to sum, allowing you to analyze cumulative price changes.
Custom Buy & Sell Conditions 🔔:
Set individual percentage change thresholds and cumulative sum thresholds to tailor signals for
your strategy.
Visual Alerts 🚀:
Displays green upward arrows for buy signals and red downward arrows for sell signals directly
on the chart.
Informative Labels 📝:
Provides labels with formatted percentage change and cumulative sum details for the analyzed
Versatile Application 📊:
Suitable for stocks, forex, crypto, commodities, and more.
How It Works ⚡
Price Change Calculation ➗:
The indicator calculates the percentage change between the current bar's open price and the
previous bar's open price.
Cumulative Sum ➕:
It then sums these percentage changes over the last N bars (as specified by the user).
Signal Generation 🚦:
Buy Signal 🟢: When both the individual percentage change and the cumulative sum exceed
their respective buy thresholds, a green arrow and label are displayed.
Sell Signal 🔴: Conversely, if the individual change and cumulative sum fall below the sell
thresholds, a red arrow and label are shown.
How to Use 💡
Add the Indicator ➕:
Apply the indicator to your chart.
Customize Settings ⚙️:
Set a custom timeframe if desired.
Define the number of bars to sum.
Adjust the buy/sell percentage change and cumulative sum thresholds to match your trading
Interpret Visual Cues 👀:
Monitor the chart for green or red arrows and corresponding labels that signal potential buy or
sell opportunities based on cumulative price movements.
Settings Explained 🛠️
Custom Timeframe:
Select an alternative timeframe for analysis, or leave empty to use the current chart's timeframe.
Number of Last Bars to Sum:
Determines how many bars are used to compute the cumulative percentage change.
Buy Condition - Min % Change:
The minimum individual percentage change required to consider a buy signal.
Buy Condition - Min Sum of Bars:
The minimum cumulative percentage change over the defined bars needed for a buy signal.
Sell Condition - Max % Change:
The maximum individual percentage change threshold for a sell signal.
Sell Condition - Max Sum of Bars:
The maximum cumulative percentage change over the defined bars for triggering a sell signal.
Best Use Cases 🎯
Momentum Identification 📈:
Quickly spot strong cumulative price movements and momentum shifts.
Entry/Exit Signals 🚪:
Use the visual signals to determine potential entry and exit points in your trading.
Versatile Strategy Application 🔄:
Effective for scalping, swing trading, and longer-term analysis across various markets.
UPD: uncheck labels for better performance
Sector/Industry Relative StrengthOverview
The Sector/Industry Relative Strength (RS) Indicator is a powerful tool designed to help traders and investors analyze the performance of sectors and industries relative to the broader market (SPY). It provides real-time insights into sector and industry strength, helping you identify leading and lagging areas of the market.
Key Features
Sector and Industry Analysis:
Automatically detects the sector and industry of the current symbol.
Displays the corresponding sector and industry ETF.
Relative Strength (STS) Calculation:
Calculates the Sector/Industry Trend Strength (STS) by comparing the sector or industry ETF to SPY over the past 20 days.
STS is expressed as a percentile (0-100), indicating how strong the sector/industry ETF has been relative to SPY over the past 20 days.
Example: An STS of 70 means that during the past 20 days, the ETF’s relative strength against SPY was stronger than 70% of those days.
Sector Rank:
Ranks the current sector ETF against a predefined list of major sector ETFs.
Highlights whether the sector is outperforming or underperforming SPY (green if outperforming, red if underperforming).
Customizable Display:
Choose which elements to display (e.g., sector, industry, ETFs, STS, sector rank).
Customize table position, size, text alignment, and colors.
Real-Time Performance:
Tracks daily price changes for sector and industry ETFs.
Displays percentage change from open to close.
How to Use
Add the Indicator:
Apply the indicator to any stock or ETF chart.
The script will automatically detect the sector and industry of the selected symbol.
Interpret the Data:
Sector/Industry: Displays the current sector and industry.
ETF: Shows the corresponding sector and industry ETF.
STS (Sector/Industry Trend Strength): A percentile score (0-100) indicating the relative strength of the sector/industry ETF compared to SPY over the past 20 days.
Sector Rank: Ranks the sector ETF against other major sectors (e.g., "3/12" means the sector is ranked 3rd out of 12).
Customize the Display:
Use the input settings to:
Show/hide specific elements (e.g., sector, industry, ETFs, STS, sector rank).
Adjust the table position, size, and text alignment.
Change colors for positive/negative changes.
Make Informed Decisions:
Use the STS score and sector rank to identify potential trading opportunities.
Focus on sectors and industries with high STS scores and strong rankings (green).
Input Parameters
Table Settings:
Table Position: Choose where to display the table (Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right).
Table Size: Adjust the size of the table (Tiny, Small, Normal, Large).
Text Color: Customize the text color.
Background Color: Set the table background color.
Display Options:
Show ETFs: Toggle the display of sector and industry ETFs.
Show STS: Toggle the display of the Sector/Industry Trend Strength (STS) score.
Show Sector/Industry: Toggle the display of sector and industry information.
Show Sector Rank: Toggle the display of the sector rank.
Sector Rank Time Length: Set the number of days used for calculating the sector rank (default: 20).
Example Use Cases
Sector Rotation:
Identify sectors with high STS scores and strong rankings (green) to allocate capital.
Avoid sectors with low STS scores and weak rankings (red).
Industry Analysis:
Compare the STS scores of different industries within the same sector.
Use the STS score to gauge relative strength and identify potential opportunities.
Market Timing:
Use the STS score and sector rank to time entries and exits in sector-specific ETFs.
Combine with other technical indicators for confirmation.