TASC 2022.07 Pairs Rotation With Ehlers Loops█ OVERVIEW
TASC's July 2022 edition of Traders' Tips includes an article by John Ehlers titled "Pairs Rotation With Ehlers Loops". This is the code that implements the Ehlers Loops applied to pairs rotation trading.
John Ehlers developed Ehlers loops as a tool to visualize the performance of one data stream versus another. Initially, he used this tool to chart price versus volume. However, Ehlers loops proved to be suitable for determining the timing of the pairs rotation strategy . This strategy works by having a long position in only one of two securities, depending on which one is considered stronger at a given time.
When the prices of two securities (filtered and scaled with a standard deviation for consistent presentation) are plotted against each other, the curvature and direction of rotation on the chart can help guide decisions on long positions. For example, when plotting a stock versus a referenced symbol, a vertical upward movement while rotating clockwise is a sign of going long the stock. Similarly, a horizontal movement to the right while rotating counterclockwise is the sign to go long the reference. A higher probability of a reversal is expected when the price moves more than one or two standard deviations.
The script uses the following steps to calculate the Ehlers Loops:
The price data of both securities in the pair are individually filtered using identical high-pass and SuperSmoother filters. This results in two band-limited data streams, having a nominally zero mean. The input parameters Low-Pass Period and High-Pass Period control the filter bandwidth and thus can modify the shape of the Ehlers Loops.
Subsequently, the filtered data streams are scaled in terms of standard deviation by dividing each of them by their root-mean-square (RMS) values. These data streams are plotted as zero-mean oscillators.
Finally, the scaled data streams are displayed one against another for the selected time interval (defined by the input parameter Loop Segments ). In the resulting scatterplot, the thicker line corresponds to the later data points. The fluctuations of the filtered price data of the chart symbol are plotted along the y -axis, and the price changes of the referenced symbol are shown along the x -axis.
Ehlers Autocorrelation Periodogram [Loxx]Ehlers Autocorrelation Periodogram contains two versions of Ehlers Autocorrelation Periodogram Algorithm. This indicator is meant to supplement adaptive cycle indicators that myself and others have published on Trading View, will continue to publish on Trading View. These are fast-loading, low-overhead, streamlined, exact replicas of Ehlers' work without any other adjustments or inputs.
- 2013, Cycle Analytics for Traders Advanced Technical Trading Concepts by John F. Ehlers
- 2016, TASC September, "Measuring Market Cycles"
The Ehlers Autocorrelation study is a technical indicator used in the calculation of John F. Ehlers’s Autocorrelation Periodogram. Its main purpose is to eliminate noise from the price data, reduce effects of the “spectral dilation” phenomenon, and reveal dominant cycle periods. The spectral dilation has been discussed in several studies by John F. Ehlers; for more information on this, refer to sources in the "Further Reading" section.
As the first step, Autocorrelation uses Mr. Ehlers’s previous installment, Ehlers Roofing Filter, in order to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and neutralize the spectral dilation. This filter is based on aerospace analog filters and when applied to market data, it attempts to only pass spectral components whose periods are between 10 and 48 bars.
Autocorrelation is then applied to the filtered data: as its name implies, this function correlates the data with itself a certain period back. As with other correlation techniques, the value of +1 would signify the perfect correlation and -1, the perfect anti-correlation.
Using values of Autocorrelation in Thermo Mode may help you reveal the cycle periods within which the data is best correlated (or anti-correlated) with itself. Those periods are displayed in the extreme colors (orange) while areas of intermediate colors mark periods of less useful cycles.
What is an adaptive cycle, and what is the Autocorrelation Periodogram Algorithm?
From his Ehlers' book mentioned above, page 135:
"Adaptive filters can have several different meanings. For example, Perry Kaufman’s adaptive moving average ( KAMA ) and Tushar Chande’s variable index dynamic average ( VIDYA ) adapt to changes in volatility . By definition, these filters are reactive to price changes, and therefore they close the barn door after the horse is gone.The adaptive filters discussed in this chapter are the familiar Stochastic , relative strength index ( RSI ), commodity channel index ( CCI ), and band-pass filter.The key parameter in each case is the look-back period used to calculate the indicator.This look-back period is commonly a fixed value. However, since the measured cycle period is changing, as we have seen in previous chapters, it makes sense to adapt these indicators to the measured cycle period. When tradable market cycles are observed, they tend to persist for a short while.Therefore, by tuning the indicators to the measure cycle period they are optimized for current conditions and can even have predictive characteristics.
The dominant cycle period is measured using the Autocorrelation Periodogram Algorithm. That dominant cycle dynamically sets the look-back period for the indicators. I employ my own streamlined computation for the indicators that provide smoother and easier to interpret outputs than traditional methods. Further, the indicator codes have been modified to remove the effects of spectral dilation.This basically creates a whole new set of indicators for your trading arsenal."
How to use this indicator
The point of the Ehlers Autocorrelation Periodogram Algorithm is to dynamically set a period between a minimum and a maximum period length. While I leave the exact explanation of the mechanic to Dr. Ehlers’s book, for all practical intents and purposes, in my opinion, the punchline of this method is to attempt to remove a massive source of overfitting from trading system creation–namely specifying a look-back period. SMA of 50 days? 100 days? 200 days? Well, theoretically, this algorithm takes that possibility of overfitting out of your hands. Simply, specify an upper and lower bound for your look-back, and it does the rest. In addition, this indicator tells you when its best to use adaptive cycle inputs for your other indicators.
Usage Example 1
Let's say you're using "Adaptive Qualitative Quantitative Estimation (QQE) ". This indicator has the option of adaptive cycle inputs. When the "Ehlers Autocorrelation Periodogram " shows a period of high correlation that adaptive cycle inputs work best during that period.
Usage Example 2
Check where the dominant cycle line lines, grab that output number and inject it into your other standard indicators for the length input.
Ehlers Adaptive Relative Strength Index (RSI) [Loxx]Ehlers Adaptive Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an implementation of RSI using Ehlers Autocorrelation Periodogram Algorithm to derive the length input for RSI. Other implementations of Ehers Adaptive RSI rely on the inferior Hilbert Transformer derive the dominant cycle.
In his book "Cycle Analytics for Traders Advanced Technical Trading Concepts", John F. Ehlers describes an implementation for Adaptive Relative Strength Index in order to solve for varying length inputs into the classic RSI equation.
What is an adaptive cycle, and what is the Autocorrelation Periodogram Algorithm?
From his Ehlers' book mentioned above, page 135:
"Adaptive filters can have several different meanings. For example, Perry Kaufman’s adaptive moving average (KAMA) and Tushar Chande’s variable index dynamic average (VIDYA) adapt to changes in volatility. By definition, these filters are reactive to price changes, and therefore they close the barn door after the horse is gone.The adaptive filters discussed in this chapter are the familiar Stochastic, relative strength index (RSI), commodity channel index (CCI), and band-pass filter.The key parameter in each case is the look-back period used to calculate the indicator.This look-back period is commonly a fixed value. However, since the measured cycle period is changing, as we have seen in previous chapters, it makes sense to adapt these indicators to the measured cycle period. When tradable market cycles are observed, they tend to persist for a short while.Therefore, by tuning the indicators to the measure cycle period they are optimized for current conditions and can even have predictive characteristics.
The dominant cycle period is measured using the autocorrelation periodogram algorithm. That dominant cycle dynamically sets the look-back period for the indicators. I employ my own streamlined computation for the indicators that provide smoother and easier to interpret outputs than traditional methods. Further, the indicator codes have been modified to remove the effects of spectral dilation.This basically creates a whole new set of indicators for your trading arsenal."
What is Adaptive RSI?
From his Ehlers' book mentioned above, page 137:
"The adaptive RSI starts with the computation of the dominant cycle using the autocorrelation periodogram approach. Since the objective is to use only those frequency components passed by the roofing filter, the variable "filt" is used as a data input rather than closing prices. Rather than independently taking the averages of the numerator and denominator, I chose to perform smoothing on the ratio using the SuperSmoother filter. The coefficients for the SuperSmoother filters have previously been computed in the dominant cycle measurement part of the code."
Happy trading!
Adaptive, Zero lag Schaff Trend Cycle [Loxx]TASC's March 2008 edition Traders' Tips includes an article by John Ehlers titled "Measuring Cycle Periods," and describes the use of bandpass filters to estimate the length, in bars, of the currently dominant price cycle.
What are Dominant Cycles and Why should we use them?
Even the most casual chart reader will be able to spot times when the market is cycling and other times when longer-term trends are in play. Cycling markets are ideal for swing trading however attempting to “trade the swing” in a trending market can be a recipe for disaster. Similarly, applying trend trading techniques during a cycling market can equally wreak havoc in your account. Cycle or trend modes can readily be identified in hindsight. But it would be useful to have an objective scientific approach to guide you as to the current market mode.
There are a number of tools already available to differentiate between cycle and trend modes. For example, measuring the trend slope over the cycle period to the amplitude of the cyclic swing is one possibility.
We begin by thinking of cycle mode in terms of frequency or its inverse, periodicity. Since the markets are fractal ; daily, weekly, and intraday charts are pretty much indistinguishable when time scales are removed. Thus it is useful to think of the cycle period in terms of its bar count. For example, a 20 bar cycle using daily data corresponds to a cycle period of approximately one month.
When viewed as a waveform, slow-varying price trends constitute the waveform's low frequency components and day-to-day fluctuations (noise) constitute the high frequency components. The objective in cycle mode is to filter out the unwanted components--both low frequency trends and the high frequency noise--and retain only the range of frequencies over the desired swing period. A filter for doing this is called a bandpass filter and the range of frequencies passed is the filter's bandwidth.
Indicator Features
-Zero lag or Regular Schaff Trend Cycle calculation
- Fixed or Band-pass Dominant Cycle for Schaff Trend Cycle MA period inputs
-10 different moving average options for Zero lag calculations
-Separate Band-pass Dominant Cycle calculations for both Schaff Trend Cycle and MA calculations
- Slow-to-Fast Band-pass Dominant Cycle input to tweak the ratio of Schaff Trend Cycle MA input periods as they relate to each other
Hybrid, Zero lag, Adaptive cycle MACD [Loxx]TASC's March 2008 edition Traders' Tips includes an article by John Ehlers titled "Measuring Cycle Periods," and describes the use of bandpass filters to estimate the length, in bars, of the currently dominant price cycle.
What are Dominant Cycles and Why should we use them?
Even the most casual chart reader will be able to spot times when the market is cycling and other times when longer-term trends are in play. Cycling markets are ideal for swing trading however attempting to “trade the swing” in a trending market can be a recipe for disaster. Similarly, applying trend trading techniques during a cycling market can equally wreak havoc in your account. Cycle or trend modes can readily be identified in hindsight. But it would be useful to have an objective scientific approach to guide you as to the current market mode.
There are a number of tools already available to differentiate between cycle and trend modes. For example, measuring the trend slope over the cycle period to the amplitude of the cyclic swing is one possibility.
We begin by thinking of cycle mode in terms of frequency or its inverse, periodicity. Since the markets are fractal; daily, weekly, and intraday charts are pretty much indistinguishable when time scales are removed. Thus it is useful to think of the cycle period in terms of its bar count. For example, a 20 bar cycle using daily data corresponds to a cycle period of approximately one month.
When viewed as a waveform, slow-varying price trends constitute the waveform's low frequency components and day-to-day fluctuations (noise) constitute the high frequency components. The objective in cycle mode is to filter out the unwanted components--both low frequency trends and the high frequency noise--and retain only the range of frequencies over the desired swing period. A filter for doing this is called a bandpass filter and the range of frequencies passed is the filter's bandwidth .
Indicator Features
-Zero lag or Regular MACD/signal calculation
- Fixed or Band-pass Dominant Cycle for MACD and Signal MA period inputs
-10 different moving average options for both MACD and Signal MA calculations
-Separate Band-pass Dominant Cycle calculations for both MACD and Signal MA calculations
- Slow-to-Fast Band-pass Dominant Cycle input to tweak the ratio of MACD MA input periods as they relate to each other
Originated by John F. Ehlers, could be found within (Rocket Science for Traders, pg. 212). Aim to provide a leading indicator (I assumed for the shorter time period), which smoothed the price with no lag. The indicator derives from 2 lines crossing i.e. a weighted moving average, of higher length as a predictor and shorter length as a trigger.
Predictive Moving Average:
predict = 2*wma1 - wma2
trigger = (4*predict+3*predict +2*predict +predict)/10
Predictive moving average
Deviation band
Consider the support/resistance (dynamic) when entering the position
Some short direction change might be identified from deviation shrink
Green indicates to enter/long, while red indicates to close/short position
TASC 2022.06 Ehlers Loops█ OVERVIEW
TASC's June 2022 edition Traders' Tips includes an article by John Ehlers titled "Ehlers Loops. Part 1". This is the code implementing the price-volume Ehlers Loops he introduced in the publication.
John Ehlers developed Ehlers loops as a tool to visualize the performance of one data stream versus another, both filtered and scaled. In this article, the author applies his concept to exploit and/or dispel the dogmatic principles of reliable price-volume relationships.
The script offers two different ways to visualize Ehlers Loops:
Oscillators (default option)
In this implementation, filtered and scaled volume is plotted along with filtered and scaled price as zero-mean oscillators. Observation of the relative direction of volume and price oscillators can be discretionarily used to interpret and predict market conditions. For example, it is generally assumed that an increase in volume and an increase in price define a bullish condition. Similarly, decreasing volume and increasing price are generally considered bearish. A decrease in volume and a decrease in price is considered a bullish condition. The increase in volume and decrease in price is often thought to be bearish.
This Crocker-style visualization displays filtered and scaled price against filtered and scaled volume for the selected timespan. Fluctuations in volume are plotted along the x -axis, while price changes along the y -axis. This way of visualizing the Ehlers Loop allows you to analyze the curvature and directional path of the price in relation to volume, offering a different comparative perspective. The boundaries of the price and volume scale on the Ehlers Loop Crocker-chart are presented in standard deviations. Deviations can be used to predict possible future price or volume fluctuations. The expected probability of potential reversals is 68%, 95% and 99.7% at one, two and three standard deviations, respectively.
The following steps are used to build an Ehlers Loop:
• Both price and volume are filtered to be band-limited signals. This is done by applying the high-pass Butterworth filter in combination with the low-pass SuperSmooth filter.
The cutoff wavelengths of the high-pass and low-pass filters are defined by the input parameters HPPeriod and LPPeriod , respectively.
These values change the appearance of the Ehlers Loops and can be customized to your trading style.
• The filtered price and volume time series are then scaled in terms of standard deviation by dividing each by their root-mean-square values.
• The resultant price and volume data are plotted as zero-mean oscillators or as a scatterplot.
COG SSMACD COL combo with ADX Filter [orion35]This indicator consists of a combination of indicators produced by the most valuable developers in the market.
These are: Center of Gravity (COG) and Super Smoothed MACD (SSMACD) shared by @KivancOzbilgic and Center of Linearity (COL) shared by @alexgrover
I produced this indicator by writing new conditions that compare the signals given by these indicators with each other. I re-coded the change in the thickness of the cloud from the COL indicator as the middle horizontal line with varying color intensity and type. I have provided options for switching between these three indicators when desired.
Note: The strongest signals in the indicator are the blue colored triangles. Moderately strong ones are yellow signals. White colored signals are considered as the weakest signals.
Some minor fixes:
Some confusing words were thrown in the alarms section,
Added new alarm codes for any Triple or Double signals.
Major changes have been made with this update.
It is very important to know the direction and strength of the trend in financial markets. Therefore, ADX (Average Directional movement index) was developed by J. Welles Wilder in 1978 as an indicator of the trend strength in the prices of a financial instrument.
Especially in sideways markets, most indicators produce many false signals. However, these signals can be filtered with the ADX indicator. The price is considered sideways when the ADX is less than 20 as the threshold value.
With this update,
ADX filter can be activated when desired, and signals can be filtered flexibly according to the "threshold" value determined by the user. When the ADX filter is active, it will also reflect on the alarm conditions. Therefore, if an alarm is to be set according to the ADX filter, the filter must be activated first.
The colors of the lines and signals have been made changeable.
The visual level and thickness of the COL line has been made adjustable.
With this update, signals can be filtered according to the MavilimW indicator developed by @KivancOzbilgic
Filter Methods:
Normal: If the price is below the BlueW line, "bull" signals are filtered out, and above "bear" signals are filtered out.
Reverse : Applies the opposite of the normal method.
Fixed some visual bugs in switching between indicators.
Adaptive MA Difference constructor [lastguru]A complimentary indicator to my Adaptive MA constructor. It calculates the difference between the two MA lines (inspired by the Moving Average Difference (MAD) indicator by John F. Ehlers). You can then further smooth the resulting curve. The parameters and options are explained here:
The difference is normalized by dividing the difference by twice its Root mean square (RMS) over Slow MA length. Inverse Fisher Transform is then used to force the -1..1 range.
Same Postfilter options are provided as in my Adaptive Oscillator constructor:
Stochastic - Stochastic
Super Smooth Stochastic - Super Smooth Stochastic (part of MESA Stochastic ) by John F. Ehlers
Inverse Fisher Transform - Inverse Fisher Transform
Noise Elimination Technology - a simplified Kendall correlation algorithm "Noise Elimination Technology" by John F. Ehlers
Momentum - momentum (derivative)
Except for Inverse Fisher Transform, all Postfilter algorithms can have Length parameter. If it is not specified (set to 0), then the calculated Slow MA Length is used.
Adaptive Oscillator constructor [lastguru]Adaptive Oscillators use the same principle as Adaptive Moving Averages. This is an experiment to separate length generation from oscillators, offering multiple alternatives to be combined. Some of the combinations are widely known, some are not. Note that all Oscillators here are normalized to -1..1 range. This indicator is based on my previously published public libraries and also serve as a usage demonstration for them. I will try to expand the collection (suggestions are welcome), however it is not meant as an encyclopaedic resource , so you are encouraged to experiment yourself: by looking on the source code of this indicator, I am sure you will see how trivial it is to use the provided libraries and expand them with your own ideas and combinations. I give no recommendation on what settings to use, but if you find some useful setting, combination or application ideas (or bugs in my code), I would be happy to read about them in the comments section.
The indicator works in three stages: Prefiltering, Length Adaptation and Oscillators.
Prefiltering is a fast smoothing to get rid of high-frequency (2, 3 or 4 bar) noise.
Adaptation algorithms are roughly subdivided in two categories: classic Length Adaptations and Cycle Estimators (they are also implemented in separate libraries), all are selected in Adaptation dropdown. Length Adaptation used in the Adaptive Moving Averages and the Adaptive Oscillators try to follow price movements and accelerate/decelerate accordingly (usually quite rapidly with a huge range). Cycle Estimators, on the other hand, try to measure the cycle period of the current market, which does not reflect price movement or the rate of change (the rate of change may also differ depending on the cycle phase, but the cycle period itself usually changes slowly).
Chande (Price) - based on Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index (CDMI or DYMOI), which is dynamic RSI with this length
Chande (Volume) - a variant of Chande's algorithm, where volume is used instead of price
VIDYA - based on VIDYA algorithm. The period oscillates from the Lower Bound up (slow)
VIDYA-RS - based on Vitali Apirine's modification of VIDYA algorithm (he calls it Relative Strength Moving Average). The period oscillates from the Upper Bound down (fast)
Kaufman Efficiency Scaling - based on Efficiency Ratio calculation originally used in KAMA
Deviation Scaling - based on DSSS by John F. Ehlers
Median Average - based on Median Average Adaptive Filter by John F. Ehlers
Fractal Adaptation - based on FRAMA by John F. Ehlers
MESA MAMA Alpha - based on MESA Adaptive Moving Average by John F. Ehlers
MESA MAMA Cycle - based on MESA Adaptive Moving Average by John F. Ehlers , but unlike Alpha calculation, this adaptation estimates cycle period
Pearson Autocorrelation* - based on Pearson Autocorrelation Periodogram by John F. Ehlers
DFT Cycle* - based on Discrete Fourier Transform Spectrum estimator by John F. Ehlers
Phase Accumulation* - based on Dominant Cycle from Phase Accumulation by John F. Ehlers
Length Adaptation usually take two parameters: Bound From (lower bound) and To (upper bound). These are the limits for Adaptation values. Note that the Cycle Estimators marked with asterisks(*) are very computationally intensive, so the bounds should not be set much higher than 50, otherwise you may receive a timeout error (also, it does not seem to be a useful thing to do, but you may correct me if I'm wrong).
The Cycle Estimators marked with asterisks(*) also have 3 checkboxes: HP (Highpass Filter), SS (Super Smoother) and HW (Hann Window). These enable or disable their internal prefilters, which are recommended by their author - John F. Ehlers . I do not know, which combination works best, so you can experiment.
Chande's Adaptations also have 3 additional parameters: SD Length (lookback length of Standard deviation), Smooth (smoothing length of Standard deviation) and Power ( exponent of the length adaptation - lower is smaller variation). These are internal tweaks for the calculation.
Oscillators section offer you a choice of Oscillator algorithms:
Stochastic - Stochastic
Super Smooth Stochastic - Super Smooth Stochastic (part of MESA Stochastic) by John F. Ehlers
CMO - Chande Momentum Oscillator
RSI - Relative Strength Index
Volume-scaled RSI - my own version of RSI. It scales price movements by the proportion of RMS of volume
Momentum RSI - RSI of price momentum
Rocket RSI - inspired by RocketRSI by John F. Ehlers (not an exact implementation)
MFI - Money Flow Index
LRSI - Laguerre RSI by John F. Ehlers
LRSI with Fractal Energy - a combo oscillator that uses Fractal Energy to tune LRSI gamma
Fractal Energy - Fractal Energy or Choppiness Index by E. W. Dreiss
Efficiency ratio - based on Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average calculation
DMI - Directional Movement Index (only ADX is drawn)
Fast DMI - same as DMI, but without secondary smoothing
If no Adaptation is selected (None option), you can set Length directly. If an Adaptation is selected, then Cycle multiplier can be set.
Before an Oscillator, a High Pass filter may be executed to remove cyclic components longer than the provided Highpass Length (no High Pass filter, if Highpass Length = 0). Both before and after the Oscillator a Moving Average can be applied. The following Moving Averages are included: SMA, RMA, EMA, HMA , VWMA, 2-pole Super Smoother, 3-pole Super Smoother, Filt11, Triangle Window, Hamming Window, Hann Window, Lowpass, DSSS. For more details on these Moving Averages, you can check my other Adaptive Constructor indicator:
The Oscillator output may be renormalized and postprocessed with the following Normalization algorithms:
Stochastic - Stochastic
Super Smooth Stochastic - Super Smooth Stochastic (part of MESA Stochastic) by John F. Ehlers
Inverse Fisher Transform - Inverse Fisher Transform
Noise Elimination Technology - a simplified Kendall correlation algorithm "Noise Elimination Technology" by John F. Ehlers
Except for Inverse Fisher Transform, all Normalization algorithms can have Length parameter. If it is not specified (set to 0), then the calculated Oscillator length is used.
More information on the algorithms is given in the code for the libraries used. I am also very grateful to other TradingView community members (they are also mentioned in the library code) without whom this script would not have been possible.
Adaptive MA constructor [lastguru]Adaptive Moving Averages are nothing new, however most of them use EMA as their MA of choice once the preferred smoothing length is determined. I have decided to make an experiment and separate length generation from smoothing, offering multiple alternatives to be combined. Some of the combinations are widely known, some are not. This indicator is based on my previously published public libraries and also serve as a usage demonstration for them. I will try to expand the collection (suggestions are welcome), however it is not meant as an encyclopaedic resource, so you are encouraged to experiment yourself: by looking on the source code of this indicator, I am sure you will see how trivial it is to use the provided libraries and expand them with your own ideas and combinations. I give no recommendation on what settings to use, but if you find some useful setting, combination or application ideas (or bugs in my code), I would be happy to read about them in the comments section.
The indicator works in three stages: Prefiltering, Length Adaptation and Moving Averages.
Prefiltering is a fast smoothing to get rid of high-frequency (2, 3 or 4 bar) noise.
Adaptation algorithms are roughly subdivided in two categories: classic Length Adaptations and Cycle Estimators (they are also implemented in separate libraries), all are selected in Adaptation dropdown. Length Adaptation used in the Adaptive Moving Averages and the Adaptive Oscillators try to follow price movements and accelerate/decelerate accordingly (usually quite rapidly with a huge range). Cycle Estimators, on the other hand, try to measure the cycle period of the current market, which does not reflect price movement or the rate of change (the rate of change may also differ depending on the cycle phase, but the cycle period itself usually changes slowly).
Chande (Price) - based on Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index (CDMI or DYMOI), which is dynamic RSI with this length
Chande (Volume) - a variant of Chande's algorithm, where volume is used instead of price
VIDYA - based on VIDYA algorithm. The period oscillates from the Lower Bound up (slow)
VIDYA-RS - based on Vitali Apirine's modification of VIDYA algorithm (he calls it Relative Strength Moving Average). The period oscillates from the Upper Bound down (fast)
Kaufman Efficiency Scaling - based on Efficiency Ratio calculation originally used in KAMA
Deviation Scaling - based on DSSS by John F. Ehlers
Median Average - based on Median Average Adaptive Filter by John F. Ehlers
Fractal Adaptation - based on FRAMA by John F. Ehlers
MESA MAMA Alpha - based on MESA Adaptive Moving Average by John F. Ehlers
MESA MAMA Cycle - based on MESA Adaptive Moving Average by John F. Ehlers, but unlike Alpha calculation, this adaptation estimates cycle period
Pearson Autocorrelation* - based on Pearson Autocorrelation Periodogram by John F. Ehlers
DFT Cycle* - based on Discrete Fourier Transform Spectrum estimator by John F. Ehlers
Phase Accumulation* - based on Dominant Cycle from Phase Accumulation by John F. Ehlers
Length Adaptation usually take two parameters: Bound From (lower bound) and To (upper bound). These are the limits for Adaptation values. Note that the Cycle Estimators marked with asterisks(*) are very computationally intensive, so the bounds should not be set much higher than 50, otherwise you may receive a timeout error (also, it does not seem to be a useful thing to do, but you may correct me if I'm wrong).
The Cycle Estimators marked with asterisks(*) also have 3 checkboxes: HP (Highpass Filter), SS (Super Smoother) and HW (Hann Window). These enable or disable their internal prefilters, which are recommended by their author - John F. Ehlers. I do not know, which combination works best, so you can experiment.
Chande's Adaptations also have 3 additional parameters: SD Length (lookback length of Standard deviation), Smooth (smoothing length of Standard deviation) and Power (exponent of the length adaptation - lower is smaller variation). These are internal tweaks for the calculation.
Length Adaptaton section offer you a choice of Moving Average algorithms. Most of the Adaptations are originally used with EMA, so this is a good starting point for exploration.
SMA - Simple Moving Average
RMA - Running Moving Average
EMA - Exponential Moving Average
HMA - Hull Moving Average
VWMA - Volume Weighted Moving Average
2-pole Super Smoother - 2-pole Super Smoother by John F. Ehlers
3-pole Super Smoother - 3-pole Super Smoother by John F. Ehlers
Filt11 -a variant of 2-pole Super Smoother with error averaging for zero-lag response by John F. Ehlers
Triangle Window - Triangle Window Filter by John F. Ehlers
Hamming Window - Hamming Window Filter by John F. Ehlers
Hann Window - Hann Window Filter by John F. Ehlers
Lowpass - removes cyclic components shorter than length (Price - Highpass)
DSSS - Derivation Scaled Super Smoother by John F. Ehlers
There are two Moving Averages that are drown on the chart, so length for both needs to be selected. If no Adaptation is selected ( None option), you can set Fast Length and Slow Length directly. If an Adaptation is selected, then Cycle multiplier can be selected for Fast and Slow MA.
More information on the algorithms is given in the code for the libraries used. I am also very grateful to other TradingView community members (they are also mentioned in the library code) without whom this script would not have been possible.
Leading Indicator [TH]The leading indicator is helpful to identify early entries and exits (especially near support and resistance).
Green = trend up
Red = trend down
How it works:
The leading indicator calculates the difference between price and an exponential moving average.
Adding the difference creates a negative lag relative to the original function.
Negative lag is what makes this a leading indicator.
The amount of lead is exactly equal to the amount of lag of the moving average.
The leading indicator has lagging signals at turning points.
The leading indicator will always have noise gain, which gets eliminated by applying a moving average.
Modifying the alpha values will modify the amount of noise and change the sensitivity of trend change.
Example 1: Changing alpha1 from 0.25 to 0.15 lowers noise, more clearly identifies trend, and adds delay to this indicator.
Example 2: Changing alpha1 from 0.25 to 0.35 increases noise, less clearly identifies trend, BUT more quickly indicates a trend change.
alpha1 = 0.25
alpha2 = 0.33
Leading = 2 * (arithmetical mean of current High and Low price) + (alpha1 - 2) * (arithmetical mean of previous High and Low price) + (1 - alpha1) * (previous 'Leading' value)
Total Leading = alpha2 * leading + (1 - alpha2) * (previous 'Total Leading' value)
EMA = 0.5 * (arithmetical mean of previous High and Low price) + 0.5 * (previous 'EMA' value)
Uptrend when 'Total Leading' value is greator than the EMA
Downtrend when 'Total Leading' value is lesser than the EMA
Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures, by John Ehlers (page 231-235)
Ehlers Triangle Moving Average [CC]The Triangle Moving Average is the last of custom scripts converting Ehlers Window Indicators to Moving Averages. As you can see this is actually very similar to the Hamming Moving Average and the Hann Moving Average so I would recommend to test this one out with different settings and see what works best for you. As far as the formula calculation, it is a custom weighted moving average that determines how close the price is compared to the middle of the length period and gives a custom weight to that price. For example it will assign heavier weights according to how close the price is to the beginning of the loop (which is the most recent data) and lighter weights, the further the price is away from the recent prices. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other indicators or scripts you would like to see me publish!
Ehlers Hamming Moving Average [CC]The Hamming Moving Average is a custom script I made to attempt to create a moving average using Ehler's Hamming Window Indicator . Let me stress that this is extremely experimental considering the original indicator works by creating a sine wave by adjusting the Pedestal value. Change the Pedestal value to anything 5 or higher and you will see what I mean. I think this is a fun experiment so let me know what you think. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
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Ehlers Hann Moving Average [CC]The Hann Moving Average is an original script but a slightly modified version of the Hann Window Filter created by John Ehlers. I am using the same length but changed the default data source to use the new Weighted Close that tv added after I requested it awhile ago so thank you tv! The big strength of this moving average/filter is that it creates an extremely smooth filter with the added benefit of very little lag to smooth ratio. The weakness of this moving average/filter is that it does have a decent amount of lag which means it isn't as useful during choppy periods but does work well for sustained uptrends or downtrends. Feel free to experiment and let me know what settings work better for you. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
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[blackcat] L2 Hann Ehanced DMILevel: 2
Among the many indicators, it can be said that DMI is the only "super turning" indicator. This indicator can alone send out risk warning signals when extreme market conditions occur in the stock market, helping us to solve some problems.
If we can operate according to the instructions of DMI, firstly, we can avoid the mistake of buying stocks at the head. Secondly, in the process of falling fear of the market, we can follow the direction signal sent by DMI and catch every time on the way down. Opportunity to rebound to unwind.
If you look at the diagram of the DMI, you will think it is very complicated, because there are four lines in its diagram, and they are intertwined, and it is difficult to distinguish the complex signals in it. But don't worry about its complex structure, we will fully dissect this indicator.
These four lines are: PDI, MDI, ADX and ADXR. The scale of the table is from 0-100, which means from very weak to very strong. The PDI curve and MDI curve on some software are called +DI curve and -DI curve , all have the same meaning.
PDI: Represents the position of multiple parties in the market.
In market movements, the higher the PDI, the stronger the current market. On the contrary, it is a weak market. The A-share market is easy to go to extremes. Therefore, we can see that in the past A-share market, the PDI sometimes fell to near zero, and at this time, it often indicated that a rebound and uptrend was about to start.
MDI: Represents the position of the bears in the market.
In the market movement, the higher the MDI goes, the weaker the current market is, and vice versa, it is a strong market. Before a big bull market comes, we can see the MDI drop to a position close to zero, and at this time, the bears in the market have no power to fight back.
The relationship between PDI and MDI:
In the operation of the market, PDI and MDI are intertwined with each other. If the PDI is above the MDI, the market at this time is a strong market. The MDI is above the PDI, which is a bear market. The closer the distance between the two, the market is in a stalemate of consolidation. On the contrary, the further apart the two lines are, the more obvious the unilateral nature of the market is, whether it is a bull market or a bear market. The so-called unilateral market means that there is no midway adjustment when it rises, and there is no rebound correction when it falls.
ADX: Fast steering pullback.
The difference between ADX and other analysis indicators is that whether it is rising or falling, as long as there is a unilateral market, it runs upwards, not like other indicators, the strong market runs upwards and the weak market runs downwards.
The thread is almost entwined with PDI and MDI in general market movement, which makes no sense at this time. However, once the market breaks out of the market and starts to go to extremes, whether the market is rising or falling, ADX will start to run upwards. At this time, ADX has a clear meaning, because DMI has begun to issue early warning of impending turn!
ADXR: slow pull back.
This line is matched to ADX and is a moving average of ADX values. When ADX goes up, ADXR goes up with it, just slower.
When a round of rapid decline ends, it usually needs to be corrected by a rebound, and ADX will take the lead in turning up. Once it crosses with ADXR, it is regarded as an effective breakthrough.
Numerical division. I set an input threshold for HEDMI, and users can set the optimal threshold to buy and sell according to different TFs.
When PDI crosses the threshold, no matter how strong the bull market is, we must beware of risks from happening at any time.
In order to distinguish more clearly, I slightly modified the formula of the system, and when this happens, the indicator will issue a green warning label, so as to avoid risks in time.
Comprehensive use of four lines:
If the four lines in the steering indicator DMI are intertwined below 50, it usually means that the market is in a state of mild consolidation at this time. The DMI indicator at this time is useless because it does not generate a strong pullback force. Don't worry about an unexpected turnaround in the market. As for the consolidation, it's not a turnaround, it's a breakout.
When PDI and MDI gradually separate, at this time, ADX and ADXR will also rise. At this time, the DIM that is usually messy like twine will be clearly separated. When rising, PDI rises along with ADX and ADXR, while MDI sinks weakly. On the contrary, when the market starts to fall, MDI will rise along with ADX and ADXR, and PDI will sink helplessly. At this time, the DMI will be like a "tiger's mouth", gradually opening its bloody mouth. The bigger the opening, the more lethal the bite.
Here comes a tactic, or technical trend, called double hooves, that is, PDI and MDI split, ADX and ADXR upward to produce golden forks, PDI and MDI are like the double front hooves of a horse, ADX and ADXR The golden fork is like the rear hooves of a steed ready to take off, and this trend of the four lines is like the four legs of a steed that is about to run.
If you think it is too complicated to look at DMI like this, then I can tell you the easiest way to judge, that is, just look at the PDI line. When the PDI line falls below 10, boldly buy the dip, because it is a dip, so you need to calculate the rebound At this time, combined with the golden section theory I often talk about, you can easily find the selling point by making the golden section of the downward trend for the previous trend.
This kind of bottom-hunting method uses the golden section theory, and basically there will be no losses. Remember that one thing is not to be greedy and strictly enforce discipline. This is bottom-hunting, and advancing with both hooves is chasing up. The two styles are different, and the operation styles are different. You also need to explore more in actual combat. Any kind of trick, if you practice it proficiently, it is a unique trick.
Hanning Window Enhanced DMI
Free and Open Source Indicator
Detrended Ehlers Leading Indicator [CC]The Detrended Ehlers Leading Indicator was created by Bill Mars based off of Ehlers work and this is his attempt to create a leading indicator based on the previous Detrended Synthetic Price . I will be honest that this is a bit of a strange script because it is an indicator based off of the detrended synthetic price which is based off of Ehlers work so I haven't found clear buy and sell signals so I'm open to suggestions. His suggestion for buy and sell signals is to only buy and sell at the indicator crossings but haven't found buy and sell logic that I'm sure about. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
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windowing_taAll Signals Are the Sum of Sines. When looking at real-world signals, you usually view them as a price changing over time. This is referred to as the time domain. Fourier’s theorem states that any waveform in the time domain can be represented by the weighted sum of sines and cosines. For example, take two sine waves, where one is three times as fast as the other–or the frequency is 1/3 the first signal. When you add them, you can see you get a different signal.
Although performing an FFT on a signal can provide great insight, it is important to know the limitations of the FFT and how to improve the signal clarity using windowing. When you use the FFT to measure the frequency component of a signal, you are basing the analysis on a finite set of data. The actual FFT transform assumes that it is a finite data set, a continuous spectrum that is one period of a periodic signal. For the FFT, both the time domain and the frequency domain are circular topologies, so the two endpoints of the time waveform are interpreted as though they were connected together. When the measured signal is periodic and an integer number of periods fill the acquisition time interval, the FFT turns out fine as it matches this assumption. However, many times, the measured signal isn’t an integer number of periods. Therefore, the finiteness of the measured signal may result in a truncated waveform with different characteristics from the original continuous-time signal, and the finiteness can introduce sharp transition changes into the measured signal. The sharp transitions are discontinuities.
When the number of periods in the acquisition is not an integer, the endpoints are discontinuous. These artificial discontinuities show up in the FFT as high-frequency components not present in the original signal. These frequencies can be much higher than the Nyquist frequency and are aliased between 0 and half of your sampling rate. The spectrum you get by using a FFT, therefore, is not the actual spectrum of the original signal, but a smeared version. It appears as if energy at one frequency leaks into other frequencies. This phenomenon is known as spectral leakage, which causes the fine spectral lines to spread into wider signals.
You can minimize the effects of performing an FFT over a noninteger number of cycles by using a technique called windowing. Windowing reduces the amplitude of the discontinuities at the boundaries of each finite sequence acquired by the digitizer. Windowing consists of multiplying the time record by a finite-length window with an amplitude that varies smoothly and gradually toward zero at the edges. This makes the endpoints of the waveform meet and, therefore, results in a continuous waveform without sharp transitions. This technique is also referred to as applying a window.
Here is a windowing_ta library with J.F Ehlers Windowing functions proposed on Sep, 2021.
Library "windowing_ta"
Detrended Synthetic Price [CC]The Detrended Synthetic Price was created by Bill Mars and this indicator is another undiscovered gem that I have found very useful. He obviously took inspiration from John Ehlers in the creation of this indicator and I would describe this indicator as a combination of a MACD and Ehlers work. This indicator is extremely smooth and gives very clear buy and sell signals. Let me know how this indicator works for you. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
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Ehlers Median Average Adaptive Filter [CC]The Median Average Adaptive Filter was created by John Ehlers and this is another in my current series of undiscovered gems. I'm sure you are all saying but Franklin, Ehlers doesn't have any undiscovered gems but in this case you would be wrong. This was actually an indicator so buried on the internet that I had to use the wayback machine to find the original source code. Ehlers notoriously hates adaptive moving averages which is funny because he has made a decent amount of them. This is a very unique indicator that uses a while loop to adjust the length and I thought it deserved some extra recognition from the TV community. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
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dc_taAdaptive technical indicators are importants in a non stationary market, the ability to adapt to a situation can boost the efficiency of your strategy. A lot of methods have been proposed to make technical indicators "smarters", the dominant cycle tuned indicators are one of them which are based on J.F.Ehlers theory. Here is a collections of algorithms to calculate dominant cycles. ENJOY!
Library "dc_ta"
Ehlers Hann Relative Strength Index [CC]The Hann Relative Strength Index was created by John Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities Jan 2022 pgs 26-28) and this indicator builds upon his Hann Window Indicator to create an unique rsi indicator that doesn't rely on overbought or oversold levels to determine a reversal point and also provides a very superior smoothing without any of the lag associated with traditional smoothing. A much more useful RSI than the standard version in my honest opinion. Short term you buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red. Medium to long term you buy when the indicator rises above the 0 line and sell when it falls below the 0 line. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal signals are lighter in color.
Let me know if there are any other indicators or scripts you would like to see me publish!
Ehlers Elegant Oscillator [CC]The Elegant Oscillator was created by John Ehlers (Stocks and Commodities Feb 2022 pg 21) and for those of you who don't know, he introduced the indicators for the Fisher Transform and Inverse Fisher Transform and this is a new updated version to that idea based on his latest research. This uses a soft limiter which he says is superior to a hard limiter. There are several ways to interpret this indicator. First if the indicator is above the 0 line then it is a long term bullish trend and below 0 a long term bearish trend. Second this indicator can be used for reversal points with the peaks and valleys. Finally when the indicator line starts moving higher for example it is a bullish short term trend and vice versa. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so strong signals are darker in color and normal are lighter in color. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
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