YinYang MomentumOverview:
YinYang Momentum is a Price, Volume and Momentum Oscillator. Its job is to help you see swings in momentum and the strength of it. It also creates signals (Blood Diamond (Bear) and Support Cross (Bull)) where these momentum swings may occur. YinYang Momentum features 3 Price and 3 Volume 'Mountains with Ice'. There are Predictive, Regular and Confirming Mountains. You have the ability to overlay them on top of each other which helps to decipher momentum swings. The Volume Mountains are very important for showing the strength behind the Price Mountains and their Signals. If you look, you'll notice, as the 'Ice' starts to curve into the 'Mountains' it signals a potential shift in Momentum. The green Mountain is the Predictive, the Blue is the Regular and the Purple is the Confirming. You'll also notice that the Predictive Mountains movements happen first and move much more drastically. When you notice the regular starts to follow suit, there is a potential for a momentum shift. Shortly after, a signal will occur if this shift is actually happening. You can also check the Confirming Mountain for more confirmation (however, leaving the Confirming Mountain active can be a little confusing and make it harder to read signals). YinYang Momentum also features Information Tables. These tables display how the Blood Diamonds and Support Cross' are fairing on different Timeframes. This way, you'll be able to see if it's in a Bullish or Bearish state on critical Time Frames no matter what Timeframe you're trading on.
Before we move onto the tutorial, let's discuss what each of these Mountains and Ice are and how they work. All of our Mountains and Ice are calculated using the same algorithm but with varying sources, lengths and multipliers. We are essentially calculating differences in movement and then sending those differences into an EMA for the Mountain Base and SMA for the mountain Ice. The values we use for the Predictive are much lower and therefore occur much quicker as they aren’t averaged out on longer lengths/time frames; this helps to make it more of a leading Indicator which may predict momentum changes. Our Regular is over a medium length and multipliers that result in a smooth but generally also gradual movement that helps reliability; this helps it act as more of an ‘in the now’ Indication of momentum changes. Our Confirming uses lengths and multipliers that are of a higher value and longer span; this makes it more difficult to use for determining entry / exit locations as it's more of a lagging indicator, but it helps to add confirmation as to whether the momentum change has occurred and wasn't a false signal.
YinYang Momentum may look like a lot is going on.. And well that’s cause there is.. But that doesn’t mean it's confusing or hard to read once you know what you’re looking for!
To make this tutorial a little easier to understand, let's turn off a few settings and dissect this indicator one thing at a time. YinYang Momentum features Price and Volume mountains. Currently in the photo above we have 2 Price Mountains and 1 Volume Mountain turned on (this is how it's set by default and how we recommend using it), however there are 3 Mountains available for both Price and Volume:
We are going to deactivate everything so it's the Regular Price Mountain + Ice enabled.
Now that it is just the Regular Price Mountain and Ice it is much easier to teach and understand. As you can see there are two different colors on the mountain. The dark blue is the Mountain and the light blue is the Ice.
The Ice moves before the mountain does and when the momentum happens it is larger than it (below or above). When the momentum starts to change however, the Ice curves inside of the mountain. As you can see here, where the BUY signal (red cross) is, the Ice curves into the mountain; also where the SELL signal (red circle) is, the Ice curves into the mountain. The Ice curving into the mountain is a very important leading indication that momentum is changing and the Signals (crosses and diamonds) help solidify this momentum change.
The Index levels for YinYang Momentum is a little different than most oscillators that range from 0-100. Instead YinYang Momentum’s neutral level is 0 and it ranges from -100 to 100. For these reasons, the Viable Range for Buying is -40 to -70 and the Optimal Range for Buying is -70 to -100. For Selling, the Viable Range is 40 to 70 and the Optimal Range is 70 to 100.
If you look at the example above, you can see whenever it has been in the optimal range and the signal occurred, it may potentially be an amazing time to buy or sell. However, when it is within the Viable Range it can be hit or miss. The reason for this is because we are only looking at the Regular Price Mountain and Ice. Once we turn on the Predictive Price and Regular Volume we will have a much clearer idea as to what is noise and what is a true purchase signal. Why don’t we turn on Predictive Price Mountains and Ice so you can see what we’re talking about:
So there are 2 big things that changed when we added the predictive price mountains + ice.
We can see that where the orange circle is, is just noise, it isn’t a viable buy signal.
We can see that where the red circle is, is actually a better spot to sell than the previous marked white circle slightly to the right of it.
We will explain why both above are true, but first let's explain how we were able to deduce this information.
There are 5 rules when deciphering if the signal is a true signal or just noise.
You want the predictive mountain to be decently spaced out from the regular mountain. Refer to the example above how that should look. Remember it's predictive so with parabolic movements it will get quite spaced out. If the price went up but slowly, it generally won’t be as spaced and isn’t as strong of a signal predictor.
You want the Ice to be of a decent size and to curve in on both the Predictive and Regular Mountains. Both arrows (red and white circle arrows) are pointing to Ice that does just that. The Predictive mountain is of decent size and spaced out and the Ice curves in sharply on the Predictive, before curving in sharply on the Regular and then we get both Predictive and Regular Support Cross on the Same Bar.
When you get the Signals (Predictive and Regular) the amount of bars between them matters a lot! On the same Bar is ideal, however 1-2, max 3 bars between them is acceptable. Any more than 3 bars spacing and it's too risky of a signal because that means momentum change was happening but then stopped before picking back up. This doesn’t mean it can’t be a good signal, it just means it is much more risky and we don’t recommend it.
You don’t want Signal Clustering. You can see an example of this from the picture above. Signal Clustering is where signals are back to back over and over. During this time the momentum is in a consolidation phase and easily swaps back and forth between signals. These signals are not reliable and should not be traded on. We only want to act on clear momentum based signals.
Last but certainly not least, actually, the most important! Ensure that the Mountain + Ice for both the Predictive and Regular is at the bare minimum touching (preferably inside) the Viable Range. The Optimal range is best, but most mountains don’t make it that far. Viable Range is where you will make most of your trades from. Sometimes a great signal happens with all 5 of these rules but it is only touching the Viable Range right at 40 or -40. This CAN be okay, but is also much more risky than if it was at 50 to 60 or -50 to -60.
Based on the 5 rules mentioned, take a second and look back at the photo where we initially added the Predictive Price mountains and Ice, can you decipher why the orange circle is just noise, and can you see why the red circle is a better sell location than the white circle slightly to the right of it?
Let’s bring that photo back up now and let’s discuss this:
Let's start with the orange circle:
This orange circle, without the predictive, was hard to tell if it was a good location to buy or not, but the second we turned it on we could clearly see it was just noise.
The spacing between the Predictive mountains and the Regular is almost non-existent.
There was signal clustering shortly before this signal.
Remember, there doesn’t have to be many rules broken for a signal to be either too risky or not valid at all. The safest trades are ones where it meets the requirements of all 5 rules (6 once we talk about volume, but 5 price rules).
Now, let's discuss the red circle:
This red circle, although it could have been chosen with just the regular, was much more noticeable with the predictive added on top.
It has a perfect spacing between the Predictive and the Regular all the way to the peak.
The Ice is large and both curve in very nicely towards the mountains.
The signals are within 2 bars apart from each other.
There is no signal clustering.
The Predictive is within the Viable Range and the Regular is just touching it.
For these reasons, the red circle actually would have been where you sold and not the white circle beside it.
This pretty much covers the Price Mountains, but wait! The most important Cherry on Top to your decision making process is coming next!
We have just enabled our Regular Volume Mountains and Ice (which are the black mountains + ice). As you can see, we have circled what we call the ‘Perfect Combo’. This Perfect combo is when you have all 5 Price rules met COMBINED with a high volume mountain. The Volume Mountain and Ice act as strength. They aren’t biased towards bulls or bears, they simply show strength to whatever signal is present with it.
For example, if all 5 rules are met with Price on a Blood Diamond (Bear) Signal and there is a High Volume Mountain then this is also a ‘Perfect Combo’. That Blood Diamond signal will potentially have great strength behind it. The Viable and Optimal Ranges don’t apply to volume mountains. Any volume mountain, even close to the Viable Range, is considered to be a very high mountain. High volume is when the mountain is above 0 and low volume is when it's below 0. Any signal with low volume has less of a chance of being correct, regardless of whether it abides by all 5 price rules.
You can see here that the 5 Price rules are achieved but the volume mountain is low. It is at -25. Since the 5 Price rules are right, there is still a decent amount of accuracy to this signal and the price did plummet after, but not nearly as much as it would have if the volume mountain was high with it.
We have turned our Confirming Price Mountain on here so you can get an idea of what it looks like and how it’s used. If you refer to the Support Crosses and Blood Diamonds circled in white, you’ll see that although they both received their signals on the Predictive and Regular, neither of them received it on the Confirming. This shows that these signals lost momentum shortly after. However if you look at both the red and green circles, you’ll see that they both received their confirming signals and that it helped give those signals momentum. The Confirming Price Mountain is meant to help confirm if the momentum change is still on track and the max 3 bars from the regular signal rule still applies to it. However its height within the viable and optimal range is important, just not as relevant
Before we move on to our Information Tables we want to take a second just to discuss our Volume Mountains and Ice. We haven’t had a chance yet to discuss the Predictive or Confirming Volume. When it comes to our Volume Mountains + Ice, we don’t recommend having more than 1 on at a time. The reason we have included the Predictive and Confirming is in case you find they suit your Trading Style best, not necessarily to be used the same way the Price Mountains and Ice are. The main reason for this is due to the fact that the Volume Mountains are much smaller and when overlaid on top of each other can make a confusing blur that is hard to decipher.
In this example above we have enabled both Predictive and Regular Volume just so you can understand what we are talking about. The two together can be rather confusing and actually interfere with your decision making process. For this reason, we highly recommend finding the Volume Mountain that suits your trading style best and solely sticking to that.
Our Predictive Volume Mountains and Ice may help sense volume changes before they’ve even happened. This can be very useful if your Trading Style revolves around heavy volume changes.
Our Confirming Volume Mountains and Ice are much slower and smaller, but they help show the movement of volume that has occurred already. This can be used to help see the movement of volume without fearing it may or may not happen.
Our Information Tables are there to show you valuable information on whether it is in a state of Support Cross or Blood Diamond on 6 different Time Frames at the same time. The % it shows you displays how much of a price change has occurred since that signal has happened. It is important to note, if for instance you see it is in a state of Support Cross but the % is negative, this generally means it is going to switch to Blood Diamond soon and vice versa. Therefore if you are in a trade, especially on a lower Time Frame and you are watching the 1 Day or a higher Time Frame and notice that the % is getting less and less, it may be a good time to get out.
We will conclude our Tutorial here. If you have any Questions, Concerns, Suggestions or Comments please don’t hesitate to contact us.
1. Show Predictive to Confirmed Trendline:
The Predictive to Confirmed Trendline is very useful for seeing when the predictive (Support Cross or Blood Diamond) has hit the confirmed (It’s a strong confirmation that the trend may be shifting). This trendline also features a Moving Average which helps give you a solid marker for when the Regular / Predictive mountains cross under or over it that a momentum swing may occur. Somewhat like when the RSI crosses above/below its Moving Average it dictates momentum change, that is likewise how to interpret when it happens with the mountains and this trendline.
2. Show Price Ice and Mountains based on:
The Price Ice and Mountains are very important when it comes to deciphering signal strength. For example, When the mountains are very low (regular and predictive) and are between the 2 red line (undervalued) or even possibly below the bottom red line, and the Ice on the mountains starts to curve into the mountains and then the Predictive and Regular Support Cross occur; this is a very strong Bullish Signal. But wait, that's not all, the cherry on top is when the volume mountain (black) is ALSO high while this occurs; the Volume Mountain adds Strength to the signal. When the volume mountain is high too during this ‘Perfect Combo’ this may potentially lead to very bullish price movement occurring soon. Here is an overview of each mountain:
2.1. Predictive: Are the least reliable, but they move first and nothing will move without the predictive moving first, and getting you ready.
2.2. Regular: Are the most accurate, they don't signify strength on its own, but they sure show some momentum.
2.3. Confirming: Are slightly behind when it comes to displaying data, and therefore shouldn't be used for entry / exit, but rather to show if the trend movement has truly been confirmed or not.
When the Ice starts to curve into the Mountain, (either upward or below) it signifies possible momentum change. There are Crosses (Bull), and Diamonds (Bear) to show when they've crossed. Cross' and Diamonds balance each other out and therefore there can never be more than 1 in a row (of the same type). When the Ice and Mountain size is very large (between 40 and 70), and the predictive Ice starts to curve into its mountain, and then the predictive curves into the Regular, and the Regular Ice is curving into its Mountain, then it may have some strong weight behind that signal. IMPORTANT: refer to Volume tooltip below for how to increase the signal strength even more.
3. Show Volume Ice and Mountains based on:
The Volume Ice and Mountains are for giving strength to the Price's signals and Size. When there is the perfect combo (described above) AND the Volume Ice + Mountain is high, then there may be a lot of strength to that Price signals (whether it is Cross (Bull), or Diamond (Bear)).
IMPORTANT: High volume mountains, unlike Price, don't mean good or bad. Volume shows strength to the Price, and therefore if there are high Volume mountains during a Diamond (Bearish), then there may be a lot of strength to that signal and vice versa.
4. Show Information Tables:
Information tables are used to display 6 different Time Frames and whether or not each time frame is in a state of Blood Diamond (red) or Support Cross (green). They also show how much % in price has changed since the current signal happened. These are very useful for seeing how the price is fairing on different Time Frames without having to constantly change your timeframe. For instance, maybe you base your entry off the 1 day time frame but then you swing trade on the 15 minute. Well, after you’ve confirmed your entry position and are sitting on the 15 minute, you can stay on the 15 minute and see how it is fairing on the 1 day, 5 minute or whatever time frame you choose. This way you aren’t distracted from the trade at hand. All of these Time Frames can be adjusted in the Settings (GUI) to whatever resolution you wish.
5. Res1 / Res2/ Res3 / Res4 / Res5 / Res6:
These represent the different resolutions (Time Frames) being used in your information tables and can be modified to display whatever resolution works best for your trading style. By default they are:
Res1: Current Timeframe
Res2: 15 Minute
Res3: 1 Hour
Res4: 4 Hour
Res5: 1 Day
Res6: 1 Week
Backup Res (not changeable): 5 Minute (this is only used if your Current Timeframe in Res1 is a duplicate of one of the other resolutions)
YinYang VolumeOverview:
YinYang Volume is an Advanced Volume Indicator. Regular Volume can be deceiving. It can be hard to tell how much of the Volume bar is Buy vs Sell volume, especially since the bar is green or red simply based on if it closes at a greater price than it opened. With YinYang Volume you'll be able to see how much Buy AND Sell Volume there is on each bar. Being able to see both is very useful, but the cherry on top is the Buy and Sell Moving Average Lines. These lines (White is Buy and Orange is Sell) can show who is currently winning the fight, Bulls or Bears. When the lines cross it's a shift in momentum and when combined with other technical analysis you can better understand the direction the market is moving and make an informed and educated trading decision. YinYang Volume also has Information tables, these tables display the Buy vs Sell volume on different Timeframes. This way even if you're trading on a Low Timeframe (like 15 minutes) you can see how the Buy vs Sell volume is fairing on other Timeframes.
Unlike most volume indicators, including standard volume, we can see both Buy AND Sell volume for each bar. You may be wondering, well what’s the importance of this? The answer is EVERYTHING! Volume is one of the most important indicators when it comes to trading. Nothing moves without volume. However, with standard volume, the bar is either red or green simply based on if it closes greater than it opens. Now, that is pretty silly if you ask us. Let’s get into depth as to why seeing both Buy and Sell volume is important, and examples for how you can make trades with it:
In this example above, we have 2 green bars and they both have high levels of volume. This bar on the right however, has more volume than the one on the left. The issue here is, the bar on the right has MORE Sell volume than it even does have Buy volume; meanwhile the bar on the left has way more buy volume than the bar on the right with little sell volume. Without separating them and by simply looking at the price bar and regular volume bar, we would never be able to deduce this. It is crucial to understand and see how much of each volume there is as it plays a huge role in the price movements.
The white line represents the Buy Volume Moving Average and the orange line represents the Sell Volume Moving Average. These moving averages are very useful as when they cross they represent strong Buy and Sell Signals.
We’ve enabled signals which plot circles onto the MA’s to display when they’ve crossed. The white circle represents a Buy Signal and the Orange circle represents a Sell Signal. These signals are very strong, but there is a catch that comes with it. The bar right after the signal has the highest chance of a reversal so it isn’t always advised to make the trade until confirmed that the reversal didn’t happen on the following bar. If you have enough data based on other technical analysis to know the first signal is true, then use it as a way to solidify the fact that it is a good entry/exit location.
You can change the length of which the MA’s are smoothed out over. For instance, in the previous examples and by default the length is 14. However, if we are to change it to 50 for instance, it makes them a longer lasting MA that has much fewer crosses. This can be useful based on your trading style and if you prefer to stay in trades for quite awhile. As you can see, all signals with the 50 length are quite accurate and would have produced profitable trades, likely more so than at 14, but since it moves slower there's fewer signals to trade on.
Our Information Tables are there to show you the amount of Buy vs Sell %’s on 6 different Time Frames at the same time. It can be very useful to know how people are feeling on different Time Frames without you having to change your own. This way you can stay on say the 15 minute Time Frame locked in your trade and can see if the momentum of your long trade is cooling down based on higher Time Frames Buy vs Sell volume %’s.
For example, let's say you got an alert from YinYang Volume for Buy Signal on the 1 Day. You then entered a trade which you deemed a good location on the 15 minutes (after doing your own technical analysis on the 15 minute too). The Buy vs Sell Volume %’s on the 1 Day was 55% Buy and 45% Sell when you entered the trade. You are still waiting for exit confirmation on the 15 minute but you notice the Buy vs Sell Volume % on the 1 Day goes down to 52% Buy and 48% Sell. You can see the momentum changing. Even though you haven’t received confirmation for exit on the 15 minute, it may still be a good time to get out as momentum is clearly changing on the 1 Day.
We will conclude this Tutorial here. We hope you’ll get some good use out of our Volume Indicator and its ability to display unique Volume Data. If you have any Questions, Comments, Suggestions or Concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
1. Show Signals:
Toggling this setting shows when the Buy and Sell Volume MA’s cross each other. It produces a white circle when the Buy Volume Crosses over the Sell Volume (BULLISH) and an orange circle when the Sell Volume Crosses over the Buy Volume (BEARISH).
2. Length:
How far back should we average the Buy and Sell Volume Moving Averages? 14 is default has been tested and proven to work well, however you can change it if there is a different value that suits your trading style better.
3. Type:
How is the Moving Averages calculated? VWMA (Volume Weighted Moving Average) is the default as it has been tested and worked best; afterall, we are calculating volume and therefore should use a volume weighted MA calculation. However, you can change it as your options are:
4. Information Tables:
4.1. Show Information Tables:
Our Information tables display 6 different resolutions so you can see how much Buy vs Sell volume there is as a % in multiple different Time Frames without having to change your Time Frame.
4.2. Strength:
The Buy / Sell Volume %’s displayed within your Information Tables are based on Moving Averages. The length this moving average uses is based on the Strength you select. The strengths aren’t as simple as just a length amount but are a calculation involving multiple different lengths and averages. However, the stronger the strength, generally the farther the lookback length is as an average. Your options for strength are:
Very Strong
Very Weak
We recommend ‘Average’ Strength, however if you find you want to see the %’s change more or less frequently you can adjust to your trading style
4.3. Res1 / Res2/ Res3 / Res4 / Res5 / Res6:
These represent the different resolutions (Time Frames) being used in your information tables and can be modified to display whatever resolution works best for your trading style. By default they are:
Res1: Current Timeframe
Res2: 15 Minute
Res3: 1 Hour
Res4: 4 Hour
Res5: 1 Day
Res6: 1 Week
Backup Res (not changeable): 5 Minute (this is only used if your Current Timeframe in Res1 is a duplicate of one of the other resolutions)
YinYang Fear and Greed Index (FGI)Overview:
YinYang Fear and Greed Index is used for seeing how people are feeling towards the current price. It works similar to an RSI, but fluctuates differently. Essentially you want to be Greedy when the Index displays Fear and Fearful when it displays Greed. Our Indicator displays a Green Circle (Greed Signal) on the YinYang Fear and Greed Index when there is a large amount of Greed at this price point. It displays a Red Circle (Fear Signal) when there is a large amount of Fear. The Fear and Greed Signals can happen at any Fear and Greed Index but generally they correlate with the Index level. The Fear and Greed Signals are much more important at dictating a swing in momentum than the actual Index itself. The Index is more of a guide and is useful for seeing when the Index level crosses the Ma (the yellow line) as you can see a shift in momentum. However for large swings in momentum, the Fear and Greed Signals should be used. Do NOT Ignore these signals, they are quite powerful at predicting momentum swings.
As you can see, the Fear and Greed Index looks somewhat similar to an RSI, but it has the ability to gain drastic momentum when there are strong changes in Fear and Greed.
When it comes to identifying buy/sell locations you generally want to ensure 2 things:
For a buy, the Fear and Greed Index (FGI) is less than 30.
For a sell, the FGI is greater than 70.
A signal has occurred. For buy that is the red circle and for sell that is the green circle.
The reason we generally want to ensure these 2 rules is to ensure you have the highest chance of being right with the lowest risk of being wrong. The way you want to use this indicator is; Be Fearful when others are Greedy and Greedy when others are Fearful.
There will be times when a fear or greed signal appears when the index is between 30-70. When these occur, they are still generally strong signal locations that represent a high chance of momentum in the direction they signal, however they face a higher risk of being wrong and therefore shouldn’t be used on its own to make a trade.
In the photo above we can see that the FGI’s color changed from Red to Orange in the candle after the Fear Signal. This happened because there was high price movement right after it (which is normal) and caused the Fear level to drop.
The color the FGI displays is based not off the FGI but by the STATE it is currently in. When the color is Green it is in a state of HIGH GREED, when the color is Red it is in a state of HIGH FEAR. When the color is Teal it is in a state of SLIGHT GREED, when the color is Orange it is in a state of SLIGHT FEAR. These colors hold true for the Information Tables as well.
As we can also see from the example above, it is 100% possible to have a state of HIGH GREED when the FGI is low. For instance look at the Fear (BUY) signals circled. Right before the Fear Signals happened, it was in a state of HIGH GREED (Green). The opposite is also true with Fear. We can have a high state of Fear when the FGI is high. However, please do remember, the lowest risk and best time to make trades is still:
FGI is higher than 70 and there is a Greed Signal = SELL
FGI is lower than 30 and there is a Fear Signal = BUY
You may notice there are sometimes occurrences that we call ‘Oddballs’. These oddballs are quite rare but they do happen and when they do they’re generally in clusters (close together). These Oddballs are when a Greed Signal occurs when the FGI is very low or when a Fear Signal occurs when the FGI is very high. Basically, they are occurring in the opposite location that they are supposed to. These may not seem like they matter but they matter a lot. As you can see based on where the blue vertical lines are, the price moved in the direction the signal identified shortly after the signal.
You may be wondering, are Oddball’s stronger price influencers than the regular signal? The issue with Oddballs is they sometimes CAN BE. But generally they aren’t. They generally do signal price movement will occur in the direction they are influencing, but generally not as much movement as if it occurred properly (Fear signal under 30 or Greed signal above 70).
The takeaway from Oddballs is to acknowledge their existence and potentially use them as markers for smaller purchases or DCA locations. We don’t recommend treating them as a legitimate purchase signal as they generally are weaker and less predictable, but nevertheless don’t dismiss them.
Our Information Tables are there to show you the FGI on 6 different Time Frames at the same time. This can be very useful for knowing how the other Time Frames are fairing while you are trading without needing to constantly change the Time Frame you are on.
For example, you see a Fear Signal on the 1 Day Time Frame, you then swap to the 15 minute Time Frame to find your entry location. Well, once you’re locked into that trade, you’ll likely be fixated on the 15 minute Time Frame. There’s a chance while you’re still waiting for your exit that levels and states of the FGI could change on higher Time Frames. This could drastically influence when and where your exit on the lower Time Frame should be.
This concludes our Tutorial on how to use YinYang Fear and Greed Index (FGI). However, continue reading for a description and better understanding of the Settings available to you for customization within this Indicator.
1. Information Tables:
1.1. Show Information Tables:
Our Information Tables display 6 different Time Frames (resolutions) so that you can see the current level of Fear and Greed (FGI) that is prevalent on each Time Frame. There are 4 different states the FGI can be in:
Fear (Red)
Minor Fear (Orange)
Greed (Green)
Minor Greed (Teal)
The color of each Time Frame Cell (on Oscillator and in the table) is based on the following:
Red: Red represents that it is currently in a state of Fear. When it is in a state of fear it means traders are being overly bearish and selling when they likely shouldn’t. While it is in a state of Fear, there is a high chance of BULLISH price movement occurring. Remember, Be Fearful when others are Greedy and Greedy when others are Fearful.
Orange: Orange represents that it is currently in a state of Minor Fear. Minor Fear means that the FGI is less than 50, but it’s not currently in a state of Fear or Greed. While it is in this state, there is a better chance for BULLISH price action than there is bearish but it's nowhere near as likely as when in a state of Fear.
Green: Green represents that it is currently in a state of Greed. When it is in a state of Greed, it means traders are being overly bullish and buying when they shouldn’t. While it is in a state of Greed, there is a high chance of BEARISH price movement occurring.
Teal: Teal represents that it is currently in a state of Minor Greed. Minor Greed means that the FGI is greater than 50, but it’s not currently in a state of Fear or Greed. While it is in this state, there is a better chance for BEARISH price actions than there is bullish; but it’s nowhere near as likely as when its in a state of Greed.
2. Res1 / Res2/ Res3 / Res4 / Res5 / Res6:
These represent the different resolutions (Time Frames) being used in your information tables and can be modified to display whatever resolution works best for your trading style. By default they are:
Res1: Current Timeframe
Res2: 15 Minute
Res3: 1 Hour
Res4: 4 Hour
Res5: 1 Day
Res6: 1 Week
Backup Res (not changeable): 5 Minute (this is only used if your Current Timeframe in Res1 is a duplicate of one of the other resolutions)
Our Fear and Greed Index can be very useful for understanding how people are feeling in the market and when large price swings will occur. Remember, Be Greedy when others are Fearful and Fearful when others are Greedy!
If you have any Questions or Concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Liquidity Rainbow - Trillion ResearchThis indicator uses regression along with RSI and moving averages from multiple time frames to help you visualize the market in a single view. After learning the notations, you will be able to identify pockets of liquidity and determine high/low probability price zones without drawing a single line.
Booster symbols help confirm short term trends and breakouts based off of two waveform functions, one long period, the other with a much shorter period. You get the buy signal that everyone else sees plus the confirmation!
This is a system that is not fully developed, PNL is not available yet. Strategy version is coming soon, still back testing.
I am tuning this model for crypto specifically, although it works for anything with a price chart.
2 EMAs (configurable to MA)
Dragonskin - RGB circle plots eMA
Rainbow - RGB area plots eMA
+When you see the rainbow appear it means that the price is above the slowest ema baseline. Generally bullish as price tends to ride the rainbow. Ideally, you will see a white cloud at the origin.
-When you see white step line cutting into the upper colors of the rainbow.
Once the price has traded below the rainbow for the FIRST time, not just wicked. You can set a target that's just above the previous high bodys above the rainbow. Do not sell the dip, let the floppers flop.
The second time price cuts down through a thick rainbow is usually bearish .
What makes me so sure? Liquidity
In order to be successful, we need to understand liquidity, the juiciest pockets of profit.
I will reveal more of the strategy in the second script.
For now, use:
SUN symbol - Notice how the price always seems to come back and sweep up any SUNs that get left behind (up and down) this is a liquidity nugget
CLOUD(s) indicators of support. Meaning that on ema trend we expect a lower price but each time that happens, it gets bought up above baseline. weak->strong (little gray - light blue - white)
LIGHTNING indicator of resistance. Meaning the price is not being allowed to recover, each time it rises above baseline, it is sold down again.
YELLOW CROSS - Classically known as a whale manipulation indicator. It tends to indicate a strong bearish move incoming or the reversal of an ongoing bearish move. There's dumping. "Get ready something is happening" indicator.
CLUBS = Sell
*do not use these during periods of consolidation. consolidation is a period when the price swings in both directions but not too much. In a narrow range the indicators can pop up.
Why does this happen?
Short periods, during which exchanges stabilize the prices, are necessary for the redistribution of assets over the course of trading. Sometimes they happen multiple times a week and can last 24 or 48hours. Also it is a great time to eat up algo traders and that's why you'll see noise.
You want to focus on the period immediately following a consolidations. Don't rush it, they really do take 20 hours+
If you realize that you are in one of these consolidation ranges, limit order the tips of the wicks, nothing in the middle. There is not much profit here but also there is minimal risk.
If you're confirmed in a consolidation, exchanges will work to buoy the price to the appropriate mark price even if there is a big buy/sell order. A lot of time price will go up the congruent amount afterwards to compensate the toxic vwap .
I hope this helps people see the bigger picture and become even more successful with bigger gains.
I've tested this on all the major cryptos. Bitcoin BTC Ethereum ETH HEX
Honestly, I have tested very few stonks with this, later.
-Market Enemy
Harmonic IndicatorThis indicator finds all of the gartley and cypher patterns on anychart and personally I have been using them profitably with BTC, ETH, and LTC. It includes entry points for both patterns but not TP levels, that is up to you to do research on. In version 2 I am working on this, if any of you can help me with that, it would be appreciated. Goodluck!