Buy and hold calculatorThis is a simple buy and hold calculator.
You have an initial date and once that dated it passed it will sell the product that was bought initially.
This strategy buys and sell 100% of the initial volume.
Risk/Reward CalculatorJust a simple risk reward calculator to help indicate the R:R levels of your risk on a trade. The drawing tool doesn't have multiple R capabilities.
Close Counter HistogramAn interesting experiment to make an indicator act as a counter. I call it CCH - Close Counter Histogram.
It adds 1 when current close is higher than previous close and reduces -1 when current close is lower than previous close.
In the CCH settings you set how many bars to look back and use EMA to smooth the results or disable EMA smoothing.
Disable the EMA smoothing and you'll see the real deal (pure counter).
The higher the GREEN columns the more higher closes and the lower the RED columns the more lower closes.
In case columns are declining above 0 a more darker green will appear.
In case columns are declining below 0 a more darker red will appear.
Supports bar coloring (disabled by default).
Feel free to comment and Like if you like.
Enjoy :)
Risk Volume CalculatorBid volume calculation from average volatility
On label (top to bot):
Percents - averaged by moving in timeframe resolution
Cash - selected risk volume in usdt
Lots - bid volume in lots wich moving in Percents with used leverage is Cash
U can switch on channels to visualise volatility*2 channel or stakan settings
Position CalculatorThis script calculates how much cryptos or dollars you have to bet with 4 variables : Risk Loss , Leverage, Entry and Stop Loss.
When you want to open a position, just complete the parameters and the script will tell you how much you have to bet in dollars or cryptos units, depending the way you're trading.
Note : don't foreget that you have to pay fees on exchanges whose are not included here, specially with high leverage trades.
LotSizeCalc_v1 (EUR)Hey there,
here I like to publish my first TradingView Script for the Indicator "LotSizeCalc" which calculates the LotSize for the currency '€' for e.g. the MT4-App depending on the following parameters:
- Stop Loss in pips (example: 30 pips)
- Account Balance in EUR (example: 500€)
- Risk in % (example: 1%)
It is very similar to the MyFxBook Calculator on their website, where you can compare the results for the lotsize.
You receive the calculated value next to the indicator, and - for mobile device - it also shows a label with the calculated lotsize (which you can deacivate via settings if you like).
The indicator works for the included common foreign Forex pairs (AUD, CAD, CHF, JPY, JPY, GBP, NZD, USD) in order to calculate the risk to a EUR-Trading Account.
Actually, the Script allows in general some adaptations due to your trading system. This one is the most basic version.
Happy pips and I wish you safe and risk-calculated trading!
Marcel :)
[e2] Fibonacci, Tribonacci, Tetranacci Sequence CalculatorThe script is a simple calculator to obtain numbers of Fibonacci, Tribonacci or Tetranacci Sequence.
The script contain calculations for constants (up to 16 digits) that could be used as one of the sequence's number.
The Calculator has 3 modes. Users can define the numbers to initialize the sequence in the options:
- The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers, every next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.
xn = xn-1 + xn-2
fiConst variable = Fibonacci Constant(Golden Ratio) - 1.61803...
"Classic" Sequence initialize with numbers {0, 1}. Output: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21...
To Calculate the Fibonacci Extensions the sequence should be initialized with {1, fiConst}. Output: 2.618, 4.236, 6.854...
- The Tribonacci Sequence is the series of numbers, every next number is found by adding up the three numbers before it.
xn = xn-1 + xn-2 + xn-3
trConst variable = Tribonacci Constant - 1.83929...
"Classic" Sequence initialize with numbers {0, 0, 1}. Output: 1,2,4,7,13,24...
To Calculate the Tribonacci Extensions the sequence should be initialized with {0, 1, trConst}. Output: 2.839, 5.679, 10.357...
- The Tetranacci Sequence is the series of numbers, every next number is found by adding up the four numbers before it.
xn = xn-1 + xn-2 + xn-3 + xn-4
teConst variable = Tetranacci Constant - 1.92756...
"Classic" Sequence initialize with numbers {0, 0, 0, 1}. Output: 1,2,4,8,15,29,56...
To Calculate the Tetranacci Extensions the sequence should be initialized with {0, 0, 1, teConst}. Output: 2.928, 5.855, 11.710...
The Calculator can return a single number or a set of numbers based on the selected sequence mode.
The script is made for other scripts integration rather than stand-alone usage.
Weighted Average Calculator - evoTest version of a weighted average calculator, will make an update later with more functions and a better view.
For now it's mainly useful for getting an average value and see how you can ladder into your position,
if you use the weights as the amount you want to order, you can see the total value and expected loss in the label.
You can use the weights as percentage or any numbers you like, but expected loss won't apply to that for now (before update)
5 values and weights available
If you have ideas to add anything or find mistakes send me a message.
Calculator (weighted) - evoA tool to calculate the average price and position size.
The "Risk Amount" input means the amount of dollars you lose if the trade gets stopped out (it should be based on a small percentage of your account).
- If you use the weights to calculate an average price, make sure it adds up to 100% in total or you will get a weird number.
- Keep an eye on the risk amount if you take a trade, if I ever update the script it might set back to default which will change your position size.
- I tested it all but you might trade in a different way than me, so do your own calculation for every new thing you try with it.
If you find any bug please tell me so that no one ends up with a weird calculation or position size.
Position calculatorThis position calculator can be used to see if the potential trade is a good one. Enter the values as inputs and the output will be listed next to the settings of the indicator. Nearest support/resistance is meant to be your price target. I have found running this analysis prior to a trade to be helpful. This will output number of shares to buy/sell based on your risk percent and then also give a potential profit factor. I wish the outputs in Tradingview were cleaner but this works for now. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Happy trading!
Percent Change per CandleThis indicator allows you to quickly view the true % change per candlestick (prev close > current close), but it also has 3 other customizable values for you to set your own % change conditions (such as open > high). Feel free to edit the script to suit your own needs as well.
Tarzan's spread ratio indicator - DeLuxeThis indicator plots any two securities as a spread ratio using either +,-,/, or *.
It also allows you to use a simple moving average of length 1 to n for your spread ratio.
If you know what you want to do but don't know how to code it, we can work it out, you can float me some cheese on paypal and I'll do a nice job. This indicator is yours for free.
Tarzan =