Ichimoku SP-RE LNQ97
indicator('Ichimoku SP-RE LNQ97', 'Ichimoku SP-RE LNQ97', overlay=true, max_bars_back=2000, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500)
//◀─── Groups Setup ───►
//◀─── Constant String Declaration ───►
string obvstr = 'On Balance Volume'
string cvdstr = 'Cumulative Volume Delta'
string pvtstr = 'Price Volume Trend'
//◀─── Inputs ───►
i_src = input.source(close, 'Source', group=gsrc)
i_altsrc = input.string('(close > open ? high : low)', 'Alternative Source', options= , group=gsrc)
i_uha = input(true, 'Use Volume Heikin Ashi?', group=gsrc)
i_wmas = input.bool(true, 'Weighted Moving Average Smoothing?', group=gsrc)
i_showlabels = input.bool(true, 'Show Labels?', group=gichi)
i_showprice = input.bool(true, 'Show Tenkan-Sen/kijun-Sen Price Labels?', group=gichi)
i_showtenkan = input.bool(true, 'Tenkan-Sen', group=gichi, inline='tenkan')
i_tenkancolor = input.color(color.new(#007FFF, 0), '', group=gichi, inline='tenkan')
i_tkminlen = input.int(9, 'Tenkan Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='tenkanlength')
i_tkmaxlen = input.int(30, 'Tenkan Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='tenkanlength')
i_tkdynperc = input.float(96.85, 'Tenkan Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
i_tkvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='tenkanfilter')
i_tkatrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='tenkanfilter')
i_tkchfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='tenkanfilter')
i_showkijun = input.bool(true, 'Kijun-Sen ', group=gichi, inline='kijun')
i_kijuncolor = input.color(color.new(#FF0016, 0), '', group=gichi, inline='kijun')
i_showkjhlabels = input.bool(true, 'Show Hidden Kijun-Sen Labels?', group=gichi)
i_showkjhsr = input.bool(false, 'Show Hidden Kijun-Sen Supports/Resistances?', group=gichi)
i_kjminlen = input.int(20, 'Kijun Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='kijunlength')
i_kjmaxlen = input.int(60, 'Kijun Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='kijunlength')
i_kjdynperc = input.float(96.85, 'Kijun Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
i_kjdivider = input.int(1, 'Kijun Divider Tool', minval=1, maxval=4, group=gichi)
i_kjvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='kijunfilter')
i_kjatrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='kijunfilter')
i_kjchfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='kijunfilter')
i_showchikou = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Span', group=gichi)
i_chbearcol = input.color(color.new(#FF0016, 0), 'Bear', group=gichi, inline='chikoucolor')
i_chbullcol = input.color(color.new(#459915, 0), 'Bull', group=gichi, inline='chikoucolor')
i_chconsocol = input.color(color.new(#FF9800, 0), 'Consolidation', group=gichi, inline='chikoucolor')
i_chminlen = input.int(26, 'Chikou Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='chikoulength')
i_chmaxlen = input.int(50, 'Chikou Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='chikoulength')
i_chdynperc = input.float(96.85, 'Chikou Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
i_chfiltper = input.int(25, 'Chikou Filter Period', minval=1, group=gichi)
i_chlb = input.int(50, 'Chikou Filter Percentage Lookback', minval=1, maxval=89, group=gichi)
i_chvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='chikoufilter')
i_chatrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='chikoufilter')
i_chtfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='chikoufilter')
I_ska = input.bool(true, 'Senkou-Span A', group=gichi, inline='senkou')
I_skb = input.bool(true, 'Senkou-Span B', group=gichi, inline='senkou')
I_skbear = input.color(color.new(#FF0016, 0), 'Bear', group=gichi, inline='senkoucolor')
I_skbull = input.color(color.new(#459915, 0), 'Bull', group=gichi, inline='senkoucolor')
I_skconso = input.color(color.new(#CED7DF, 0), 'Consolidation', group=gichi, inline='senkoucolor')
I_skminlen = input.int(50, 'Senkou-Span Min Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='senkoulength')
I_skmaxlen = input.int(120, 'Senkou-Span Max Length', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='senkoulength')
I_skperc = input.float(96.85, 'Senkou Dynamic Length Adaptive Percentage', minval=0, maxval=100, group=gichi) / 100.0
I_skoffset = input.int(26, 'Senkou-Span Offset', minval=1, group=gichi)
I_skvolsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume', group=gichi, inline='sn_chks')
I_atrsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volatility', group=gichi, inline='sn_chks')
I_skchfilter = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter', group=gichi, inline='sn_chks')
I_kumofill = input.bool(true, 'Kumo Fill', group=gichi, inline='kumo')
I_kumofillt = input.int(65, 'Transparency', minval=1, group=gichi, inline='kumo')
I_volsetup = input.bool(true, 'Volume?', group=gadvset)
I_tkkjcross = input.bool(true, 'Tenkan-Sen/Kijun-Sen Cross?', group=gadvset)
I_atrvolatility = input.bool(true, 'Volatility?', group=gadvset)
I_tkeqkj = input.bool(true, 'Tenkan-Sen Equal Kijun-Sen?', group=gadvset)
I_chgtp = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Greater Than Price?', group=gadvset)
I_chmom = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Momentum?', group=gadvset)
I_pgtk = input.bool(true, 'Price Greater Than Kumo?', group=gadvset)
I_pgttk = input.bool(true, 'Price Greater Than Tenkan-Sen?', group=gadvset)
I_pgtchf = input.bool(true, 'Chikou Trend Filter?', group=gadvset)
I_volosctype = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypetk = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Tenkan-Sen', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypekj = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Kijun-Sen', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypesk = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Senkou', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volosctypech = input.string('On Balance Volume', 'Volume Oscillator Type for Chikou', options= , group=gvosc)
I_volumelen = input.int(30, 'Volume Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_volzonelen = input.int(21, 'Volume Zone Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_volfastlen = input.int(34, 'Volume Fast Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_volslowlen = input.int(55, 'Volume Slow Length', minval=1, group=gvosc)
I_rvolumetype = input.string(pvtstr, 'Relative Volume Strength Index Type', options= , group=gvrindex)
I_rvolumelen = input.int(14, 'Relative Volume Strength Index Length', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
I_volpeak = input.int(50, 'Relative Volume Strength Index Peak', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
i_emalen1 = input.int(8, 'EMA 1 Length', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
i_emalen2 = input.int(21, 'EMA 2 Length', minval=1, group=gvrindex)
i_atrfastlen = input.int(14, 'Average True Range Fast Length', group=gatr)
i_atrslowlen = input.int(46, 'Average True Range Slow Length', group=gatr)
i_showsr = input.bool(true, 'Show Supports/Resistances?', group=gsr)
i_rescol = input.color(color.new(color.red, 0), 'Resistance Color', group=gsr, inline='srcol')
i_supcol = input.color(color.new(color.green, 0), 'Support Color', group=gsr, inline='srcol')
i_maxline = input.int(2, 'Maximum Lines', minval=1, maxval=500, group=gsr, inline='lines')
i_layout = input.string('Wick', 'Lines Type', options= , group=gsr, inline='lines')
i_linewidth = input.int(1, 'Lines Width ', minval=1, maxval=3, group=gsr, inline='lines style')
i_linestyle = input.string('Solid', 'Lines Style', options= , group=gsr, inline='lines style')
i_extend = input.bool(true, 'Extend Lines', group=gsr, inline='lines style')
i_psylevels = input(false, 'Display Psychological Levels?', group=gpsylvl)
i_linescounter = input(4, 'Lines Above/Below', group=gpsylvl)
i_psylinescol = input.color(color.new(color.gray, 0), 'Lines Color', group=gpsylvl)
i_showbc = input.bool(true, 'Use Bar Color?', group=gbarcol)
i_bearbarcol = input.color(color.new(#910000, 0), 'Bear', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_bullbarcol = input.color(color.new(#006400, 0), 'Bull', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_consobarcol = input.color(color.new(#FF9800, 0), 'Consolidation', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_neutralbarcol = input.color(color.new(#000000, 100), 'Neutral', group=gbarcol, inline='barcolor')
i_showtable = input(true, 'Show Panel?', group=gtable)
i_tablepresets = input.string('Custom', 'Presets', options= , group=gtable)
i_tableloc = input.string('Bottom Right', 'Position', options= , group=gtable)
i_tabletxtsize = input.string('Small', 'Text Size', options= , group=gtable)
i_tabletxtcol = input.color(color.new(color.white, 0), 'Text Color', group=gtable)
i_tablebgcol = input.color(color.new(#696969, 80), 'Background Color', group=gtable)
i_tabletkpc = input.bool(true, 'Display Tenkan-Sen Price Cross?', group=gtable)
i_tablekjpc = input.bool(true, 'Display Kijun-Sen Price Cross?', group=gtable)
i_tablechpc = input.bool(true, 'Display Chikou Span Price Cross?', group=gtable)
i_tablekumobr = input.bool(true, 'Display Kumo Breakout?', group=gtable)
i_tablekumotw = input.bool(true, 'Display Kumo Twist?', group=gtable)
//◀─── Volume Heikin Ashi Calculation ───►
//Constant Price Variables
haclose = i_uha ? ohlc4 : close
vol = volume
//Heikin Ashi Function
f_openha() =>
haopen = float(na)
haopen := na(haopen ) ? (open + close) / 2 : (nz(haopen ) + nz(haclose )) / 2
haopen = i_uha ? f_openha() : open
haboolean = f_openha()
//◀─── Price Variables Declaration ───►
open_ = open
high_ = high
low_ = low
close_ = close
bar_index_ = bar_index
//Alternative Price Variables Declaration
alternativesrc = i_altsrc == '(open + close +3 * (high + low)) / 8' ? (open + close +3 * (high + low)) / 8 :
i_altsrc == 'close + high + low -2 * open' ? close + high + low -2 * open :
i_altsrc == '(close +5 * (high + low) -7 * (open)) / 4' ? (close +5 * (high + low) -7 * (open)) / 4 :
i_altsrc == '(open + close +5 * (high + low)) / 12' ? (open + close +5 * (high + low)) / 12 :
i_altsrc == '(close > open ? high : low)' ? (close > open ? high : low) :
i_altsrc == 'Heiken-Ashi' ? (ohlc4 > haboolean ? high : low) :
altsrcres = i_wmas ? ta.swma(alternativesrc) : alternativesrc
//◀─── Global Functions ───►
//Color Call Function
fzonecolor(srcolor, _call) =>
c1 = color.r(srcolor)
c2 = color.g(srcolor)
c3 = color.b(srcolor)
color.rgb(c1, c2, c3, _call)
//Lines Styles String Function
f_i_linestyle(_style) =>
_style == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid : _style == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
//Volume Oscillator Functions
f_patternrate(cond, tw, bw, body) =>
ret = 0.5 * (tw + bw + (cond ? 2 * body : 0)) / (tw + bw + body)
ret := nz(ret) == 0 ? 0.5 : ret
f_volcalc(vol_src, _open, _high, _low, _close) =>
float result = 0
tw = _high - math.max(_open, _close)
bw = math.min(_open, _close) - _low
body = math.abs(_close - _open)
deltaup = vol_src * f_patternrate(_open <= _close, tw, bw, body)
deltadown = vol_src * f_patternrate(_open > _close, tw, bw, body)
delta = _close >= _open ? deltaup : -deltadown
cumdelta = ta.cum(delta)
float ctl = na
ctl := cumdelta
cv = I_rvolumetype == obvstr ? ta.obv : I_rvolumetype == cvdstr ? ctl : ta.pvt
ema1 = ta.ema(cv, i_emalen1)
ema2 = ta.ema(cv, i_emalen2)
result := ema1 - ema2
f_zone(_src, _type, _len) =>
vp = _src > _src ? _type : _src < _src ? -_type : _src == _src ? 0 : 0
z = 100 * (ta.ema(vp, _len) / ta.ema(_type, _len))
f_volzosc(vol_src, _close) =>
float result = 0
zLen = I_volzonelen
result := f_zone(_close, vol_src, zLen)
f_volosc(type, vol_src, vol_len, _open, _high, _low, _close) =>
float result = 0
if type == 'TFS Volume Oscillator'
iff_1 = _close < _open ? -vol_src : 0
naccvol = math.sum(_close > _open ? vol_src : iff_1, vol_len)
result := naccvol / vol_len
if type == 'On Balance Volume'
result := ta.cum(math.sign(ta.change(_close)) * vol_src)
if type == 'Klinger Volume Oscillator'
fastx = I_volfastlen
slowx = I_volslowlen
xtrend = _close > _close ? vol * 100 : -vol * 100
xfast = ta.ema(xtrend, fastx)
xslow = ta.ema(xtrend, slowx)
result := xfast - xslow
if type == 'Cumulative Volume Oscillator'
result := f_volcalc(vol_src, _open, _high, _low, _close)
if type == 'Volume Zone Oscillator'
result := f_volzosc(vol_src, _close)
//Kijun V2 Function
f_kjv2(src, len) =>
var float result = 0.0
kijun = math.avg(ta.lowest(len), ta.highest(len))
conversionLine = math.avg(ta.lowest(len / i_kjdivider), ta.highest(len / i_kjdivider))
delta = (kijun + conversionLine) / 2
result := delta
//◀─── Relative Volume Strength Index calculation ───►
tksignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypetk, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
kjsignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypekj, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
sksignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypesk, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
chsignal = f_volosc(I_volosctypech, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
sumsignal = f_volosc(I_volosctype, vol, I_rvolumelen, haopen, high, low, haclose)
//◀─── Volume Breakout Calculation ───►
tkbrvoldn = tksignal < I_volpeak
tkbrvolup = tksignal > I_volpeak
kjbrvoldn = kjsignal < I_volpeak
kjbrvolup = kjsignal > I_volpeak
skbrvoldn = sksignal < I_volpeak
skbrvolup = sksignal > I_volpeak
chbrvoldn = chsignal < I_volpeak
chbrvolup = chsignal > I_volpeak
signalbrvoldn = sumsignal < I_volpeak
signalbrvolup = sumsignal > I_volpeak
//◀─── Volatility Strength ───►
atrvolmeter = ta.atr(i_atrfastlen) > ta.atr(i_atrslowlen)
//Adaptive Chikou Function
f_chikou(float src, simple int len, float _high, float _low, color bull_col, color bear_col, color r_col) =>
var isup = bool(na)
var isdown = bool(na)
var _re = bool(na)
var sig = int(na)
var color _clr = color.new(na, 0)
isup := src > ta.highest(_high, len)
isdown := src < ta.lowest(_low, len)
_re := src < ta.highest(_high, len) and src > ta.lowest(_low, len)
_clr := isdown ? bear_col : isup ? bull_col : r_col
sig := isup ? 1 : isdown ? -1 : 0
= f_chikou(altsrcres, i_chfiltper, high, low, i_chbullcol, i_chbearcol, i_chconsocol)
//Arrays Index Functions
f_boolean(chka, reference_a) =>
var result_bool = bool(na)
for i = 0 to array.size(chka) -1
if array.get(chka, i) == true
result_bool := array.get(reference_a, i)
for i = 0 to array.size(chka) -1
result_bool := array.get(chka, i) ? array.get(reference_a, i) and result_bool : result_bool
//Boolean Calculation
bool tkarray = array.from(i_tkvolsetup,
bool kjarray = array.from(i_kjvolsetup,
bool skarray = array.from(I_skvolsetup,
bool charray = array.from(i_chvolsetup,
bool tkvolarray = array.from(tkbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
bool kjvolarray = array.from(kjbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
bool skvolarray = array.from(skbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
bool chvolarray = array.from(chbrvolup,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
//Boolean to Conditions
booltkup = f_boolean(tkarray, tkvolarray)
boolkjup = f_boolean(kjarray, kjvolarray)
boolchup = f_boolean(charray, chvolarray)
boolskup = f_boolean(skarray, skvolarray)
//Dynamic Length Function
f_dyn(bool para, float adapt_Pct, simple int minLength, simple int maxLength) =>
var dyna_len = int(na)
var float i_len = math.avg(minLength, maxLength)
i_len := para ? math.max(minLength, i_len * adapt_Pct) : math.min(maxLength, i_len * (2-adapt_Pct))
dyna_len := int(i_len)
//Dynamic Length Conditions
dyntk = f_dyn(booltkup, i_tkdynperc, i_tkminlen, i_tkmaxlen)
dynkj = f_dyn(boolkjup , i_kjdynperc, i_kjminlen, i_kjmaxlen)
dynsk = f_dyn(boolskup , I_skperc, I_skminlen, I_skmaxlen)
dynch = f_dyn(boolchup , i_chdynperc, i_chminlen, i_chmaxlen)
//◀─── Index Calculation ───►
tenkansen = f_kjv2(altsrcres, dyntk)
kijunsen = f_kjv2(altsrcres, dynkj)
senkoua = math.avg(tenkansen, kijunsen)
senkoub = math.avg(ta.highest(high, dynsk), ta.lowest(low, dynsk))
chikouspan = altsrcres
//Tenkan-Sen/kijun-Sen Boolean Conditions to Float
var float tkbool = na
if tenkansen
tkbool := tenkansen
var float kjbool = na
if kijunsen
kjbool := kijunsen
//◀─── Dynamic Type Calculation ───►
bearmomentum = ta.mom(altsrcres, dynch - 1) < 0
bullmomentum = ta.mom(altsrcres, dynch - 1) > 0
cloudhigh = math.max(senkoua , senkoub )
cloudlow = math.min(senkoua , senkoub )
pbk = altsrcres < cloudhigh
pak = altsrcres > cloudhigh
//Boolean Arrays Variables
bool indexarray = array.from(I_volsetup,
bool downvolumearray = array.from(signalbrvoldn,
tenkansen < kijunsen,
chikouspan < altsrcres ,
altsrcres < tenkansen,
chikoufiltersig == -1)
bool uppervolumearray = array.from(signalbrvolup,
tenkansen > kijunsen,
chikouspan > altsrcres ,
chikoufiltersig == 1)
//Conditions Calculation
bearfilterdn = f_boolean(indexarray, downvolumearray)
bullfilterup = f_boolean(indexarray, uppervolumearray)
bearcondition = I_tkeqkj ? tenkansen == kijunsen and tenkansen > kijunsen or bearfilterdn : bearfilterdn
bullcondition = I_tkeqkj ? tenkansen == kijunsen and tenkansen < kijunsen or bullfilterup : bullfilterup
isdown = bearcondition
isup = bullcondition
sell = isdown and not isdown
buy = isup and not isup
//Sig Calculation
var sig = 0
if sell and sig >= 0
sig := -1
if buy and sig <= 0
sig := 1
//Sig Conditions
shortcr = sig == -1 and sig != -1
longcr = sig == 1 and sig != 1
//Boolean Conditions to Float
var float ichibearprice = na
if shortcr
ichibearprice := bar_index
var float ichibullprice = na
if longcr
ichibullprice := bar_index
//Labels Calculation
if i_showlabels
l = ta.change(ichibearprice) ? label.new(bar_index, ichibearprice + 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(high)), color=color.new(color.black, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0), style=label.style_label_down, yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.small) : ta.change(ichibullprice) ? label.new(bar_index, ichibullprice - 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(low)), color=color.new(color.black, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0), style=label.style_label_up, yloc=yloc.belowbar, size=size.small) : na
//Volatility Coordination Constant Variable
atrxy = 0.85 * ta.atr(5)
//◀─── Plotting ───►
plotshape(i_showlabels and shortcr ? (high) + atrxy : na, style=shape.triangledown, color=i_rescol, location=location.absolute, size=size.small)
plotshape(i_showlabels and longcr ? (low) - atrxy : na, style=shape.triangleup, color=i_supcol, location=location.absolute, size=size.small)
plotshape(i_showlabels and sell ? high + atrxy : na, style=shape.circle, color=i_rescol, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_showlabels and buy ? low - atrxy : na, style=shape.circle, color=i_supcol, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny)
plotchikouspan = plot(chikouspan, title='Chikou', color=not i_showchikou ? na : chikou_clr, linewidth=1, offset=-dynch)
f_colorgradient(_source, _min, _max, _cbear, _cbull) =>
var float _center = _min + (_max - _min) / 2
color _return = _source >= _center ?
color.from_gradient(_source, _min, _center, color.new(_cbear, 0), color.new(_cbear, 100)) :
color.from_gradient(_source, _center, _max, color.new(_cbull, 100), color.new(_cbull, 0))
skclr = (senkoua - senkoub) / altsrcres * 100
skfill = senkoua > senkoub ? color.from_gradient(ta.rsi(math.avg(senkoua , senkoub), 14) , 0, 100, I_skconso, I_skbull) :
senkoua < senkoub ? color.from_gradient(ta.rsi(math.avg(senkoua , senkoub), 14) , 0, 100, I_skconso, I_skbear) : I_skconso
plottenkansen = plot(tenkansen, title='Tenkan-Sen', color=not i_showtenkan ? na : i_tenkancolor, linewidth=1, offset=0)
plotkijunsen = plot(kijunsen, title='Kijun-Sen', color=not i_showkijun ? na : i_kijuncolor, linewidth=1, offset=0)
plotsenkoua = plot(senkoua, title='Senkou-Span A', color=not I_ska ? na : I_skbull, linewidth=1, offset=I_skoffset-1)
plotsenkoub = plot(senkoub, title='Senkou-Span B', color=not I_skb ? na : I_skbear, linewidth=1, offset=I_skoffset-1)
fill(plotsenkoua, plotsenkoub, color=not I_kumofill ? na : color.new(skfill, I_kumofillt))
//Tenkan-Sen/kijun-Sen Price Plotting
if i_showtenkan and i_showprice
l1 = label.new(bar_index, tkbool, 'Tenkan-Sen - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tkbool)), color=color.new(i_tenkancolor, 100), textcolor=color.new(i_tenkancolor, 0), style=label.style_label_left, yloc=yloc.price, size=size.small)
label.delete(l1 )
if i_showkijun and i_showprice
l1 = label.new(bar_index, kjbool, 'Kijun-Sen - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(kjbool)), color=color.new(i_kijuncolor, 100), textcolor=color.new(i_kijuncolor, 0), style=label.style_label_left, yloc=yloc.price, size=size.small)
label.delete(l1 )
//Bar Color Plotting
colbar(src, tenkansen, kijunsen) =>
vbarcolor = color.new(na, 0)
vbarcolor := src > tenkansen and src > kijunsen? i_bullbarcol :
src < tenkansen and src < kijunsen ? i_bearbarcol :
src > tenkansen and src < kijunsen ? i_consobarcol :
src < tenkansen and src > kijunsen ? i_neutralbarcol : na
bc = colbar(close, tenkansen, kijunsen)
barcolor(i_showbc ? bc : na)
//◀─── Kijun-Sen Hidden Supports/Resistances ───►
//Smoothed MA Calculation
smma1 = 0.0
smma2 = 0.0
smakj1 = ta.sma(close, i_kjminlen)
smakj2 = ta.sma(close, i_kjmaxlen)
smma1 := na(smma1 ) ? smakj1 : (smma1 * (20 - 1) + close) / 20
smma2 := na(smma2 ) ? smakj2 : (smma2 * (60 - 1) + close) / 60
//Kijun-Sen Calculation
kjsmma = math.avg(ta.lowest(26), ta.highest(26))
hiddenbearkj = ta.crossunder(smma1, kjsmma) and kjsmma < smma2 and close < smma1
hiddenbullkj = ta.crossover(smma1, kjsmma) and kjsmma > smma2 and close > smma1
//Boolean Conditions to Float
var float bearhkj = na
if hiddenbearkj
bearhkj := high
var float bullhkj = na
if hiddenbullkj
bullhkj := low
//Labels Calculation
if i_showkjhlabels
l = ta.change(bearhkj) ? label.new(bar_index, bearhkj + 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bearhkj)), color=color.new(color.black, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0), style=label.style_label_down, yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.small) : ta.change(bullhkj) ? label.new(bar_index, bullhkj - 0.01, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bullhkj)), color=color.new(color.black, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0), style=label.style_label_up, yloc=yloc.belowbar, size=size.small) : na
plotshape(i_showkjhlabels ? hiddenbearkj : na, title='Bearish Hidden Kijun-Sen', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=i_rescol, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(i_showkjhlabels ? hiddenbullkj : na, title='Bullish Hidden Kijun-Sen', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=i_supcol, size=size.tiny)
//Hidden Kijun S/R Variables Declaration
var int numberofline2 = i_maxline
var float upperphzone2 = na
var float upperplzone2 = na
var float lowerphzone2 = na
var float lowerplzone2 = na
var line upperphzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperplzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerphzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerplzonearr2 = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperphzoneline2 = na
var line upperplzoneline2 = na
var line lowerphzoneline2 = na
var line lowerplzoneline2 = na
var bool upperzonetestedarr2 = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool lowerzonetestedarr2 = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool upperzonetested2 = false
var bool lowerzonetested2 = false
var bool nobool2 = true
var color upperzonecolor2 = color.red
var color lowerzonecolor2 = color.green
var label labelpharr2 = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelplarr2 = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelph2 = na
var label labelpl2 = na
//Hidden Kijun Resistances Calculation
if i_showsr and i_showkjhsr and hiddenbearkj
upperphzone2 := high_
upperplzone2 := close_ < open_ ? close_ : open_
upperplzoneline2 := i_layout == 'Zone' ? line.new(bar_index_, upperplzone2, bar_index, upperplzone2, width=i_linewidth) : na
upperphzoneline2 := nobool2 ? line.new(bar_index_, upperphzone2, bar_index, upperphzone2, width=i_linewidth) : line.new(bar_index_, (upperphzone2 + upperplzone2) / 2, bar_index, (upperphzone2 + upperplzone2) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelph2 := i_showsr ? label.new(bar_index_, nobool2 ? upperphzone2 : (upperphzone2 + upperplzone2) / 2, text=str.tostring(bar_index - bar_index_), textcolor=upperzonecolor2, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(upperphzonearr2) > numberofline2
array.push(upperphzonearr2, upperphzoneline2)
array.push(upperplzonearr2, upperplzoneline2)
array.push(upperzonetestedarr2, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelpharr2, labelph2)
if array.size(upperplzonearr2) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(upperplzonearr2) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline2 = array.get(upperphzonearr2, i)
line templowerline2 = array.get(upperplzonearr2, i)
label linepricelabel2 = array.get(labelpharr2, i)
bool tested2 = array.get(upperzonetestedarr2, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor2, 00), upperzonecolor2))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline2))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, ' Hidden Kijun Resistance - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline2))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel2, bar_index)
crossed = high > line.get_y1(tempupperline2)
if crossed and not tested2
array.set(upperzonetestedarr2, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested2 : not tested2
line.set_x2(tempupperline2, bar_index)
array.set(upperphzonearr2, i, tempupperline2)
line.set_x2(templowerline2, bar_index)
array.set(upperplzonearr2, i, templowerline2)
//Hidden Kijun Supports Calculation
if i_showsr and i_showkjhsr and hiddenbullkj
lowerplzone2 := low_
lowerphzone2 := close_ > open_ ? open_ : close_
lowerphzoneline2 := i_layout == 'Zone' ? line.new(bar_index_, lowerphzone2, bar_index, lowerphzone2, width=i_linewidth) : na
lowerplzoneline2 := nobool2 ? line.new(bar_index_, lowerplzone2, bar_index, lowerplzone2, width=i_linewidth) : line.new(bar_index_, (lowerphzone2 + lowerplzone2) / 2, bar_index, (lowerphzone2 + lowerplzone2) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelpl2 := i_showsr ? label.new(bar_index_, nobool2 ? lowerplzone2 : (lowerphzone2 + lowerplzone2) / 2, text=str.tostring(bar_index - bar_index_), textcolor=lowerzonecolor2, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(lowerphzonearr2) > numberofline2
array.push(lowerphzonearr2, lowerphzoneline2)
array.push(lowerplzonearr2, lowerplzoneline2)
array.push(lowerzonetestedarr2, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelplarr2, labelpl2)
if array.size(lowerplzonearr2) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(lowerplzonearr2) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline2 = array.get(lowerphzonearr2, i)
line templowerline2 = array.get(lowerplzonearr2, i)
label linepricelabel2 = array.get(labelplarr2, i)
bool tested2 = array.get(lowerzonetestedarr2, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline2, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel2, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline2, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor2, 00), lowerzonecolor2))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline2))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel2, ' Hidden Kijun Support - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline2))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel2, bar_index)
crossed = low < line.get_y1(templowerline2)
if crossed and not tested2
array.set(lowerzonetestedarr2, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested2 : not tested2
line.set_x2(tempupperline2, bar_index)
array.set(lowerphzonearr2, i, tempupperline2)
line.set_x2(templowerline2, bar_index)
array.set(lowerplzonearr2, i, templowerline2)
//◀─── Table Calculation ───►
//Constant Colors Variables
itablestrongbearcol = color.new(color.red, 0)
itablebearcol = color.new(color.maroon, 0)
itableneutralbearcol = color.new(color.silver, 0)
itablestrongbullcol = color.new(color.lime, 0)
itablebullcol = color.new(color.green, 0)
itableneutralbullcol = color.new(color.silver, 0)
itableconsocol = color.new(color.orange, 0)
//Boolean Dynamic Settings To Integer Conditions
var int dyntkint = 0
if dyntk
dyntkint := dyntk
var int dynkjint = 0
if dynkj
dynkjint := dynkj
var int dynskint = 0
if dynsk
dynskint := dynsk
var int dynchint = 0
if dynch
dynchint := dynch
//Global Functions
donchian(len) =>
math.avg(ta.lowest(len), ta.highest(len))
f_presets(p) =>
if p == 'Custom'
else if p == '9/26/52/26 - 6D Markets (Default)'
else if p == '8/22/44/22 - 5D Markets'
else if p == '9/30/60/30 - 24h/7D Markets (Crypto)'
else if p == '20/60/120/60 - 24h/7D Markets (Slow Version)'
f_tablestringpos(p) =>
p == 'Bottom Right' ? position.bottom_right : p == 'Top Right' ? position.top_right : p == 'Bottom Left' ? position.bottom_left : p == 'Top Left' ? position.top_left : p == 'Top' ? position.top_center : p == 'Right' ? position.middle_right : p == 'Bottom' ? position.bottom_center : p == 'Left' ? position.middle_left : na
f_tablestringdirsym(trend) =>
trend == 1 ? '▲ Strong' : trend == 2 ? '▲ Neutral' : trend == 3 ? '▲ Weak' : trend == -1 ? '▼ Strong' : trend == -2 ? '▼ Neutral' : trend == -3 ? '▼ Weak' : '■ Consolidation'
f_tablestringcolor(trend, c_up, c_down, c_consolidation) =>
trend > 0 ? c_up : trend < 0 ? c_down : c_consolidation
f_tablestringcolordir(trend, c_up, c_down) =>
trend > 0 ? c_up : c_down
f_tablecloudtrend(l1, l2) =>
l1 > l2 ? 1 : -1
f_tabletrendsum(sum, count) =>
sum == count ? 1 : sum == -count ? -1 : 0
f_tablestrengthconditions(pos, uptrend) =>
uptrend ? pos == 1 ? 1 : pos == 0 ? 2 : 3 : pos == -1 ? -1 : pos == 0 ? -2 : -3
//Presets Calculation
= f_presets(i_tablepresets)
//Presets Conditions
i_conversion = donchian(i_conversion_len)
i_base = donchian(i_base_len)
i_lead1 = math.avg(i_conversion, i_base)
i_lead2 = donchian(i_lagging_len)
i_cloud_top2 = math.max(i_lead1, i_lead2)
i_cloud_bot2 = math.min(i_lead1, i_lead2)
//Constant Array Variable
tablearrindex = array.new_int(0)
//Signals Conditions Function
f_tableconditions(enabled, signal) =>
if enabled
array.push(tablearrindex, signal)
i_lead1_current = i_lead1
i_lead2_current = i_lead2
i_cloud_top = math.max(i_lead1_current, i_lead2_current)
i_cloud_bot = math.min(i_lead1_current, i_lead2_current)
table_base_position = i_base > i_cloud_top ? 1 : i_base < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_base_breakout = close > i_base ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_base_position, true) : f_tablestrengthconditions(table_base_position, false)
table_cloud2_trend = f_tablecloudtrend(i_conversion, i_base)
table_cloud2_top = math.max(i_base, i_conversion)
table_cloud2_bot = math.min(i_base, i_conversion)
table_cloud2_position = table_cloud2_bot > i_cloud_top ? 1 : table_cloud2_top < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_cloud2_cross = table_cloud2_trend == 1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud2_position, true) : f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud2_position, false)
table_lagging_lead1 = i_lead1_current
table_lagging_lead2 = i_lead2_current
table_lagging_cloud_top = math.max(table_lagging_lead1, table_lagging_lead2)
table_lagging_cloud_bot = math.min(table_lagging_lead1, table_lagging_lead2)
table_lagging_high = high
table_lagging_low = low
table_lagging_trend = close > table_lagging_high ? 1 : close < table_lagging_low ? -1 : 0
table_lagging_position = close > i_cloud_top ? 1 : close < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_lagging_cross = table_lagging_trend == 1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_lagging_position, true) : table_lagging_trend == -1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_lagging_position, false) : 0
table_cloud_breakout = close > i_cloud_top ? 1 : close < i_cloud_bot ? -1 : 0
table_cloud_trend = f_tablecloudtrend(i_lead1, i_lead2)
table_lead_cross = table_cloud_trend == 1 ? f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud_breakout, true) : f_tablestrengthconditions(table_cloud_breakout, false)
//Conditions Functions
f_tableconditions(i_tablekjpc, table_base_breakout)
f_tableconditions(i_tabletkpc, table_cloud2_cross)
f_tableconditions(i_tablechpc, table_lagging_cross)
f_tableconditions(i_tablekumobr, table_cloud_breakout)
f_tableconditions(i_tablekumotw, table_lead_cross)
table_signal_max = array.max(tablearrindex)
table_signal_min = array.min(tablearrindex)
table_signal = table_signal_min > 0 ? table_signal_max : table_signal_max < 0 ? table_signal_min : 0
table_changed = table_signal != table_signal
table_downtrend = table_changed and table_signal == -1
table_uptrend = table_changed and table_signal == 1
table_consolidation = table_changed and table_signal == 0
table_consolidation_downtrend = table_consolidation and table_signal == -1
table_consolidation_uptrend = table_consolidation and table_signal == 1
//Colors String Function
f_tablecolors(t) =>
t == 1 ? itablestrongbullcol : t == 2 ? itableneutralbullcol : t == 3 ? itablebullcol : t == -1 ? itablestrongbearcol : t == -2 ? itableneutralbearcol : t == -3 ? itablebearcol : itableconsocol
//String to Variable
i_panel_c_signal_text = f_tablecolors(table_signal)
//Table Text Size String Function
tabletxtwi = i_tabletxtsize == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny : i_tabletxtsize == 'Small' ? size.small : i_tabletxtsize == 'Normal' ? size.normal : i_tabletxtsize == 'Large' ? size.large : size.normal
var table i_panel = na
insertRow(i, text_1, trend, col) =>
table.cell(i_panel, 0, i, text_1, text_color=col, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=tabletxtwi)
table.cell(i_panel, 1, i, f_tablestringdirsym(trend), text_color=f_tablecolors(trend), text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=tabletxtwi)
i + 1
if i_showtable and array.size(tablearrindex) > 0
i_panel := table.new(position=f_tablestringpos(i_tableloc), columns=2, rows=20, bgcolor=i_tablebgcol, border_width=0)
i = 0
if i_tabletkpc
i := insertRow(i, 'Tenkan-Sen Price Cross', table_cloud2_cross, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablekjpc
i := insertRow(i, 'Kijun-Sen Price Cross', table_base_breakout, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablechpc
i := insertRow(i, 'Chikou Span Price Cross', table_lagging_cross, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablekumobr
i := insertRow(i, 'Kumo Breakout', table_cloud_breakout, i_tabletxtcol)
if i_tablekumotw
i := insertRow(i, 'Kumo Twist', table_lead_cross, i_tabletxtcol)
table.cell(i_panel, 0, i, 'Status', bgcolor=i_tablebgcol, text_color=i_panel_c_signal_text, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=tabletxtwi)
table.cell(i_panel, 1, i, f_tablestringdirsym(table_signal), bgcolor=i_tablebgcol, text_color=i_panel_c_signal_text, text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=tabletxtwi)
//◀─── Support/Resistance Lines Variables Declaration ───►
var int numberofline = i_maxline
var float upperphzone = na
var float upperplzone = na
var float lowerphzone = na
var float lowerplzone = na
var line upperphzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperplzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerphzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line lowerplzonearr = array.new_line(0, na)
var line upperphzoneline = na
var line upperplzoneline = na
var line lowerphzoneline = na
var line lowerplzoneline = na
var bool upperzonetestedarr = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool lowerzonetestedarr = array.new_bool(0, false)
var bool upperzonetested = false
var bool lowerzonetested = false
var bool nobool = true
var bool showprice = true
var color upperzonecolor = i_rescol
var color lowerzonecolor = i_supcol
var label labelpharr = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelplarr = array.new_label(0, na)
var label labelph = na
var label labelpl = na
//Resistance Lines Calculation
if i_showsr and shortcr
upperphzone := high_
upperplzone := close_ < open_ ? close_ : open_
upperplzoneline := i_layout == 'Zone' ? line.new(bar_index_, upperplzone, bar_index, upperplzone, width=i_linewidth) : na
upperphzoneline := nobool ? line.new(bar_index_, upperphzone, bar_index, upperphzone, width=i_linewidth) : line.new(bar_index_, (upperphzone + upperplzone) / 2, bar_index, (upperphzone + upperplzone) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelph := showprice ? label.new(bar_index_, nobool ? upperphzone : (upperphzone + upperplzone) / 2, text=str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bar_index - bar_index_)), textcolor=upperzonecolor, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(upperphzonearr) > numberofline
array.push(upperphzonearr, upperphzoneline)
array.push(upperplzonearr, upperplzoneline)
array.push(upperzonetestedarr, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelpharr, labelph)
if array.size(upperplzonearr) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(upperplzonearr) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline = array.get(upperphzonearr, i)
line templowerline = array.get(upperplzonearr, i)
label linepricelabel = array.get(labelpharr, i)
bool tested = array.get(upperzonetestedarr, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(upperzonecolor, 00), upperzonecolor))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, ' Resistance - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(tempupperline))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel, bar_index)
crossed = high > line.get_y1(tempupperline)
if crossed and not tested
array.set(upperzonetestedarr, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested : not tested
line.set_x2(tempupperline, bar_index)
array.set(upperphzonearr, i, tempupperline)
line.set_x2(templowerline, bar_index)
array.set(upperplzonearr, i, templowerline)
//Support Lines Calculation
if i_showsr and longcr
lowerplzone := low_
lowerphzone := close_ > open_ ? open_ : close_
lowerphzoneline := i_layout == 'Zone' ? line.new(bar_index_, lowerphzone, bar_index, lowerphzone, width=i_linewidth) : na
lowerplzoneline := nobool ? line.new(bar_index_, lowerplzone, bar_index, lowerplzone, width=i_linewidth) : line.new(bar_index_, (lowerphzone + lowerplzone) / 2, bar_index, (lowerphzone + lowerplzone) / 2, width=i_linewidth)
labelpl := showprice ? label.new(bar_index_, nobool ? lowerplzone : (lowerphzone + lowerplzone) / 2, text=str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(bar_index - bar_index_)), textcolor=lowerzonecolor, style=label.style_none) : na
if array.size(lowerphzonearr) > numberofline
array.push(lowerphzonearr, lowerphzoneline)
array.push(lowerplzonearr, lowerplzoneline)
array.push(lowerzonetestedarr, i_extend ? true : false)
array.push(labelplarr, labelpl)
if array.size(lowerplzonearr) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(lowerplzonearr) - 1 by 1
line tempupperline = array.get(lowerphzonearr, i)
line templowerline = array.get(lowerplzonearr, i)
label linepricelabel = array.get(labelplarr, i)
bool tested = array.get(lowerzonetestedarr, i)
line.set_style(tempupperline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_style(templowerline, f_i_linestyle(i_linestyle))
line.set_color(tempupperline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00)))
line.set_color(templowerline, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00), fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00)))
label.set_textcolor(linepricelabel, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numberofline, fzonecolor(lowerzonecolor, 00), lowerzonecolor))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline))))
label.set_text(linepricelabel, ' Support - ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(line.get_y1(templowerline))))
label.set_x(linepricelabel, bar_index)
crossed = low < line.get_y1(templowerline)
if crossed and not tested
array.set(lowerzonetestedarr, i, true)
else if i_extend ? tested : not tested
line.set_x2(tempupperline, bar_index)
array.set(lowerphzonearr, i, tempupperline)
line.set_x2(templowerline, bar_index)
array.set(lowerplzonearr, i, templowerline)
//◀─── Psychological Levels ───►
//Constant Variable
var incr = syminfo.type == 'cfd' ? syminfo.mintick * 5000 : syminfo.type == 'crypto' ? syminfo.mintick * 5000 : syminfo.mintick * 500
if i_psylevels and barstate.islast
for counter = 0 to i_linescounter - 1 by 1
incrup = math.ceil(close / incr) * incr + counter * incr
incrdown = math.floor(close / incr) * incr - counter * incr
line.new(bar_index, incrup, bar_index - 1, incrup, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.both, color=i_psylinescol, width=1, style=line.style_solid)
line.new(bar_index, incrdown, bar_index - 1, incrdown, xloc=xloc.bar_index, extend=extend.both, color=i_psylinescol, width=1, style=line.style_solid)
//◀─── Alerts ───►
if sell ? high + atrxy : na
alert('Sell Condition! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(sell ? high + atrxy : na, 'Sell Condition!', 'Sell Condition!')
if buy ? low - atrxy : na
alert('Buy Condition! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(buy ? low - atrxy : na, 'Buy Condition!', 'Buy Condition!')
if shortcr ? (high) + atrxy : na
alert('Sell Continuity/Reversal! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(shortcr ? (high) + atrxy : na, 'Sell Continuity/Reversal!', 'Sell Continuity/Reversal!')
if longcr ? (low) - atrxy : na
alert('Buy Continuity/Reversal! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(longcr ? (high) + atrxy : na, 'Buy Continuity/Reversal!', 'Buy Continuity/Reversal!')
if i_showtable and table_downtrend
alert('Panel : Bearish Trend! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(i_showtable and table_downtrend, 'Panel : Bearish Trend!', 'Panel : Bearish Trend!')
if i_showtable and table_uptrend
alert('Panel : Bullish Trend! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(i_showtable and table_uptrend, 'Panel : Bullish Trend!', 'Panel : Bullish Trend!')
if i_showtable and table_consolidation
alert('Panel : Trend Consolidation! At ' + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(close)), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
alertcondition(i_showtable and table_consolidation, 'Panel : Trend Consolidation!', 'Panel : Trend Consolidation!')
빌 윌리엄스 인디케이터
Will Daily SentimentSimple oscillator to show WIlliam Sentiment for the daily timeframe according to the formula:
* 100
Level lines are at 65 and 35 (changeable)
Suggested period is 14 days (changeable)
Seems to get the lows pretty correctly and even anticipate the highs.
Predictive Buy/Sell IndicatorĐây là mã Pine Script dự báo tín hiệu BUY/SELL trước khi nến chạy, dựa trên Fibonacci, Order Block, RSI và EMA. Chỉ báo sẽ:
✅ Hiển thị tín hiệu BUY (mua) khi giá phá vỡ Order Block, RSI thấp và nằm trên EMA.
✅ Hiển thị tín hiệu SELL (bán) khi giá giảm dưới Order Block, RSI cao và nằm dưới EMA.
✅ Tự động đặt Take Profit (TP) & Stop Loss (SL) dựa trên ATR.
Session Breaks, Market OpenSimple day breaker. Market Open with dashed lines for day and weekly breaks. Enjoy everyone!! Trade Safe Lads
Zona Momentum Strategysilakan dipakai sepuasnya untuk hasil maksimal. jadikan momentum buy dan sell dengan baik dan jangan bingung
Enhanced CM_Williams_Vix_Fix for CryptoVERSION2
逻辑运算符调整:把 sd and upperBand 改成 sd ? upperBand : na,hp and rangeHigh 改成 hp ? rangeHigh : na 等,以此确保条件判断是布尔类型的。
支撑阻力线绘制:用 line.new 替代 hline 来绘制动态的支撑和阻力线,避免 hline 函数参数类型不匹配的问题。
Price Action and Key LevelsThe Price Action and Key Levels indicator is a powerful tool designed to help traders identify key price action patterns and significant support/resistance levels on their charts. It automatically detects swing highs and swing lows based on a user-defined lookback period and plots dynamic support and resistance levels. This indicator is ideal for traders who rely on price action and key levels for making informed trading decisions.
RSI Failure Swing Pattern (with Alerts & Targets)RSI Failure Swing Pattern Indicator – Detailed Description
The RSI Failure Swing Pattern Indicator is a trend reversal detection tool based on the principles of failure swings in the Relative Strength Index (RSI). This indicator identifies key reversal signals by analyzing RSI swings and confirming trend shifts using predefined overbought and oversold conditions.
Failure swing patterns are one of the strongest RSI-based reversal signals, initially introduced by J. Welles Wilder. This indicator detects these patterns and provides clear buy/sell signals with labeled entry, stop-loss, and profit target levels. The tool is designed to work across all timeframes and assets.
How the Indicator Works
The RSI Failure Swing Pattern consists of two key structures:
1. Bullish Failure Swing (Buy Signal)
Occurs when RSI enters oversold territory (below 30), recovers, forms a higher low above the oversold level, and finally breaks above the intermediate swing high in RSI.
Step 1: RSI dips below 30 (oversold condition).
Step 2: RSI rebounds and forms a local peak.
Step 3: RSI retraces but does not go below the previous low (higher low confirmation).
Step 4: RSI breaks above the previous peak, confirming a bullish trend reversal.
Buy signal is triggered at the breakout above the RSI peak.
2. Bearish Failure Swing (Sell Signal)
Occurs when RSI enters overbought territory (above 70), declines, forms a lower high below the overbought level, and then breaks below the intermediate swing low in RSI.
Step 1: RSI rises above 70 (overbought condition).
Step 2: RSI declines and forms a local trough.
Step 3: RSI bounces but fails to exceed the previous high (lower high confirmation).
Step 4: RSI breaks below the previous trough, confirming a bearish trend reversal.
Sell signal is triggered at the breakdown below the RSI trough.
Features of the Indicator
Custom RSI Settings: Adjustable RSI length (default 14), overbought/oversold levels.
Buy & Sell Signals: Buy/sell signals are plotted directly on the price chart.
Entry, Stop-Loss, and Profit Targets:
Entry: Price at the breakout of the RSI failure swing pattern.
Stop-Loss: Lowest low (for buy) or highest high (for sell) of the previous two bars.
Profit Targets: Two levels calculated based on Risk-Reward ratios (1:1 and 1:2 by default, customizable).
Labeled Price Levels:
Entry Price Line (Blue): Marks the point of trade entry.
Stop-Loss Line (Red): Shows the calculated stop-loss level.
Target 1 Line (Orange): Profit target at 1:1 risk-reward ratio.
Target 2 Line (Green): Profit target at 1:2 risk-reward ratio.
Alerts for Trade Execution:
Buy/Sell signals trigger alerts for real-time notifications.
Alerts fire when price reaches stop-loss or profit targets.
Works on Any Timeframe & Asset: Suitable for stocks, forex, crypto, indices, and commodities.
Why Use This Indicator?
Highly Reliable Reversal Signals: Unlike simple RSI overbought/oversold strategies, failure swings filter out false breakouts and provide strong confirmation of trend reversals.
Risk Management Built-In: Stop-loss and take-profit levels are automatically set based on historical price action and risk-reward considerations.
Easy-to-Use Visualization: Clearly marked entry, stop-loss, and profit target levels make it beginner-friendly while still being valuable for experienced traders.
How to Trade with the Indicator
Buy Trade Example (Bullish Failure Swing)
RSI drops below 30 and recovers.
RSI forms a higher low and then breaks above the previous peak.
Entry: Buy when RSI crosses above its previous peak.
Stop-Loss: Set below the lowest low of the previous two candles.
Profit Targets:
Target 1 (1:1 Risk-Reward Ratio)
Target 2 (1:2 Risk-Reward Ratio)
Sell Trade Example (Bearish Failure Swing)
RSI rises above 70 and then declines.
RSI forms a lower high and then breaks below the previous trough.
Entry: Sell when RSI crosses below its previous trough.
Stop-Loss: Set above the highest high of the previous two candles.
Profit Targets:
Target 1 (1:1 Risk-Reward Ratio)
Target 2 (1:2 Risk-Reward Ratio)
Final Thoughts
The RSI Failure Swing Pattern Indicator is a powerful tool for traders looking to identify high-probability trend reversals. By using the RSI failure swing concept along with built-in risk management tools, this indicator provides a structured approach to trading with clear entry and exit points. Whether you’re a day trader, swing trader, or long-term investor, this indicator helps in capturing momentum shifts while minimizing risk.
Would you like any modifications or additional features? 🚀
Estrategia RSI + EMAsIndicadores:
RSI: Calculado con un período de 14. Considera que está sobrecomprado cuando el valor es mayor a 70 y sobrevendido cuando es menor a 30.
EMA50 y EMA200: Son las medias móviles exponenciales con períodos de 50 y 200, respectivamente.
Condiciones de compra:
El RSI debe estar por debajo de 30 (condición de sobreventa).
La EMA 50 debe estar por encima de la EMA 200 (indica una tendencia alcista).
El precio debe cruzar hacia arriba la EMA 50.
Condiciones de venta:
El RSI debe estar por encima de 70 (condición de sobrecompra).
La EMA 50 debe estar por debajo de la EMA 200 (indica una tendencia bajista).
El precio debe cruzar hacia abajo la EMA 50.
Señales visuales:
Se muestra un label verde debajo de la barra cuando se genera una señal de compra (Long).
Se muestra un label rojo encima de la barra cuando se genera una señal de venta (Short).
El script también tiene configuradas alertas para que puedas configurar notificaciones cuando se cumplan las condiciones para compra o venta.
Price Action Strategy - Engulfing with Trailing SLThis strategy:
Entry signals:
Bullish and bearish engulfing candle patterns
Optional volume filter (requires higher than average volume)
Optional trend filter (uses 50 EMA direction)
Optional RSI filter (buys oversold, sells overbought)
Exit mechanisms:
Trailing stop-loss based on percentage from current price
ATR-adjusted trailing to adapt to market volatility
Risk management:
ATR-based stop placement
Dynamic trailing that follows price momentum
Three Highs & Three Lows (Last 50 Candles) - Thicker Linesthis indicator shows three highs and three lows by analysis last 50 candles
Scalping Strategy//@version=5
strategy("Scalping Strategy", overlay=true)
// Indicators
ma50 = ta.sma(close, 50)
ema20 = ta.ema(close, 20)
ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200)
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
osc = ta.stoch(close, high, low, 14)
vol = volume
// Trend Confirmation
bullishTrend = ema20 > ema200 and close > ma50
bearishTrend = ema20 < ema200 and close < ma50
// RSI Divergence Detection
rsiOverbought = rsi > 70
rsiOversold = rsi < 30
// Oscillator Confirmation
oscBull = osc < 20
oscBear = osc > 80
// Volume Confirmation
highVolume = vol > ta.sma(vol, 20)
// Entry Conditions
buySignal = bullishTrend and rsiOversold and oscBull and highVolume
sellSignal = bearishTrend and rsiOverbought and oscBear and highVolume
// Execute Trades
if buySignal
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
if sellSignal
strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short)
// Plot indicators
plot(ma50, color=color.blue, title="MA 50")
plot(ema20, color=color.green, title="EMA 20")
plot(ema200, color=color.red, title="EMA 200")
Ultimate Gold Trading StrategyAdaptive ATR-based Stop-Loss & Take-Profit
✔ Fair Value Gap (FVG) detection for Smart Money trading
✔ 200 EMA Trend Filter to avoid counter-trend trades
✔ Exit trades when SuperTrend flips direction
✔ Multi-Timeframe (4H) SuperTrend confirmation
🔥 These refinements will make your indicator even more powerful and reduce false signals!
Would you like me to implement these changes in your script? 🚀
You said:
ok add all
ChatGPT said:
✅ Ultimate Gold Trading Strategy Fully Optimized! 🚀🔥
🎯 New Enhancements Added:
1️⃣ ✅ ATR-Based Adaptive Stop-Loss & Take-Profit
Dynamic SL/TP adjusts to market volatility instead of a fixed percentage.
2️⃣ 📈 Fair Value Gap (FVG) Detection
Detects Smart Money price inefficiencies for better trade accuracy.
3️⃣ 📊 200 EMA Trend Filter
Prevents counter-trend trades, ensuring higher probability trades.
4️⃣ ⏳ Multi-Timeframe SuperTrend Confirmation (4H)
Aligns lower timeframe trades with a higher timeframe trend.
5️⃣ 🔄 Exit Trade on Trend Reversal
Closes position if SuperTrend flips, locking in profits before reversals.
✅ Final Strategy Flow:
✔ Buy Conditions:
SuperTrend is bullish
MACD crosses up
Order Block confirmation
RSI is oversold (<30)
Volume above SMA
Price above 200 EMA
Fair Value Gap confirmation
Higher timeframe (4H) SuperTrend is bullish
✔ Sell Conditions:
SuperTrend is bearish
MACD crosses down
Order Block confirmation
RSI is overbought (>70)
Volume above SMA
Price below 200 EMA
Fair Value Gap confirmation
Higher timeframe (4H) SuperTrend is bearish
✔ Exit Strategy:
When the trend reverses (SuperTrend flips direction).
📌 How to Use in TradingView
Copy & Paste this script into Pine Editor.
Click Add to Chart.
Enable Buy/Sell Alerts for auto notifications.
🚀 This strategy is now optimized for HIGH ACCURACY and SMART MONEY TRADING! 🔥
Would you like any further modifications or improvements? 💡
You said:
Invalid assignment. Cannot assign a tuple to a variable 'htfSuperTrend'. error comes
ChatGPT said:
I've fixed the invalid assignment issue by correctly extracting the SuperTrend and direction from the higher timeframe (4H) request.
🔧 Fix Implemented:
htfSuperTrend = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "4H", ta.supertrend(multiplier, atrLength))
(which caused an error)
= request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "4H", ta.supertrend(multiplier, atrLength))
htfTrend = htfDirection == 1
(which properly extracts both values from the function)
This should now work without errors. ✅
Let me know if you need further modifications! 🚀🔥
Daily Sessions Tehran//@version=5
indicator("Daily Sessions Tehran", overlay=true)
// تنظیم تایم زون تهران (GMT+3:30)
timezone = "Asia/Tehran"
// محاسبه زمان 00:00 به وقت تهران که برابر با 20:30 به وقت GMT است
startOfDay = timestamp("Asia/Tehran", year, month, dayofmonth, 0, 0)
// نمایش زمان شروع روز به وقت تهران در چارت (برای بررسی)
plot(time == startOfDay ? 1 : na, color=color.red, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=2)
// رسم خط عمودی در زمان شروع روز
if (time == startOfDay)
line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=ta.highest(high, 500) * 1.2, x2=bar_index, y2=ta.lowest(low, 500) * 0.8, width=2, color=color.white, style=line.style_dotted)
// رنگ پسزمینه
bgcolor(color.new(color.blue, 90), offset=0, show_last=1, transp=80)
Linear Dominion
### Indicator Note: Linear Dominion
The "Linear Dominion" indicator is a Pine Script v6 implementation of a Linear Regression Channel, designed to overlay on price charts in TradingView. It calculates a linear regression line based on a user-defined length and source, then constructs upper and lower channel boundaries around this line using either standard deviation or maximum price deviations. The indicator provides visual trend analysis, statistical correlation (Pearson's R), and alert conditions for price movements.
**Key Components:**
1. **Linear Regression Line (Base Line):**
- Calculated using the least squares method over a specified `Length` period.
- Represents the best-fit straight line through the price data (default source: close price).
- Displayed in red (solid line, no transparency).
2. **Upper and Lower Channels:**
- **Upper Channel**: Plotted above the base line (blue, semi-transparent).
- **Lower Channel**: Plotted below the base line (red, semi-transparent).
- Channel width can be set using:
- Standard deviation multiplied by a user-defined factor (`Upper Deviation` and `Lower Deviation`).
- Maximum price deviation from the regression line (if deviation multipliers are disabled).
3. **Inputs:**
- **Length**: Number of bars used for regression calculation (default: 100, range: 1-5000).
- **Source**: Price data to analyze (default: close).
- **Channel Settings**:
- `Upper Deviation`: Toggle and multiplier for upper channel width (default: true, 2.0).
- `Lower Deviation`: Toggle and multiplier for lower channel width (default: true, 2.0).
- **Display Settings**:
- `Show Pearson's R`: Displays correlation coefficient (default: true).
- `Extend Lines Left`: Extends channel lines to the left (default: false).
- `Extend Lines Right`: Extends channel lines to the right (default: true).
- **Color Settings**:
- Upper channel: Light blue (85% transparency).
- Lower channel: Light red (85% transparency).
4. **Statistical Features:**
- **Pearson's R**: Measures the linear correlation between price and time, displayed as a label below the lower channel when enabled.
- Range: -1 to 1 (1 = perfect positive correlation, -1 = perfect negative correlation, 0 = no correlation).
5. **Alerts:**
- **Dominion Channel Exited**: Triggers when price crosses above the upper channel or below the lower channel.
- **Switched to Uptrend**: Triggers when the trend changes from downtrend to uptrend (base line slope becomes positive).
- **Switched to Downtrend**: Triggers when the trend changes from uptrend to downtrend (base line slope becomes negative).
**How It Works:**
- The `calcSlope` function computes the slope, average, and intercept of the regression line using the formula: \( slope = \frac{n\sum(xy) - \sum x \sum y}{n\sum(x^2) - (\sum x)^2} \).
- The `calcDev` function calculates:
- Standard deviation of price from the regression line.
- Maximum upward and downward deviations (based on high/low prices).
- Pearson’s R correlation coefficient.
- Lines are dynamically updated each bar:
- Base line connects the start price (intercept + slope * (length-1)) to the end price (intercept).
- Upper/lower channels are offset from the base line based on the chosen deviation method.
- The area between lines is filled with semi-transparent colors for visual clarity.
- **Trend Identification**: The slope of the base line indicates the overall trend direction.
- **Support/Resistance**: Upper and lower channels act as dynamic levels where price might reverse or break out.
- **Volatility Analysis**: Wider channels indicate higher volatility; narrower channels suggest consolidation.
- **Correlation Insight**: Pearson's R helps assess how well price follows a linear trend.
- The lower channel line currently uses `colorUpper` (blue) instead of `colorLower` (red), which may be a bug (should be fixed to `colorLower` for consistency).
- The indicator updates only on the last bar (`barstate.islast`) to optimize performance.
- Maximum bars back is set to 5000, which should match or exceed the maximum `Length` input.
**Potential Improvements:**
- Fix the lower line color to use `colorLower`.
- Add options for line width customization.
- Include additional statistical metrics (e.g., R-squared).
SIRILAK BOT RSI with SMA Cross Signals + Heikin Ashi//@version=5
indicator("SIRILAK BOT RSI with SMA Cross Signals + Heikin Ashi", overlay=true)
// RSI and SMA settings
rsiLength = 5
smaLength = 21
// Heikin Ashi calculations
var float heikinOpen = na
heikinClose = (open + high + low + close) / 4
heikinOpen := na(heikinOpen ) ? (open + close) / 2 : (heikinOpen + heikinClose ) / 2
heikinHigh = math.max(high, math.max(heikinOpen, heikinClose))
heikinLow = math.min(low, math.min(heikinOpen, heikinClose))
// Plot Heikin Ashi candles on the price chart
plotcandle(open=heikinOpen, high=heikinHigh, low=heikinLow, close=heikinClose, color=heikinClose >= heikinOpen ? color.green : color.red, wickcolor=color.black, title="Heikin Ashi Candles")
// Calculate RSI and SMA
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
sma = ta.sma(rsi, smaLength)
// Conditions for buy and sell signals
sellSignal = ta.crossover(sma, rsi) // RSI crosses below SMA
buySignal = ta.crossunder(sma, rsi) // RSI crosses above SMA
// Track the last signal
var string lastSignal = ""
// Ensure signal is only given after the candle closes
sellSignalClose = barstate.isconfirmed and sellSignal and (lastSignal != "SELL") // Confirm signal only on completed bar, and must be different from previous signal
buySignalClose = barstate.isconfirmed and buySignal and (lastSignal != "BUY") // Confirm signal only on completed bar, and must be different from previous signal
// Update the last signal
if (buySignalClose)
lastSignal := "BUY"
if (sellSignalClose)
lastSignal := "SELL"
// Plot RSI and SMA on RSI pane
plot(rsi, color=color.blue, linewidth=2, title="RSI")
plot(sma, color=color.orange, linewidth=2, title="SMA")
// Plot buy and sell signals only when the candle closes
plotshape(series=sellSignalClose, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, title="Sell Signal", text="SELL")
plotshape(series=buySignalClose, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.labelup, title="Buy Signal", text="BUY")
Rolling VWAPRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name PhucRolling vwap Name Phuc
Naveen %R (140) Top 40 ScreenerTitle: Naveen %R (140) Top 40 Screener
The "Naveen %R (140) Top 40 Screener" is a specialized TradingView indicator designed to assess the relative strength of the top 40 cryptocurrency pairs listed on Binance, excluding stablecoins. This indicator calculates the Naveen %R, a variant of the Williams %R indicator, over a span of 140 periods to determine overbought and oversold conditions.
Comprehensive Coverage: Tracks the top 40 crypto pairs, ensuring a broad market overview.
Custom %R Calculation: Uses a modified Williams %R formula tailored to crypto volatility and trading patterns.
Overbought and Oversold Alerts: Provides real-time alerts when a currency pair enters overbought (> -5) or oversold (< -95) territories, enabling traders to make timely decisions.
Visual Labels and Lines: Utilizes labels and horizontal lines to clearly indicate current market conditions, making it easy to scan multiple assets quickly.
Adaptability: Suitable for traders of all levels who require a reliable tool to gauge market sentiment and potential reversal points.
Ideal Use Cases:
Day Trading: Monitor quick shifts in market sentiment to capture short-term gains.
Swing Trading: Identify entry and exit points for mid-term positions based on overextended price movements.
Crypto Market Analysis: Gain a macro overview of market trends and trader behavior across major cryptocurrencies.
By integrating this indicator into your trading strategy, you can enhance your decision-making process with a robust, data-driven approach to identifying potential buy and sell opportunities based on proven technical analysis principles.
Hacim Analizli Destek-Direnç Stratejisi (Uyarılı)//@version=5
indicator("Hacim Analizli Destek-Direnç Stratejisi (Uyarılı)", overlay=true)
// Parametreler
var float entryPrice = na
var bool inTrade = false
var float takeProfitLevel = na
var float stopLossLevel = na
// Hacim ve Fiyat Hareketi
volumeThreshold = input.float(100000, title="Hacim Eşiği")
priceChangeThreshold = input.float(2.0, title="Fiyat Değişimi Eşiği (%)")
// Destek ve Direnç Seviyeleri
lookbackPeriod = input.int(14, title="Destek/Direnç Periyodu")
supportLevel = ta.lowest(low, lookbackPeriod)
resistanceLevel = ta.highest(high, lookbackPeriod)
// Destek ve Direnç Çizgilerini Çiz
plot(supportLevel, color=color.green, linewidth=2, title="Destek")
plot(resistanceLevel, color=color.red, linewidth=2, title="Direnç")
// Hacim Analizi
volumeDecreaseThreshold = input.float(0.7, title="Hacim Azalma Eşiği (%)")
volumeDecrease = volume < (volume * volumeDecreaseThreshold)
// Yükseliş Hacmi ve Kırılım Tespiti
volumeIncrease = volume > volumeThreshold
priceBreakout = close > resistanceLevel // Direnç seviyesini kırma
// Giriş Koşulu
if (volumeIncrease and priceBreakout and not inTrade)
entryPrice := close
takeProfitLevel := entryPrice * (1 + priceChangeThreshold / 100)
stopLossLevel := entryPrice * (0.98) // %2 stop loss
inTrade := true
label.new(bar_index, low, text="Giriş", style=label.style_circle, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white)
alert("Giriş Sinyali: " + str.tostring(close), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
// Çıkış Koşulu (Kar Alma veya Stop Loss)
if (inTrade)
if (close >= takeProfitLevel)
inTrade := false
label.new(bar_index, high, text="Kar Al", style=label.style_circle, color=color.blue, textcolor=color.white)
alert("Kar Alma Sinyali: " + str.tostring(close), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
else if (close <= stopLossLevel)
inTrade := false
label.new(bar_index, low, text="Stop Loss", style=label.style_circle, color=color.red, textcolor=color.white)
alert("Stop Loss Sinyali: " + str.tostring(close), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
// Hacim Azalma Uyarısı
if (volumeDecrease)
label.new(bar_index, high, text="Hacim Azalıyor", style=label.style_label_down, color=color.orange, textcolor=color.white)
alert("Hacim Azalıyor: " + str.tostring(close), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
// Grafikte Giriş ve Çıkışları Gösterme
plotshape(series=volumeIncrease and priceBreakout, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.labelup, text="Giriş")
plotshape(series=close >= takeProfitLevel, location=location.abovebar, color=color.blue, style=shape.labeldown, text="Kar Al")
plotshape(series=close <= stopLossLevel, location=location.belowbar, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, text="Stop Loss")
// Hacim Grafiği
plot(volume, title="Hacim", color=color.blue, style=plot.style_columns)
Highlight Specific Weekdayshis Pine Script highlights Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday on your TradingView chart by changing the background color on those days. It uses the built-in dayofweek() function to check the weekday of each bar, then applies a different semi-transparent color for each targeted day.