

2 286
Library "Algebra"

Algebra functions.

line_fromXy(x1, y1, x2, y2)
  Get line slope and y-intercept from coordinates
    x1: x coordinate 1 (int - bar index)
    y1: y coordinate 1 (float - price/value)
    x2: x coordinate 2 (int - bar index)
    y2: y coordinate 2 (float - price/value)
  Returns: [slope, y-intercept] of line

line_getPrice(x, slope, yInt)
  Get line slope and y-intercept from coordinates
    x: x coordinate to solve for y (int - bar index)
    slope: slope of line (float)
    yInt: y-intercept of line (float)
  Returns: y (price/value)
릴리즈 노트

New functions:
line_getRightTriSides() - Get length of sides of a right triangle formed by a given line
line_length() - Get length of line, given a line object or two sets of coordinates

line_getRTriSides(x1, y1, x2, y2, l)
  Get length of sides of a right triangle formed by a given line
    x1: x coordinate 1 (int - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    y1: y coordinate 1 (float - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    x2: x coordinate 2 (int - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    y2: y coordinate 2 (float - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    l: line object (line - optional, required if x1, y1, x2, y2 agruments are not specified)
  Returns: [a (Δy), b (Δx), c (Hypotenuse)]

line_length(x1, y1, x2, y2, l)
  Get length of line, given a line object or two sets of coordinates
    x1: x coordinate 1 (int - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    y1: y coordinate 1 (float - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    x2: x coordinate 2 (int - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    y2: y coordinate 2 (float - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    l: line object (line - optional, required if x1, y1, x2, y2 agruments are not specified)
  Returns: length of line (float)
릴리즈 노트
Renamed line_getRTriSides() to line_getRtSides()

line_getRtSides(x1, y1, x2, y2, l)
  Get length of sides of a right triangle formed by a given line
    x1: x coordinate 1 (int - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    y1: y coordinate 1 (float - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    x2: x coordinate 2 (int - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    y2: y coordinate 2 (float - optional, required if argument l is not specified)
    l: line object (line - optional, required if x1, y1, x2, y2 agruments are not specified)
  Returns: [a (Δy), b (Δx), c (Hypotenuse)]

line_getRTriSides(x1, y1, x2, y2, l)
  Get length of sides of a right triangle formed by a given line
릴리즈 노트

line_getPrice_fromXy(x, x1, y1, x2, y2)
  Get price at X coordinate, given two points on a line
    x: x coordinate to solve for y (int - bar index)
    x1: x coordinate 1 (int - bar index)
    y1: y coordinate 1 (float - price/value)
    x2: x coordinate 2 (int - bar index)
    y2: y coordinate 2 (float - price/value)
  Returns: y (price/value)


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