Get, Set, automatic growing, universal get/set, multi-matrix dictionaries, multi-dictionary matrixes.. add slice matrixes of any type, share one common global key registry pull up an item from a category, and item name ie a table of info. same cell needs a color, a size, a string, a value, etc.. all of which can be pulled up with the same group id, and key id. just swap which matrix you pull the value from. this has a side benefit of non-repainting and recalculating when pulling values, changing inputs.. makes for very fast/clean usage..
benefit :
floats = value strings = names lines = drawn items table =table of data items for this key colors = color for line/table/fill,label..
all of those can be pulled with "get(_VALUES,_groupIDX,_keyIDX)" where only the values matrix needs be swapped, and the same item/coordinates remains for all the possible matrixes that item appears in.
also useful as a dictionary/registry for any given type of item,, and goes very handy with floats/strings/colors/bools with my matrixautotable very helpful when prototyping or doing development work as a shortcut.
initRegistry() Registry inititalizer Returns: registry of string matrix type
newbool(optional, optional, optional) create bool type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is bool (na) Returns: bool matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newbox(optional, optional, optional) create box type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is box (na) Returns: box matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newcolor(optional, optional, optional) create color type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is color (na) Returns: color matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newfloat(optional, optional, optional) create float type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is float (na) Returns: float matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newint(optional, optional, optional) create int type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is int (na) Returns: int matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newlabel(optional, optional, optional) create label type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is label (na) Returns: label matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newline(optional, optional, optional) create line type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is line (na) Returns: line matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newlinefill(optional, optional, optional) create linefill type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is linefill(na) Returns: linefill matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newstring(optional, optional, optional) create string type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is string (na) Returns: string matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newtable(optional, optional, optional) create table type new matrix presized 2x2 for reg Parameters: optional: row size optional: column size optional: fill value(default is table (na) Returns: table matrix of specified size and fill, or blank 2x2 for registry use
newfrom(INIT_FILL) newfrom Matrix full of item input Parameters: INIT_FILL: item to fill (2x2) the matri and set type. a type(na) works
addrow(m, v) addrow Add new row to matrix Parameters: m: matrix of type being added to v: value of type being added to ( best leave NA on string for registry purposes)
addcolumn(matrix, value) addcolumn Parameters: matrix: of type being added to value: of type being added to ( best leave NA on string for registry purposes)
get(_VALS, _KEYREG, _GROUP, _KEY) get Grabs value and returns single item Parameters: _VALS: Matrix Values slice _KEYREG: Registry values matrix (strings) _GROUP: name of group/category or int group key _KEY: name of item to fetch from value registry or int key id Returns: item
get(_VALS, _GROUP, _KEY) get Grabs value and returns single item Parameters: _VALS: Matrix Values slice _GROUP: name of group/category _KEY: name of item to fetch from value registry
getgid(_KEYREG, _GROUP) getgid Parameters: _KEYREG: Reg to pull group id from _GROUP: group index int, or string name to get the other missing type
getkid(_KEYREG, _GROUP, _KEY) getkid Parameters: _KEYREG: Reg to pull Key id from _GROUP: group index int, or string name _KEY: index of string key id to get it's ID int
getkey(_KEYREG, _GROUP, _KEY) getkey Parameters: _KEYREG: Reg to pull Key id from _GROUP: group index int, or string name for getting key string _KEY: index of string key id to get it's match of other type
set(_VALS, _KEYREG, _GROUP, _KEY, _value) set items to reg and matrix container Parameters: _VALS: Values matrix container _KEYREG: Key registry _GROUP: (string) Group/Category name _KEY: (string) Key for item _value: item Returns: void
del(_VALS, _KEYREG, _GROUP, _KEY) del grroup id Parameters: _VALS: Matrix Values slice _KEYREG: Registry values matrix (strings) _GROUP: name of group/category _KEY: name of item to Delete from values and key
detached(_GROUP, _KEY, _VALUE) detached make detached registry/val matrix Parameters: _GROUP: Name of first group _KEY: Name of first item _VALUE: Item of any type, sets the output type too.
릴리즈 노트
v2 Some Speedups, dropped the add functions See "columns" and "rows" library for replacements (better!)
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