Normaly Pivot is calculate from the last candle. Future Pivot is calculate from the running candle. The Future Pivot Indicator is usefull at the end of a period (11pm, Sundays, and end of the month)
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Label Update cause of new Pine features. Have Fun.
릴리즈 노트
Change Layout same math. Future Pivots are Usfull short time before a Candle is closing, cause u can see (nearly) where next Pivot will come. Future Pivots are calculated with the actoa running Candle, normal Pivots are calculated from the last closed candle. Have Fun
릴리즈 노트
Some small Label changes. Now you can change Pivot and Label Color.
릴리즈 노트
Code clean up Yearly Future PPivot added ( shown in December printed in January)
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