An incredibly useful indicator that shows seasonality and presidential cycles by indices, stocks and industries. Just type in a ticker and trade according to seasonal patterns
Blue line - seasonality excluding presidential cycles Green line - seasonality taking into account presidential cycles
*Seasonal patterns over the last 10 years
This indicator uses the request.seed() function. Requests data from a GitHub repository maintained by our team and returns it as a series.
Pine Seeds is a service to import custom data and access it via TradingView. Use TradingView as frontend and use a GitHub repository as backend.
Rus: Невероятно полезный индикатор, который показывает сезонность и президентские циклы по индексам, акциям и отраслям. Просто вбейте тикер и торгуйте согласно сезонным паттернам
Синяя линия - сезонность без учета президентских циклов Зеленая линия - сезонность с учетом президентских циклов
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