NCI_Mental Health is a reminder to help traders to manage psychology during analyzation.
This indicator calculates and displays your analyzation time and give you alert about your current mental status to continue analyzing or close chart to avoid being manipulated my market.
Our purpose is, keep your mind always "Empty" during analyzation. Counting opening chart will help you to control analyzation time and empty your mind better.
🔶 Who can use it ?
1. All traders who are using NCI, ICT , MACD system and other systems...
2. All traders who are trading on any timeframe
3. All traders who are trading on any market like stock, crypto, forex, gold, indices...
4. All traders who are new or experienced traders
5. All traders who are swing or scalping traders
🔶 The purpose of indicator
This indicator will give you alert and information about your mental health to know :
1. When you need to stop analyzation
2. When you can continue analyzing chart without any worries
3. Choosing your best emotion period to analyze to give out the best decision
4. Always "Empty your mind" during analyzation
🔶 How will indicator appear on chart
After you added it on chart, indicator will appear at your top right corner of chart. You can change it to Top-center as above chart by setting that I will guide you right on below.
In general, you can see two data :
1. Analyzation time : That's period that you used to analyze now by seconds and minutes
2. Metal status : Your mental status during analyzation
We will have 3 status as : Good- You're on a very good status to start analyzing. This infomation will be shown as green color. We can remember color better than words so I added more color.
Normal - Your brain are on a normal status that you still continue analyzing. This infomation will be shown as white color.
MANIPULATED - Your brain is very TIRED and you must close chart to take a rest. This infomation will be shown as red color.
🔶 How to use indicator You should focus on Metal status mostly with below guidance :
1. Good: You're on a nice status to give out the best decision. Normally, you should analyze a chart less than 3 minutes as default to always stay on the best status during analyzation.
2. Normal : It is better to prepare to take a rest. You can continue analyzing without any worries.
3. MANIPULATED : You will be manipulated by market easily to give out the wrong decisions. You need to close chart now.
🔶 INPUT value 1. Minute : Analyzation time as minute value 2. Second : Analyzation time as second value 3. Your Alert message: A message to remind yourself if analyzation time is ended. 4. Font size : The size of texts in this indicator. You can choose from tiny to Huge size 5. Location : The position of indicator on chart. You can put it from bottom to top and left to right as your favorite.
🔶 Setting ALERT If you prefer to receive a remind from Indicator than checking Mental status on indicator table
You can set alert by Tradingview with below steps : 1. Click to Alert on top middle of chart (tool bar) 2. At Condition, choose NCI mental health 3. Click to Create
Indicator will send you alert if your analyzation time now is over your Input value. You should close chart and stop analyzation to avoid giving wrongly decision.
Warm regards, Jayce
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