
Library "MathComplexArray"
Array methods to handle complex number arrays.

new(size, initial_complex) Prototype to initialize a array of complex numbers.
  • size: size of the array.
  • initial_complex: Complex number to be used as default value, in the form of array [real, imaginary].

Returns: float array, pseudo complex Array in the form of a array [0:real, 1:imaginary, 2:real, 3:imaginary,...]

get(id, index) Get the complex number in a array, in the form of a array [real, imaginary]
  • id: float array, ID of the array.
  • index: int, Index of the complex number.

Returns: float array, pseudo complex number in the form of a array [real, imaginary]

set(id, index, complex_number) Sets the values complex number in a array.
  • id: float array, ID of the array.
  • index: int, Index of the complex number.
  • complex_number: float array, Complex number, in the form: [real, imaginary].

Returns: Void, updates array id.

push(id, complex_number) Push the values into a complex number array.
  • id: float array, ID of the array.
  • complex_number: float array, Complex number, in the form: [real, imaginary].

Returns: Void, updates array id.

pop(id, complex_number) Pop the values from a complex number array.
  • id: float array, ID of the array.
  • complex_number: float array, Complex number, in the form: [real, imaginary].

Returns: Void, updates array id.

to_string(id, format) Reads a array of complex numbers into a string, of the form: "[ [a+bi], ... ]""
  • id: float array, ID of the array.
  • format: string, format of the number conversion, default='#.##########'.

Returns: string, translated complex array into string.
릴리즈 노트
v2 update for type, except for to_string() the library is mostly deprecated now since its possible to use array methods directly with types.

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