Qty Calculator

This Pine Script indicator, titled "Qty Calculator," is a customizable tool designed to assist traders in managing their trades by calculating key metrics related to risk management. It takes into account your total capital, entry price, stop-loss level, and desired risk percentage to provide a comprehensive overview of potential trade outcomes.
Key Features:
User Inputs:
Total Capital: The total amount of money available for trading.
Entry Price: The price at which the trader enters the trade.
Stop Loss: The price level at which the trade will automatically close to prevent further losses.
Risk Percentage: The percentage of the total capital that the trader is willing to risk on a single trade.
Customizable Table:
Position: The indicator allows you to choose the position of the table on the chart, with options including top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, and bottom-right.
Size: You can adjust the number of rows and columns in the table to fit your needs.
Risk Management Calculations:
Difference Calculation: The difference between the entry price and the stop-loss level.
Risk Per Trade: Calculated as a percentage of your total capital.
Risk Levels: The indicator evaluates multiple risk levels (0.10%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1.00%) and calculates the quantity, capital per trade, percentage of total capital, and the risk amount associated with each level.
R-Multiples Calculation:
The indicator calculates potential profit levels at 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x the risk (R-Multiples), showing the potential gains if the trade moves in your favor by these multiples.
Table Display:
The table includes the following columns:
CapRisk%: Displays the risk percentage.
Qty: The quantity of the asset you should trade.
Cap/Trade: The capital allocated per trade.
%OfCapital: The percentage of total capital used in the trade.
Risk Amount: The monetary risk taken on each trade.
R Gains: Displays potential gains at different R-Multiples.
This indicator is particularly useful for traders who prioritize risk management and want to ensure that their trades are aligned with their capital and risk tolerance. By providing a clear and customizable table of critical metrics, it helps traders make informed decisions and better manage their trading strategies.
educationalPortfolio managementstatistics

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