EMA cross 5&10 standard-setting with add on of BUY/SELL signal ( GC & DC) which will make the traders have an indication of buy and sell easily and clearly.

An exponential moving average strategy, or EMA strategy, is used to identify the predominant trend in the market. It can also provide the support and resistance level to execute your trade. Indicators: v4 (default setting), EMA 5 10 Crossover (default setting)
Preferred Time Frame(s):15-Minute, 30-Minute, 1-Hour, 4-Hour, 1-Day


Long Entry Rules

Enter a buy in the market if the following indicator or chart pattern takes center stage:

If the blue upward pointing arrow of the EMA 5 10 Crossover custom indicator gets aligned just somewhat below the candlesticks as seen in Fig. 1.0, the market sentiment is said to be bullish, hence a trigger to go long on the pair of interest.
If the light blue line of the custom indicator gets outlined just below price bars as illustrated in Fig. 1.0, price is said to be pushed somewhat higher i.e. a trigger to buy the asset of focus.

Exit Strategy/Take Profit for Buy Entry

Exit or take profit if the following rules or conditions takes precedence:

If the red downward pointing arrow of the EMA 5 10 Crossover custom indicator forms above price bars as depicted in Fig. 1.0 while a buy signal is ongoing in the market, a possible price dip is said to be looming, as such an exit or take profit is advised.
If the red line of the custom indicator forms above the candlestick during a bullish trend, it is a pointer to a possible price dip, hence an exit or take profit is advised.
Moving Averages

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