Library "DatasetWeatherTokyoMeanAirTemperature" Provides a data set of the monthly mean air temperature (°C) for the city of Tokyo in Japan. this was just for fun, no financial implications in this. reference: TOKYO WMO Station ID:47662 Lat 35o41.5'N Lon 139o45.0'E
year_() the years of the data set. Returns: array<int> : year values.
january() the january values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for january.
february() the february values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for february.
march() the march values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for march.
april() the april values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for april.
may() the may values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for may.
june() the june values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for june.
july() the july values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for july.
august() the august values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for august.
september() the september values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for september.
october() the october values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for october.
november() the november values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for november.
december() the december values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for december.
annual() the annual values of the dataset Returns: array\<float> : data values for annual.
select_month(idx) get the temperature values for a specific month. Parameters: idx: int, month index (1 -> 12 | any other value returns annual average values). Returns: array\<float> : data values for selected month.
select_value(year_, month_) get the temperature value of a specified year and month. Parameters: year_: int, year value. month_: int, month index (1 -> 12 | any other value returns annual average values). Returns: float : value of specified year and month.
diff_to_median(month_) the difference of the month air temperature (ºC) to the median of the sample. Parameters: month_: int, month index (1 -> 12 | any other value returns annual average values). Returns: float : difference of current month to median in (Cº)
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