Hourly Ranges [QuantVue]

The "Hourly Ranges" indicator is designed to track and visualize the price ranges for each hour of the trading day. It calculates the difference between the high and low prices, as well as the differences between the high and open, and the open and low prices for each hourly candle. This data is stored and used to draw range lines on the chart.

This indicator is particularly useful for traders who want to monitor how price behaves during specific hours, identify potential support and resistance levels, and make trading decisions based on historical hourly price data.

Traders can use the hourly ranges to gauge market volatility and set expectations for price movement within each hour. The drawn levels on the chart represent the average high (resistance) and low (support) price ranges for each hour. These levels can serve as potential entry or exit points for trades, offering clear markers for setting stop-loss or take-profit orders.

By observing how price interacts with these hourly levels, traders can confirm trends or spot reversals. For example, if the price repeatedly touches and bounces off a specific hourly support level, it could indicate strong buying interest at that level.


The average range calculation gives traders a sense of the typical price movement during specific hours. This helps in assessing whether the market is more volatile during certain periods, which can be crucial for adjusting trading strategies and position sizing.

This indicator is particularly useful for traders who want to monitor how price behaves during specific hours, identify potential support and resistance levels, and make trading decisions based on historical hourly price data.
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