Session min/max points

An improved version for minimum and maximum in a day trading session. You can choose the session resolution, it ranges from 1 minute to 1 week.

It works well for stocks and non-extended sessions due to security() function limitations.

Any suggestions, please leave a comment.

Happy trading.
릴리즈 노트
Upgraded version of Session min/max points indicator!

  • Options to plot the local min/max and global min/max values.
  • Find real local values (min and max).
  • Compare local to global values (min and max) in order to draw points more accurately. Scope of global values are given by the timeframe.
  • Since in a timeframe basis yields a different low and high from the current chart, an error tolerance input was added.
  • Accuracy in general was improved!
릴리즈 노트
New changes:
  • Added plotting local and global min/max lines.
  • Added configurable long (500d), mid (50d) and short (20d) EMAs.

I set show min/max lines by default, but you can hide them on the checkboxes at the indicator settings.

Let me know if you have any suggestion!
Bands and ChannelsExponential Moving Average (EMA)EMAShighLOWmaximumminimumPivot points and levelspointssession

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