
Library "EagleEyeEmbeds"
Pine Script library to build out a webhook that is catered to Discord Embed


discordWebhookJSON(contentText, username, avatar_url, embeds)
  Constructs a JSON string for a Discord webhook message. This string includes optional fields for content, username, avatar URL, and embeds.
    contentText (string): (string, optional): The main text content of the webhook message. Default is 'na'.
    username (string): (string, optional): Overrides the default username of the webhook. Default is 'na'.
    avatar_url (string): (string, optional): Overrides the default avatar URL of the webhook. Default is 'na'.
    embeds (string): (string, optional): A string containing one or more embed JSON objects. This should be formatted correctly as a JSON array. Default is 'na'.

createEmbedJSON(title, description, url, thumbImgUrl, color, authorName, authorUrl, authorIconUrl, fields, imageUrl, timeStamp, footerText, footerIconUrl)
  Creates a JSON string for a single embed object for a Discord webhook.
    title (string): (string, optional): The title of the embed. Default is 'na' (not applicable).
    description (string): (string, optional): The description text of the embed. Supports basic formatting. Default is 'na'.
    url (string)
    thumbImgUrl (string)
    color (int): (int, optional): The color code of the embed, typically in decimal format. Default is 'na'.
    authorName (string): (string, optional): The name of the author to display in the embed. Default is 'na'.
    authorUrl (string): (string, optional): The URL linked to the author's name. Default is 'na'.
    authorIconUrl (string): (string, optional): The URL of the icon to display next to the author's name. Default is 'na'.
    fields (string): (string, optional): A string containing one or more field JSON objects. This should be formatted correctly as a JSON array. Default is 'na'. Note: Use the 'createEmbedFieldJSON' function to generate these JSON field strings before adding them to the array.
    imageUrl (string)
    timeStamp (string)
    footerText (string): (string, optional): The footer text to display in the embed.
    footerIconUrl (string): (string, optional): The URL of the icon to display next to the footer text.

createEmbedFieldJSON(name, value, inline)
  Creates a JSON string representing a single field object within an embed for a Discord webhook message.
    name (string): (string): The name of the field, acting as a title for the field content.
    value (string): (string): The value of the field, containing the actual text or information you want to display within the field.
    inline (bool): (bool, optional): A boolean flag indicating whether the field should be displayed inline with other fields. If set to true, the field will be displayed on the same line as the next field

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