All in One


Inputs for Lines

1. Last Price - Price follows the candle. Bullish candle - price level green, Bearish candle - price level red
2. Daily Open - Today's Daily Open line. Price above Daily open line - color green, Price below Daily open line - color red
3. Previous High Low/b] - Shows Yesterday's High Low lines. (PH - Previous High, PL - Previous Low) Yesterday's Range (Pips range)
4. Daily Zone - Shows Zones calculated by 5% of Yesterday's Range. High Low zones
Color - Color option for Previous High Low, Daily Zone and Daily range

Inputs for PPL's

1. Show PPL 300 pips range - Shows Round numbers between 300 pips range. Follows price. (PPL-Perfect Price Levels .500 1.000 levels
2. Show Minor PPL - Shows round numbers between 50 pips range. Minor PPL .200 .800 levels
3. Add PPL 500 pips range/b] - Shows round numbers between 500 pips range.

Inputs for Session

Show X days Candle History - Shows X days Forex Session open close candle history. 0 shows only today's session.
1. Show Full candle history - Shows all days Session open close candle history. For Replay mode. Default is false
2. PreLondon Open candle - Arrow appears above or below candle.(PL - PreLondon 2 hours before London Open) Bullish candle - green arrow below the candle, Bearish candle - red arrow above the candle
3. London Open Close - Arrow appears above or below candle.(LO - London Open, LC - London Close) Bullish candle - green arrow below the candle, Bearish candle - red arrow above the candle
4. Newyork Open Close - Arrow appears above or below candle.(NO - Newyork Open, NC - Newyork Close) Bullish candle - green arrow below the candle, Bearish candle - red arrow above the candle
5. Daylight Saving Time shift? - Arrow shifts 1 hour.(Winter time - Oct to Mar, Summer time - Mar to Oct) Default is for summer time


1. Labels - Shows labels and prices for lines. DO price, PH and PL prices, Daily Pips range and PPL price levels
2. Lines - Shows lines and Last Session break. DO line, PH and PL lines, Daily zone lines, Last Session break and PPL lines[/i

Recommended Forex brokers -, OANDO, FXCM, Saxo and CURRENCYCOM for indicies
dailyopeninstitutionallevelslastpriceperfectpricelevelPPLprevioushighlowsessionopenSupport and Resistanceyesterdayhighyesterdaylow

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