
Library "Tooltip"
This library helps creating and managing nice looking data (key/value) tooltips that you can use for
labels. The tooltips data key/value will align automatically. It is optional to convert the data to a values only string too.

method addSpacesToKey(this)
  Calculates the amount of spaces needed after the key to make it the key least 4 characters wide.
  Namespace types: Data
    this (Data): (Data) The Data.

method addTabs(this, longestKeyLength)
  Calculates the amount of tabs to be used.
  Namespace types: Data
    this (Data): (Data) The Data.
    longestKeyLength (int)

method longestKeyLength(this)
  Returns the length of the longest key string in the array.
  Namespace types: Data[]
    this (Data[]): (Tooltip) The object to work with.
return (int) The length of the key.

method toString(tooltips, withKey)
  Helper function for the tooltip.
  Namespace types: Data[]
    tooltips (Data[])
    withKey (bool): (bool) Wether to create a string with keys in it.
return (string) The string

  Creates a new array to store tooltip data in
return (Data) The data array.

  Key/Value pair for tooltips
    key (series string)
    value (series string)
릴리즈 노트
v2 | Fixed bug where amount of tabs and spaces were calculated incorrectly when the key was shorter than the size of a tab (4 chars)

method fill(this, longestKeyLength)
  Calculates the amount of spaces and tabs to align all values.
  Namespace types: Data
    this (Data): (Data) The Data.
    longestKeyLength (int)

method addSpacesToKey(this)
  Calculates the amount of spaces needed after the key to make it the key least 4 characters wide.

method addTabs(this, longestKeyLength)
  Calculates the amount of tabs to be used.
릴리즈 노트
v3 | Fixed more alignment bugs.

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