Comparative Relative Strength Autoselect

Comparative Relative Strength (CRS) is a relative momentum indicator, used to compare a security against an index, or against another security. The comparison is used to show the relative performance to each other.

This script is a Quality of Life improvement, which attempts to match the base symbol to its relevant index on the local stock exchange. Thus automagically selecting the best and most relevant comparative symbol.

*optional comparative symbol override, in case your favourite index is not included in this script, or you want to force it to function as as a traditional cRS script without the autoselect feature.

* optional moving average crossover line

* optional absolute momentum calculation, calculating the excess return of the basesymbol and comparativesymbol against its own simple moving average.
릴리즈 노트
* added a zero cross line
* changed default settings
Relative Strength Comparison

오픈 소스 스크립트

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