

Library "ColorExtension"
Color Extension methods.

hsl(hue, saturation, lightness, transparency) HSL color transform.
  • hue: float, hue color component, hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 is red, 120 is green, 240 is blue.
  • saturation: float, saturation color component, saturation is a percentage value, 0 means a shade of gray and 100 is the full color.
  • lightness: float, lightness color component, Lightness is also a percentage; 0 is black, 100 is white.
  • transparency: float, transparency color component, transparency is also a percentage; 0 is opaque, 100 is transparent.

Returns: color

rgb_to_hsl(red, green, blue) Convert RGB to HSL color values
  • red: float, red color component.
  • green: float, green color component.
  • blue: float, blue color component.

Returns: tuple with 3 float values, hue, saturation and lightness.

complement(primary) Complementary of selected color
  • primary: color, the primary

Returns: color.

invert(primary) Inverts selected color.
  • primary: color, the primary.

Returns: color.

is_cool(base) Color is cool or warm.
  • base: color, the color to check.

Returns: bool.

temperature(base) Color temperature.
  • base: color, the color to check.

Returns: bool.

is_high_key(base) Color is high key (orange yellow green).
  • base: color, the color to check.

Returns: bool.

mix(base, mix, rate) Mix two colors together.
  • base: color, the base color.
  • mix: color, the color to mix.
  • rate: float, default=0.5, the rate of mixture, range within 0.0 and 1.0.

Returns: color.

analog(primary) Selects 2 near spectrum colors (H +/- 45).
  • primary: color, the base color.

Returns: tuple with 2 colors.

triadic(primary) Selects 2 far spectrum colors (H +/- 120).
  • primary: color, the base color.

Returns: tuple with 2 colors.

tetradic(primary) Uses primary and the complementary color, + 60º to form a rectangular pattern on the color wheel.
  • primary: color, the base color.

Returns: tuple with 3 colors.

square(primary) Uses primary and generate 3 equally spaced (90º) colors.
  • primary: color, the base color.

Returns: tuple with 3 colors.
릴리즈 노트
updated description.
릴리즈 노트
added new functions:

shift_hue(base, angle) Shift the hue/angle of the provided color.
  • base: color, base color.
  • angle: float, angle to shift the hue of the base color.

Returns: color.

saturate(base, rate) Saturate the provided color by a rate of the difference to its maximum.
  • base: color, base color.
  • rate: float, default=0.5, rate to saturate the base color (the higher the saturation of the color the less the effect).

Returns: color.

desaturate(base, rate) Desaturate the provided color by a rate of the difference to its minimum.
  • base: color, base color.
  • rate: float, default=0.5, rate to desaturate the base color (the lower the saturation of the color the less the effect).

Returns: color.

lighten(base, rate) lighten the provided color by a rate of the difference to its maximum.
  • base: color, base color.
  • rate: float, default=0.5, rate to lighten the base color (the higher the lightness of the color the less the effect).

Returns: color.

darken(base, rate) darken the provided color by a rate of the difference to its minimum.
  • base: color, base color.
  • rate: float, default=0.5, rate to darken the base color (the lower the lightness of the color the less the effect).

Returns: color.
릴리즈 노트
improved some code and added:
color_to_hsl(base) Convert the provided color into HSL values.
  • base: color, base color.

Returns: tuple with 3 floats.


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