Quantitative Backtesting Panel + ROI Table - Shorts

This script is an aggregate of a backtesting panel with quantitative metrics, ROI table and open ROI reader. It also contains a mechanism for having a fixed percentage stop loss, similar to native TV backtester. For shorts only.

Backtesting Panel:
- Certain metrics are color coded, with green being good performance, orange being neutral, red being undesirable.

• ROI : return with the system, in %
• ROI(COMP=1): return if money is compounded at a rate of 100%
• Hit rate: accuracy of the system, as a %
• Profit factor: gross profit/gross loss
• Maximum drawdown: the maximum value from a peak to a successive trough of the system's equity curve
• MAE: Maximum Adverse Excursion. The biggest loss of a trade suffered while the position is still open
• Total trades: total number of closed trades
• Max gain/max loss: shows the biggest win over the biggest loss suffered
• Sharpe ratio: measures the performance of the system with adjusted risk (no comparison to risk-free asset)
• CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate. The mean annual rate of growth of the system of n years (provided n>1)
• Kurtosis: measures how heavily the tails of the distribution differ from that of a normal distribution (symmetric on both sides of mean where mean=0, standard deviation=1). A normal distribution has a kurtosis of 3, and skewness of 0. The kurtosis indicates whether or not the tails of the returns contain extreme values
• Skewness: measures the symmetry of the distribution of returns

- Leptokurtic: K > 0. Having more kurtosis than a normal distribution. It's stretched up and to the side too (2nd pic down). High kurtosis (leptokurtic) is bad as the wider tails (called heavy tails) suggest there is relatively high probability of extreme events
- Mesokurtic: K =0. Having the same kurtosis as a normal distribution
- Platykurtic: K < 0. Having less kurtosis than a normal distribution. This suggests there are light tails and fewer extreme events in the distribution

- Skewness is good: +/- 0.5 (fairly symmetrical)
- Skewness is average: -1 to -0.5 or 0.5 to 1 (moderately skewed)
- Skewness is bad: > +/- 1 (highly skewed)

Evolving ROI table:
- The table of ROI values evolve with the year and month. The sum of each year is given. Please avoid using it on non-cryptocurrencies or any market whose trading session is not 24/7

Open ROI reader:
- At the top center is the open ROI of a trade

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