[b ]Original version: Open Close Cross Strategy R5 revised by JustUncle.
Change: script changed to a study script with custom alerts.
This revision is an open Public release, with just some minor changes. It is a revision of the Strategy "Open Close Cross Strategy R2" originally published by @JayRogers. Revised by JustUncleL
Description: Strategy based around Open-Close Moving Average Crossovers optionally from a higher time frame.
Read more about the indicator original script Klik here
Use this as overlayer on the original strategy to set custom alerts. Info: with this study script no buy/sell arrows show up op the chart.
Does some know a solution for this issue: Issue: sometimes it gives a false signal because even when you set "one per bar close" the custom set alert might come halfway the bar....and it might be a false signal when the bar is closed Does somone know a fix for this? I tried with barstate.iscomfirmed but it didn't work for me.
Ps. I'm not a developer...just changed the scipt by watching a youtube tutorial.
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