[blackcat] L5 HSL Trend (Stock ONLY)


This is a novel HSL (Turnover Rate) indicator which use colored columns to indicate market status. Here turnover refers to the transaction in which stocks are transferred from Trader A to Trader B. Turnover rate (HSL): refers to the ratio of the trading volume in a certain period of time to the total number of outstanding shares of the stock, which is one of the indicators reflecting the liquidity of the stock.


It should be noted here that it must be divided by the circulating market, because the circulating market is real and can be circulated, and it is a bargaining chip that retail investors and main players can buy and sell, so the ruling is more representative. The turnover rate (HSL) is used for market research and judgment to help traders track the activity of individual stocks. Generally, the higher the turnover rate of a stock, the more active the stock is; otherwise, the more sluggish the stock is, The less the market pursuers: when the daily turnover rate is less than 1%, it is called absolute land volume. 1%-3% is called land volume or low volume, 3%-5% is called slightly active, 5%-8% is called volume, 8%-10% is heavy volume, 10%-25% is huge volume, 25 % or more is abnormal transaction.
1. Land volume or downturn indicates that the transaction is relatively inactive; the stock price will generally maintain the original running trend, mostly consolidating or falling, except for the stocks with high control;
2. A little activity and volume indicate that the transaction is active;
3. Heavy volume, huge volume and abnormal transaction indicate that the transaction is warm; if it occurs at a low level, it is likely to be the main purchase; if it occurs at a high level, it is likely to be the main shipment.


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