Bill Williams. Alligator, Fractals & Res/Sup combined (by vlkvr)

Bill Williams indicators (each separately) are simple and quite self-sufficient, however, are most often used together. The key ones (Alligator and Fractals) are freely available and everyone can use them, but why use them on the chart separately, when "together more fun", and not conceivable, in my opinion, they are one without the other.
So, I present "split/copypasta" of two key indicators of Bill Williams, plus (as a bonus) visualization of "Support/Resistance" levels (and in fact, lines from extremes or the same fractals).
As a result, before you indicator "three-in-one".
릴리즈 노트
Reworked the fractal code according to the original
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change only preview
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Sorry for spam, just I wanted to make a nice preview.
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Мigration to pine-script version 3.
Added icons to the control panel.
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preview changed
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change default color of Res/Sup
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nothing, just preview
Alligator IndicatorSupport and ResistanceWilliams Fractal

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