Volume Price and Fundamentals

Volume Price and Fundamentals indicators contains 4 exponential moving averages based upon Fibonnaci numbers as period (8, 21, 55 & 144) with crossovers and crossunders.
It also contain a table for volume and 50 Day Avg. Volume, Relative volume, Change in Volume, Volume Value, Up-Down Closing Basis days in last 50 days, Volume ratio (U/D Ratio) on last 50-day Up / Down days and along with fundamental analysis table with various Fundamental Analysis parameters and QoQ & YoY comparison basis for better investment decision making.
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)emacrossoverFundamental Analysisfundamental-analysisrelativevolumetablevolumeanalysisVOLUMEBREAKOUTvolumepriceanalysis

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