Sub-Super Script and Roman numerals Library

Library "Sub_Super_Script_and_RomanNumerals_Library"
Library to transform numbers into Roman numerals / Super-Sub script / check if value is alpha or number

  check to see if value is a number
    input: (string/float/int) value to check
  Returns: (na) if value is NOT a number and input (string/float/int) if value is a number

  check a string if it is alpha(doesnt contain numbers)
  Returns: (string) if string input does NOT contain numbers, return (na) if input string contains numbers

  convert a string's numbers from normal print to super-script [0⁰1¹2²3³4⁴5⁵6⁶7⁷8⁸9⁹]
    num: (string/int/float) input value to transform
  Returns: string of input with numbers converted to super-script

  convert a string's numbers from normal print to sub-script [0₀1₁2₂3₃4₄5₅6₆7₇8₈9₉]
    num: (string/int/float) input value to transform
  Returns: string of input with numbers converted to sub-script

roman(num, trunc)
  convert a string of numbers, float, or int
    num: (string) input number to transform
    trunc: (bool | false) true to truncate float value, false to show roman numerals with decimals (XX.VI)
  Returns: string of roman numerals representing the input (num)
릴리즈 노트
릴리즈 노트
v3 commented out use case code for speed

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