Overview The Correlation Confluence Trend Indicator combines exponential moving averages (EMAs) and statistical correlation measures to identify high-confidence trend alignments between an asset and a benchmark. By filtering signals through correlation strength, this indicator highlights opportunities when the asset and benchmark move together. In other words, it defines a trend and then uses correlation strength and the trend of a second asset to identify high-confidence trends.
Key Features
Dual EMA Trend Analysis: Calculates fast and slow EMAs for both the asset and the selected benchmark (e.g., SPY) to identify bullish and bearish trends.
Correlation Strength Filtering: Evaluates correlation between the asset and benchmark, identifying stronger-than-average relationships based on the mean and standard deviation.
Background Color Coding: - Green: Strong correlation, both asset and benchmark bullish. - Aqua: Weak correlation, both asset and benchmark bullish. - Red: Strong correlation, both asset and benchmark bearish. - Fuchsia: Weak correlation, both asset and benchmark bearish. - Orange: Strong correlation, benchmark bullish, asset bearish. - Yellow: Weak correlation, benchmark bullish, asset bearish. - Purple: Strong correlation, benchmark bearish, asset bullish. - Lime: Weak correlation, benchmark bearish, asset bullish.
Visual Trend Indicators: Plots fast and slow EMAs for the asset, dynamically colored based on aggregate trend signals. The color of this corresponds to the main trend signal.
Benchmark Symbol: Symbol of the benchmark asset to compare against.
Fast EMA Length: Period for the fast EMA calculation.
Slow EMA Length: Period for the slow EMA calculation.
Correlation Length: Number of bars for correlation calculation.
Correlation Mean Length: Number of bars for mean and standard deviation calculation.
Std Dev Multiplier: Multiplier for standard deviation to define correlation strength. When the correlation is Std Dev Multiplier standard deviations above the mean, it counts as a strong correlation.
Set Background Color: Toggle background coloring on or off.
Notes This indicator is primarily designed for trend-following strategies. By combining trend analysis and correlation filtering, it ensures that signals occur during aligned market conditions, reducing false signals.
Before incorporating this indicator into your trading strategy:
Always backtest on historical data to evaluate its performance before committing capital.
Use proper risk management to control position sizes and mitigate potential losses.
Remember that no indicator guarantees success. I'm quite proud of this one, but it's not the holy grail.
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