Library "MarketAnalysis" A collection of frequently used market analysis functions in my scripts.
bullFibRet(priceLow, priceHigh, fibLevel) Calculates a bullish fibonacci retracement value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given retracement level.
bearFibRet(priceLow, priceHigh, fibLevel) Calculates a bearish fibonacci retracement value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given retracement level.
bullFibExt(priceLow, priceHigh, thirdPivot, fibLevel) Calculates a bullish fibonacci extension value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. thirdPivot (float): (float) The third price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given extension level.
bearFibExt(priceLow, priceHigh, thirdPivot, fibLevel) Calculates a bearish fibonacci extension value. Parameters: priceLow (float): (float) The lowest price point. priceHigh (float): (float) The highest price point. thirdPivot (float): (float) The third price point. fibLevel (float): (float) The fibonacci level to calculate. Returns: The fibonacci value of the given extension level.
진정한 TradingView 정신에 따라, 저자는 이 파인 코드를 다른 파인 프로그래머들이 재사용할 수 있도록 오픈 소스 라이브러리로 공개했습니다. 저자에게 박수를 보냅니다! 이 라이브러리는 개인적으로 사용하거나 다른 오픈 소스 출판물에서 사용할 수 있지만, 이 코드를 출판물에서 재사용하는 것은 하우스 룰에 의해 관리됩니다.