Smart Money Tracker - Multi Time Frame

Instructions to combine multiple instance of the indicator to form a larger grid

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Update to sample picture
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Fixed issue with repainting
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  • Fixed issue where the entered exchange was getting ignored and instead defaulting to the tradingview default for the tickers.
  • Added colour option for equal values.

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  • Minor update to Default Exchange handling.
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  • Bullish/Bearish colours are now customizable - as requested by @kiltedfxtrader
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  • Added Functionality To:
  • Toggle time frame 3 on/off (When on, time frame 3 is now set to the chart time frame)
  • Toggle ticker selection on/off
  • Toggle time frame header on/off
  • Added additional grid positions
  • Reduced label sizes to cut down on screen space usage
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smartmoneyTrend Analysis

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