This script doesn't give buy or sell signals.
It gives the following references to make intraday trading decisions,
PDH - Previous day high
PDL - Previous day Low
PWH - Previous week High - Only gets printed when the difference between PWH and PDH is 2%
PWL - Previous week Low - Only gets printed when the difference between PWL and PDL is 2%
PMH - Previous month High - Only gets printed when the difference between PMH and PDH is 4%
PML - Previous month Low - Only gets printed when the difference between PML and PDL is 4%
CWH - Current week High - Only gets printed when the difference between CWH and PDH is 2%
CWL - Current week Low - Only gets printed when the difference between CWL and PDL is 2%
CMH - Current Month High - Only gets printed when the difference between CMH and PDH is 4%
CML - Current Month Low - Only gets printed when the difference between CML and PDL is 4%
Strong Zone or High Probability Zone - This is the zone where multiple high/low matches and painted with a different color and it doesn't mark with any text.