

This library provides functions to create and display a Hinton Map visualization. A Hinton map uses squares to represent the magnitude and direction of values in a matrix. This library allows you to display multiple ticker/timeframe/indicator combinations on a single chart, using color/boxsize/bnordersize to represent the values used. The values must be from -1.0 to 1.0 in value. 3 different values can be input per square.

Example Usage:

The example below demonstrates how to create a Hinton Map for two symbols (AAPL and MSFT) across three timeframes (1 minute, 5 minutes, and 1 day).

█ createHintonUnit
 Creates a Hinton unit.

  Value to determine the fill color hue.
  Type: float
  Default Value: 0.0

  Value to determine the border color hue and width.
  Type: float
  Default Value: 0.0

  Value to determine the inner box color hue.
  Type: float
  Default Value: 0.0

  Text to display in the inner box.
  Type: dv.DisplayValue
  Default Value: na

  Tooltip text for the inner box.
  Type: dv.DisplayValue
  Default Value: na
Returns: HintonUnit

█ initHintonData
 Initializes Hinton map data structure.

  Number of rows.
  Type: int

  Number of columns.
  Type: int
Returns: HintonData

█ drawHintonMap
 Draws a Hinton map.

  Hinton map data.
  Type: HintonData

  Size of each unit in bars.
  Type: int
  Default Value: 10

  Base width of the inner box border.
  Type: int
  Default Value: 5

  Hue value for positive values (0-360).
  Type: float
  Default Value: 180

  Hue value for negative values (0-360).
  Type: float
  Default Value: -30

█ HintonUnit
 Data for a Hinton unit.

  Value to determine the fill color hue.
  Type: float

  Value to determine the border color hue and width.
  Type: float

  Value to determine the inner box color hue.
  Type: float

  Text to display in the inner box.
  Type: dv.DisplayValue

  Tooltip text for the inner box.
  Type: dv.DisplayValue

█ HintonData
 Structure to store Hinton map data.

  Matrix of Hinton units.
  Type: matrix<HintonUnit>

  Matrix of lines.
  Type: matrix<line>

  Matrix of labels.
  Type: matrix<label>

  Matrix of boxes.
  Type: matrix<box>

  Matrix of line fills.
  Type: matrix<linefill>


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