SFC Macroeconomics 2

Macroeconomics is the most important part of the financial markets. If the trader/investor could predict the economic cycles, the chance of making money is much greater.

This is the second macroeconomic indicator, which gives us a more detailed picture of yields and some leading indicators. Trying to predict a recession is the main goal.

The indicator is showing:
- Yield curve
- 2-10Y Yield spred
- All Yields spread
- Yield Comparison between two countries
- Recessionary leading indicators

How to use:
-Load the indicator and see observe the yield curves and how the market moves.
-Use leading indicators to predict recession

By combining the indicator with the first version, investors/traders could get a complete picture of the economy situation and what the current phase of the business cycle is.

Yellow colour - leading indicators
Orange colour - legging indicators

Before using this indicator, traders/investors need a basic understanding of macroeconomics. A good knowledge is required to take advantage of the indicator and create economic analysis.


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