BadaBing Ichimoku

signals with a "bada" when the conversionLine crosses the base line

signals with "bing" when:
1. cloud is bullish
2. future cloud is bullish
3. conversion line is above base line
4. base line is above cloud
5. price crosses above conversion line

(the short "bing" is when all the above conditions are false)

this just kind of codifies one of the simplest and safest ichimoku signals

profit taking is not detailed here...

a bada followed shortly by a bing is the best signal

improvements for later:

- I think I maxed out the number of plot calls. maybe need to split ichimoku plot itself from the signals
- add volatility filter using cloud width
- add overextension check by checking distance from conversion line (historically ive used an ATR buffer for this)
릴리즈 노트
hopefully decluttered the display a bit by showing which indicators are bullish/bearish with color changes
Ichimoku CloudTrend Analysis

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