Ehler Bandpass Trigger Oscillator

This is based off of Ehler's Bandpass Filter system (link below slides 15-17). Essentially Ehler runs a band pass with a given period to detrend the price data and highlight a cycle with the given frequency(length). This represents the In phase cycle. Ehler then creates the trigger line by taking the one bar momentum of the In Phase line, multiplying by 2Pi and then using this to create a 60 degree leading signal. The triggers are crossovers of the In Phase and Lead lines. You can also use conservative signals by waiting for the In Phase line to trend in the direction of the trigger crossover as well.

Length represent the cycle period you want to highlight.
Delta represents how much to influence the oscillator by the price (Delta 0 is a perfect wave)

Thanks to HPotter for the BandPass Filter code, which I used as a base for implementing the rest of the system


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