Multiple Moving Avg MTF Table

This script replaces the other script that was just the SMAs that where in a Multi Time Frame Table as this was a redo of that one and this one is SO MUCH MORE!!!!

Not only does this one do the Simple Moving Avg 5, 10, 20, 50, 120, 200 into a table that shows Current/Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly ( 3M )/ Yearly. It now does Exponential Moving Avg , Weighted Moving Avg , and Volume Weight Moving Avg along with Simple Moving Avg.

I still use this script so that you can quickly capture the values so that short-term, and long-term resistance and support can be determined during market hours. Even better now you can select between SMA / EMA / WMA /or VWMA .

The table will change to the values based on the Choice of the type of Moving Avg and if you change the default values.

Now it will take a little bit for the table to show up, so please be patient. I have tested it with stocks, forex, and crypto.

릴리즈 노트
quick code update.
릴리즈 노트
Updated some code
1. Adding SMA Mobile sized tabled (sadly ran into too many IF statements so might revisit it later)
2. Changed the code for the plots to display=display.none so that all of the plots are not show until YOU select them.
릴리즈 노트
Changes the text color from black to white on the marron MA 5 line in the able to make it more visible.
릴리즈 노트
Updated the code for the text to be changed in the settings for

As you can see in the image you can now change the size on the fly based on your device you are using and the number of charts you have open by it not taking up real estate on the chart.

Exponential Moving Average (EMA)mtfanalysismtfemamtfmamulti-timeframemultitimeframeSimple Moving Average (SMA)tableswmas

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