Rate of change of most volatile JPY and GBP pairs. All pairs ending in JPY are red except GBPJPY (colored yellow --currently most volatile 7/2016). GBPNZD is blue, the other GBP pairs are green, lime and teal. GBPJPY and GBPNZD are my favorite day trading / swing trading pairs. This script allows me to see the action of the most volatile and liquid pairs on one screen. JPY pairs (ex-GBPJPY) are all red so that I see the flow of JPY not so much each pair and its name. Global movement of JPY is what I am after. Same for the coloring of GBP pairs as green expect GBPNZD as blue. ***** EURGBP is plotted as an opposite (with a negative in front of its sma. EURGBP is extremely correlated to GBPNZD, I decided to plot it also.
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