!!! If you want to use this tool for free you have to to following steps:
1) say thanks to LEGION who coded the first version. 2) say thanks to LAZYBEAR cause we ripped some code snippets from him. 3) say thanks to Ni6HTH4wK who coded the latest version. 4) say thanks to xSilas who gave the idea.
5) I know i said its a FREE Tool and you dont need to donate me cause i have Godmode :), but lets have a litte thought on all the people that are a bit poorer than us. It would be really great if we get some DOLLARS for a great charity action for children.
6) Feel free to spend some Bitcoins to this Address: 1BNjs1Prsux8YQawVWYfiYoxzoKzfReckX (i start and going to spend 1 BTC) (! the spended amount is revealed at the end!)
7) If you know said thankyou to everybody and may spend some dollars we can go on with Godmode trading.
8) Enjoy the Tool, merry Xmas and cheers for another great volatile bitcoin year :).
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