Add Volume of Multiple Securities

This tool can be used in so many ways but the most common use is adding the volume of multiple securities (Up to 39)

This is especially helpful when analyzing cryptocurrency/fiat pairs. The user can create their own custom index; a combination of any symbols they'd like.

It's also nice to see different combinations of volume when dealing with other markets;
Like gold as an example - it would be nice to see different combinations of futures volume or ETF volume layered OR added together in different ways.

There is an option to enable the use of the symbol - you can create a long list of useable symbols, then click through, enabling & disabling different combinations of securities; helps the user find what works best for their methodology.

There is an option to "divbyclose" or "Divide the volume by the closing price"...
You'll notice some exchanges price their volume in USD rather than in number of shares.
This option will divide the amount of volume by the closing price - effectively converts volume priced in USD into volume priced in "shares".

There is also a ratio option - once you have your index setup, you can multiply the total volume by any number, for any reason you would like.
In the shared chart example, I am multiplying the total by 0.1, bringing the volume down one power of 10 so that I can compare my custom index, geometrically, to the index created by Tradingview.
Layered on top of each other, I see some important differences in their shape and relative magnitude when large fluctuations occur.

I am also comparing those levels of volume with levels of price above (within the horizontal price structures shown).

The script can be VERY slow when you have added many securities together so be patient with it once you get about 5-10 securities added together.

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